(4 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Met him at a convention a few years ago (had him sign the pilot novelization) and was so happy to see he's the real deal in person.  Acted out a little Lord of the Rings for a young girl and was very jokey during our pic to make sure I smiled big.  ("Why does everyone at these conventions always have a better beard than mine?")

He also echoed the same things he's said over the years about how the show could still be running and had such potential.

All said... if he's ever in your area, it's well worth meeting him!

                                              Rantin' and Ravin' as Usual,



(406 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Looks like it was also a way back for Mulder as a character.  I liked how the writer had him give voice to various complaints people have had and could have had about a revival via Mulder's doubts.  But at the end of the episode, his faith was restored, so to speak.  And perhaps so for many more in the audience.

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(406 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

So, Scully is immortal. Given Scully's doubts about the man, she doesn't seem to believe or even be aware of this. Four episodes later, in "Monday," Scully dies in an explosion -- and then time is looped back to the beginning of the day. The timeloop continues to repeat -- until Scully lives.

... this is completely insane and something the show is now compelled to avoid referring to too often -- in that the 'realism' of the show is severely impeded if Scully becomes aware that she can't die. In the fictional reality of the series, we know Scully can't die so long as the actress lives. But it is a really peculiar choice to remove even the illusion of peril, to the point where every subsequent episode endangering Scully depends on you not immediately remembering that she is protected by a timeloop.


Thoughts on Scully saying she's immortal in last night's episode?  Definitely thrown out as a joke... but maybe meaning more, in the larger continuity sense? Especially considering the episode's writer was the one who wrote the Clyde Bruckman story pointing out Scully won't die.

I very much enjoyed the Kolchak outfit the were-lizard adopted.  Nice reference.

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Would it be possible to talk to one of the minor comic companies about a new set of Sliders comics?  Series such as Kolchak: The Night Stalker have returned in this form (even without the attention other comic continuations, such as X-Files, Buffy, Firefly, etc., have received).  Moonstone Books publishes Kolchak and numerous other properties that include old radio shows such as Johnny Dollar. 

I imagine obtaining the rights could be an issue, but it's likely a Sliders comic could have a larger waiting audience than many titles currently being published at those outlets.  Even a couple one-shot graphic novels could work well.

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Yeah, they could fade it.  Definitely right about them having to go to some dark places by the nature of the show.  For Gordon, that may - may- be about as dark as he can get.

So I guess my big question now is: how does Gordon bounce back from the mid-season finale?  I'm still surprised at the choice the writers had him make.