(50 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Personally, I thought the first two Fox movies captured the FF pretty well; but it was the FF of 1963.  When FF first started in comics, it was not serious at all.  In an early story, Doctor Doom was defeated and left on an asteroid to die in deep space.  A few issues later, we open with a scene of Stan Lee working in his office when suddenly Doom bursts through the door.  Stan is shocked and exclaims "How did you escape that asteroid?!"; and his answer is "Doom explains himself to no man!" before Doom grabs the phone and crank calls Reed.   Seriously.  That was it; and that's what Fantastic Four was.

Despite it's world endangering plots, Fantastic Four was conceived to be light.  In truth, we have already had a very successful Fantastic Four movie - it was called The Incredibles.  Brad Bird embraced the concept for what it was meant to be and people loved it.  Of course, Bird also had the opportunity to put the Incredibles in a world populated with other heroes; and that is an element to Fantastic Four.  The FF has often served as a bridge book with all of Marvel's characters filtering in and out.

A blue vortex that creates a tunnel the characters fly through to enter another reality:


The scene where Frodo gets sucked in even reminded me of the often seen clip of Quinn holding on to the railing as Logan's vortex grows too powerful.


(31 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Last I heard, Ed was teaming up with Avril Lavigne to create a new rock group called "Da Mooks".



(8 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Whoa, really? When did Marina play Donna Troy? Was this an episode of WONDER WOMAN or one of the DC Animated Features?

lol  That's what I get for posting so early in the morning.  I screwed up the name; I meant when Marina played this character:



(8 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Hehehe   I met Marina Sirtis a few years ago at Wizard World New Orleans.  I thought she was drunk; but I went to school with a guy that's worked with her, and he said she's just always like that.  Turns out she was doing a great deal of acting as Donna Troy, and we just never realized it.

Good to see ya around Jessie. smile


(10 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Grizzlor wrote:

TF, were these episodes you found after re-run hell?  Hence lower numbers than say Alternateville Horror?

Yep. Sliders never really recovered after that.  We still had our moments, though; Farscape wasn't number one every week, but we would only win by one or two tenths of a point.

Also, surrounding posts that I printed out suggested that Net Worth's higher number likely resulted from an advertising push that happened just before it aired (including a full page ad in some magazines and commercials on USA Network talking up the return of Sci-Fi's then number one show Sliders).  When Sliders returned again in March, it didn't have that singular attention; it was just lumped in with other shows for the all new Sci-Fi Friday ad campaign.

Also to Jim, I don't know what you're using to get the day and time info for broadcasts, but here's a good site for everything Sci-Fi Channel if you need it:



(10 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I checked my records and came up with a few season four ratings.  Way back when after Sci-Fi unexpectedly purged a large number of old posts from 1998, I went through the remaining archives and printed hard copies of everything that I felt was newsworthy (news about magazine articles, actor appearances in other shows, etc).  Unfortunately, all that was available was from December 20, 1998 forward; so all I have in hard copy ratings data is the back half of season four (with two missing for some reason).

1-11-99  -  Net Worth  -  1.3
1-18-99  -  Slide By Wire  -  No Record
3-19-99  -  Data World  -  1.2
3-26-99  -  Way Out West  -  1.2
4-02-99  -  My Brother's Keeper  -  No Record
4-09-99  -  The Chasm  -  1.2
4-16-99  -  Roads Taken  -  1.1
4-23-99  -  Revelations  -  1.1

The reason for the two with no record could be because Sci-Fi Wire didn't post the records that week; they weren't the most reliable.

Also, purely from memory, I know that Alternateville Horror had a 2.0.   It stuck in my mind because of how close the show got back to the Sci-Fi ratings record even at episode 8.


(10 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Sci-Fi Channel used to post each weeks's ratings on Sci-Fi Wire; it was a different scale than Nielsen used, but you can still figure out the Nielsen rating by doing the math.  You can see an explanation in a post by TemptressInfinity from the old Sc-Fi boards:


The short of it is that during season four, 1 rating point on Sci-Fi Wire equaled 490,000 viewers.  During season five, 1 rating point on Sc-Fi Wire equaled 576,000 viewers.  On network tv during this time frame, 1 actual Nielsen point equaled 1,000,000 viewers.

On the old Sci-Fi board, I used to post each week what the Sci-Fi Wire ratings were.  I don't think the full season four ratings are available on the net right now, but you can see all of season five at this link:


Found this over at TrekBBS; it's pretty uncanny how well Kate Willaert could match the poses using what appears to be spliced art from multiple sources.



Of course, they do call it time travel; but most people always did.

http://fusion.net/comic/163864/donald-t … adventure/

It does remind me of the original plan for "In Dino Veritas" where Geraldo follows through the vortex and ends up eaten by a dinosaur (leaving Quinn to scream "Geraldoooo!!!" in horror).


(31 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

I'm afraid I can't accept this. Temporal Flux doesn't make mistakes when it comes to SLIDERS. Therefore, tom2point0's memory is faulty and TF did indeed meet him. This is merely one of those peculiar discrepancies. Like Rembrandt suddenly having served in the Navy! Which I'm sure can be resolved in some spin-off material. Like one of the online slides on the old Sci-Fi site later revealing that Rembrandt was a *cook* on a Navy ship. Get to it, everyone! Let's fine some way to reconcile the continuity here.

lol  Thinking of the old online slides reminded me; this article popped up while the board was offline and made me think of Synthia, the counselor A.I. From "The Chasm" slide:

http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2015/06/26/ … ogrammers/


(31 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

tom2point0 wrote:

Waaaaaaait what? You never met me! And I've been tom2point0 online since 2004-5!

Ah; that's my mistake.  For some reason I thought you were Tom Holste under a different name.  Sorry about that.


(31 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I've been around since the old MCA Net Forum back in 1996 (that being one of the original official boards; as you notice in the end credits of the early Sliders seasons, Universal was known as MCA Universal back then).  The MCA forum was the best of the two choices at the time; the official Fox board for Sliders was a pretty dark place filled with immature and vicious people.

I've seen a lot of people come and go, and I've met a good many in person. Of those still around, I've met Vortex62 and tom2point0 (WrongArturo) through Atlanta's annual DragonCon convention; and JessieMallory lived near me for a time.  But most of my connection to this community comes through longevity; I've been at this for almost 20 years at this point.


(8 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

It does remind me of the Sliders premise and brings up something people don't recognize enough in our society.  The series focused on how broad points in American and world history changed, but do we even know what the real history was to begin with?  It all tends to get white washed and re-written for each new generation.

I don't regret anything I've said in the past; I don't regret anything I've done.  Certainly I have taken experience from it and learned, but it's all a part of who I am and who I always will be.  I'm not ashamed.