Seems like a lot of you would be interested in what I'm working on. wink

I have no interest in a continuation for personal reasons. Ib knows why.


(2,626 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Grizzlor wrote:

The one advantage Biden has over the rest of the Dem field (including Bernie) was that he's so well known to voters he almost doesn't need to say anything.

Aside from him being VP, what does the general public know about him? That he was a plagiarist, someone who aligned himself with segregationists, a staunch opponent of medicare policies, a habitual harrasser of women? Tara Reade filed lawsuit against him; how much media play do you think that will get?

The Biden people "know" is this aloof, kindly grandpa who still gets a burr up his butt on camera every once in a while. (When he's coherent enough on camera to make a point.) The Biden running for president, however, is the epitome of entrenched politics the voters held a referendum against in 2016. He is there to win and perpetuate the status quo, or lose and let Trump maintain the status quo. Say what you will about Sanders, but he was not interested in four more years of steering the federal ship directly into an iceberg.

Could have had Yang.

Looking to track down the little bumper that ran during some commercial breaks when the show was on FOX. I know some of the DVDs were sloppy enough to either remove the credits or maintain the bumper; do any of you know offhand which episodes contain those errors?


(2,626 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

That would be amazing. No way those who sit in the shadows would let anything like that happen, though.

And I can see why some of you don't see a path to victory for Trump in the fall. But between Trump's largesse and Biden's incoherent mush-mouthed ambivalence to marking a clear path through the pandemic or supporting M4A, Trump will emerge on top. Biden can't string two sentences together, even with prepared notes just off camera. He is the ultimate Democrat in this election; stands for nothing, changes nothing, advances nothing. His victory doesn't better America - it is a slightly less bellicose status quo.

Trump is a boob but he's a showman - and he will run circles around Biden. You think Crooked Hillary was bad? Wait 'til the Trump campaign latches on to the Anita Hill testimony, Biden's plagiarism during his first presidential campaign, his appreciation for Strom Thurmond's support, lies about apartheid-era visits to Nelson Mandela in South Africa, lies about marching for desegregation. Not that he'll even have to - the stuff with his kid in Ukraine, or his absolute inability to say anything that makes sense during televised interviews is right at their fingertips.

I don't even like Trump. But I know Biden doesn't have the stamina or eloquence to duke it out with the president. And, in seven months, people could see Trump as the savior who kept America together during a massive pandemic. Don't assume anything.


(2,626 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

He'll still beat Biden. And that's fine by the Democrats because Biden's nomination will stamp out true liberal party members and keep the status quo in line for four more years. Even if Biden somehow manages to mushmouth his way into the Oval Office, he's more conservative than many Republicans, so nothing will change.


(2,626 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

I support and respect Transmodiar

Bless you, my son.


(2,626 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I voted for Yang. I'm still voting for Yang.

For a million more reasons why Biden is a terrible choice:


(2,626 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Are we at the point where we say that voting for the man with one accusation of assault is a better option than voting for the man with 21 accusers for the same?

It's not just one - there have been eight women who have come forward about Biden's behavior/assault:

  • Lucy Flores

  • Amy Lappos

  • D.J Hill

  • Caitlyn Caruso

  • Ally Coll

  • Sofie Karasek

  • Vail Kohnert-Yount

  • Tara Reade


(2,626 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Could have had Yang.

Biden is a wolf in sheep's clothing:

RussianCabbie_Lotteryfan wrote:

Since fans have no other content they will be getting on this 25th anniversary

That is absolutely not true. wink


(267 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Two figures? I'll take a Chromebook for that price point!


(267 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

I’ll respond to this when my Chromebook laptop arrives in the mail. I’m currently down to a tablet for leisure computing; I’ve had to rip all entertainment and social media out of my Windows desktop to focus on Work. And I can’t do long form message board posts on an iPad.

Important, urgent information. smile


(747 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

So I know we talked a bit about my wife and me trying to have a kid.  Well, I wanted to announce that last week, she gave birth to our daughter!  Just wanted you guys to know that 1) so you didn't feel so bad about what happened before and 2) so you won't worry if I'm not here as much in the next few weeks smile


ireactions wrote:

I'm not a wholehearted fan of "Double Cross,"

You shut your mouth.

ireactions wrote:

Writing action oriented ensembles requires craft and skill and I say that as someone who ran face-first into all of these problems when attempting SLIDERS scripts. Thankfully, Transmodiar and Slider_Quinn21 were available to walk me through how to address these problems. Transmodiar cautioned against having the sliders separated for too long and said that if one slider were alone, the other three should be together.

Action also requires escalation of stakes and being able to interpret it. If it's smash cuts of people screaming at each other, when they aren't even in the same physical space, there's no tension. Beatdowns are pointless. You can do much more by making a scene urgent and having characters you give a shit about.

That's why "Double Cross" works - the action is personal, the stakes are high, and the need to reconnect is urgent. Then you temper that with interactions between Logan and Quinn where they're just vibing together, watching the city. Screenwriting 102.

Part of Lucas' deal with Disney during the sale was that they would not go back and undo the various special editions and release a 1977 theatrical edition.


(556 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I have the first TBP.  I've been meaning to read it for a long time.  I think I even started reading it.  Now's probably a good time to get back to it.

It's well worth it - same with "The Boys."


(556 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

The other day, the series finale of Preacher aired.  I watched the whole series, and I'm still not entirely sure how much I liked the show.  I'm pretty sure I never looked forward to it, but I'm also fairly certain I enjoyed the show far more times than I didn't.  I know the show could've been better and less meandery, but I'm also not 100% sure what I'd go back and change.  It's a show that didn't take itself seriously but sometimes didn't go far enough.  It's a show that knew what it was but never seemingly tried to be better.

It's a show I watched week to week for it's whole run, but I don't think I'll ever revisit it.  It's an odd show to think about, but I think I liked it.

Read the comic book.


(16 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Kliss wrote:

To be honest that's pretty much how I envision a Sliders reboot, as a new show. That's not what I would LIKE, but I'd be prepared for it. I don't think it could get much worse than the later seasons anyway. But there's also the slight possibility that magic happens.

Excellent. EXCELLENT. wink

ireactions wrote:

Transmodiar insists that he's had lunch with Paul Jackson and that these are real people.

For better or worse. And, by the way, I'm not some special snowflake for having a Rolodex of Sliders writers at my fingertips. All I did was write them through the WGA 15 (!) years ago and they wrote back. Believe it or not, television writers are usually not mega-celebs and will respond to fans. Even Tony Blake, who is a notorious sourpuss, wrote me back and talked a little about how much he hated the goddamn cave set.

ireactions wrote:

I remain suspicious and have graduated to suspecting that Transmodiar may in fact be a 90s-era artificial intelligence.

Your suspicions... have merit.


(15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Classchic1 wrote:

I got another question though. It's about Arturo and Rembrandt. I'm confused. How was Rembrandt in the Navy when he can't swim?

You're already applying more continuity and logic to the show than the writers. smile When it's first mentioned in "Rules of the Game," even Rembrandt says his participation was USO-related, but that's quickly dropped the further into season three you go. You can safely ignore the Navy stuff as it plays absolutely no part in the rest of the series beyond a B-plot in "The Other Slide of Darkness." As an added bonus, there are multiple scene where the Sliders are swimming in the ocean coming your way, so Rembrandt clearly took a few lessons when we weren't paying attention.

Also, in the episode Into The Mystic (I sound like an experienced fan already!) the psychic says that Arturo has a son?! But I can't find any other reference to this kid.

And you won't - the only official callback to Arturo's son is in an interview I had with co-creator Tracy Torme ten years (!) ago:

25 years ago, we were lucky to get a payoff to the first season cliffhanger. "Into the Mystic" almost ran mid-season. There was no ability to follow up on loose threads due to the nature of television (and FOX programming).

And I know I'm still getting used to these characters but Arturo doesn't seem like the Dead beat type. Especially sense this kid is to be so similar to Quinn.

I think that was the point the fortune teller was trying to make - that he formed a closer bond with Quinn because of their shared interests than his own kid, who probably isn't a hardcore physicist - but we have no additional information to pull from. All we can infer is that Arturo's kid was born out of wedlock, since his own wife died early into their marriage. So it's entirely possible that his son could live far, far away, or have a strained relationship because his parents aren't together.

Am I missing something with this?

Nope, you've got a pretty good bead on things. Torme was fond of throwing a bunch of ideas out there despite not having the clout with the network to pay them off down the road. Arturo's kid, the FBI, Bennish, Arturo's illness, the right Arturo, blibbity blibbity blah...


(15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

If you're going to watch Transmodiar's list of Season 3 episodes, you should make sure to watch "The Other Slide of Darkness" before you watch "This Slide of Paradise." Otherwise, you will be very confused by why a certain character in "The Exodus" looks different in "Paradise." (Then again, you'll be confused regardless, but yes.)

Or just know that the role is recast and save yourself 44 minutes. smile (I actually quite like TOSOD but it is far from essential.)

ireactions wrote:

Actually, if you're going to follow Transmodiar's list, make sure to watch "Requiem" before "Eye of the Storm" or a line in the series finale, "The Seer," will throw you off. This is the first time I have ever encouraged ANYBODY to watch "Requiem." God help us all.

Also not essential. It's clunky and you can ignore the one line Ib references. Just watch the ones that have production value and decent scripts.

ireactions wrote:

Just... make sure to read "Slide Effects" after you watch the series finale. So many people went on with "The Seer" as the last word on SLIDERS for so long and no one should have to live like that. Not when the creator of the show himself has offered a coda to the show. (Admittedly, a coda that wasn't much more than a post-it in its original form, but a coda nonetheless.)

[insert shameless product placement here]

Also, if you want to shave a few more minutes off your watch, skip Exodus 1&2 and watch "Exodus Excised," my professional edit of the two-parter into one coherent episode.


(15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Classchic1 wrote:

Hi! I'm new here and a brand new fan to Sliders. I was actually introduced to the show through a recent college assignment and fell for it ever since! So I've only seen seasons 1 & 2 so far and from what I've come across...Arturo dies in season 3?! I'm not looking forward to that episode. But I'm really curious, what episodes would any of you advise for me to watch from seasons 4 & 5?

What kind of college assignment uses Sliders? smile Very curious.

As for episodes to watch after season 2, here are the essentials. Some are great in their own right, others are there to help keep the plot for you:

Season 3
Double Cross
Rules of the Game
Dead Man Sliding
The Guardian
The Prince of Slides
Season's Greedings
Murder Most Foul
Slide Like an Egyptian
The Exodus 1&2
This Slide of Paradise

Season 4
Prophets and Loss
Common Ground
World Killer
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Just Say Yes
The Alternateville Horror
Lipschitz Live
Slide By Wire
Way Out West
My Brother's Keeper

Season 5
The Unstuck Man
Applied Physics
New Gods for Old
A Current Affair
The Return of Maggie Beckett
To Catch a Slider
Eyer of the Storm
The Seer

Or you could just be a glutton for punishment and watch alllllll of it. tongue


(15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Were some of the comments in this thread deleted? Why?


(556 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

I have often wondered at what point Transmodiar became what he is today, because he wasn't always. Let's sit in our armchairs for psychoanalysis and look at Transmodiar.

Let's not - the last thing people need here is a "Ten Reasons Why Transmodiar Matters" tongue

ireactions wrote:

Transmodiar cut away my nervousness, my fear of criticism, my insecurity over how people might perceive me and taught me how to relax and accept criticism and act upon it, not necessarily with the solutions proposed by the critic, but with solutions that were informed by it.

Well, good. And, since no good deed goes unpunished, Ib returned the favor by savaging some of my own stories because they didn't follow his metric for how a human being should behave. Ah, balance. smile


(15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Dinner: Zicree had a nice dinner with Transmodiar in the early 2000s (I think) under circumstances Transmodiar has declined to share as the result of events Transmodiar would prefer not to divulge. I assume this was when Transmodiar was a volatile firebrand and before Transmodiar became an indulgent, self-effacing goofball. If Transmodiar during this meal was anything like his message board posts of the era, we should be impressed that Zicree didn't put Transmodiar's face through a restaurant window but instead let him grow up into the very sweet and patient man he is today.

That was literally 19 years ago today. I was charming and inoffensive and he and his wife gave me a copy of his Twilight Zone Companion. I think that's when I was able to report back that he enjoyed working with JOC and hoped to secure his participating in a Magic Time TV series that never materialized.

As fate would have it, I'm having dinner with him again tomorrow night. I will be sure to pass along any and all theories you feel merit his attention. (I actually won't. smile)

ireactions wrote:

I’m hoping this isn’t another Danielle Panabaker situation

lol, what?


(74 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

I do think it is absurd to act as though redheads are the victims of systemic discrimination and oppression ingrained into the very fabric of Western society as a white-centric construct. Redheads are not targeted by law enforcement as immediately guilty criminals, are not incarcerated in greater percentages than other demographics, are not stereotyped as criminals or illiterates, are not legislated against to deny them voting rights, and generally enjoy all the privileges of being Caucasian. People with red hair are not facing institutional injustice at every level of society.

That's because everyone knows redheads are going extinct and don't want to worry their pretty little heads about a dying race of fiery-tempered gingers.

Also, there have never been black mermaids. Immersion ruined!


(74 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


(74 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

pilight, I was recently reading about a child whose family had recently gotten refugee status in my country and a home in my city. Much of their family had been killed in tank warfare in Syria in the next neighbourhood and the child, while having never been physically present for the tanks blowing apart houses and buildings, had heard the sounds and screams and learned from others that her relatives had not survived and been traumatized.

By your peculiar metric of human suffering, you would have told her that she was not really a refugee (because she hadn't witnessed the killings, having been a block away from what had happened). That she had not actually suffered any harm (because she heard about what had happened to her uncles and grandparents from a secondhand source and didn't witness their deaths). That she shouldn't be upset (because you feel her memories of her home should not have been affected by its destruction). And that she shouldn't expect to experience any ill effect (because you once saw fictional characters in a TV show seem totally unaffected by similar events).

Please don't be a jackass. It's one thing to mock me, I actually encourage it, but this has really crossed the line.


pilight, I've been re-reading my posts in the Reviving SLIDERS thread and I see now that I was harsh and cruel and unconstructive in my remarks. Whatever I actually thought, if I didn't have anything kind to say, I should have said nothing. If my inability to stop talking about SLIDERS could not be controlled, I should have said that your fanfic ideas sounded like interesting novels and comic books for SLIDERS fans but that I wondered if there might be more entry-level approaches for new viewers. I shouldn't have been vitriolic because fan fiction is a fundamentally idiosyncratic art form and I should have started a different thread for reboots without the acidic, abusive, harassing remarks.

I think I behaved that way because, at the time, I had a strongly possessive, proprietary attitude to SLIDERS and had specific views about the franchise (such as it is) that I considered universal and unquestionable. Looking back, I see that my sense of ownership should have extended to my own fan fiction and absolutely nobody else's and that I projected a tremendous amount of personal relevance into SLIDERS, equating its troubled production with my abusive childhood, which is really no excuse for being abusive towards you. I also see that your compulsive opposition began after that. I blame myself. I'm sorry. I should also not be a jerk.

Why are you constantly berating pilight? Shouldn't you be berating Informant?


(74 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)


I can confirm this all happened. Especially the false beard (since I can't grow one).

Ib knows way too much about me at this point. And has absolutely no qualms about broadcasting that every chance he gets. tongue


(74 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

So who's Magneto and who's Professor X?


(74 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

It's almost like people who were fans of a show that went off the air 20 years ago have gravitated toward other interests and use of their time! tongue

Nah... that can't be it.

I am always very aware of the role I play in ireaction's life and I am honored that he'd continue to devote so much mental energy to keeping track of our conversations. Thanks for the kinds words - and for sticking it out until the bitter end. :-*


(33 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I just watched the first episode with Jodie Whittaker. What a confusing, impenetrable mess. Does it get any better? With "Doctor Who," that's a pretty low bar to hurdle.


(51 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Anyway. I'm going to offer a vision of a SLIDERS reboot done to Slider_Quinn21's specifications, built on ideas offered in this community, and I'll hope Slide Override won't be mean to me about it. This is a reboot, not a rebootquel, not a revival and it is an effort to do it in Transmodiar's style and play it completely straight.

No monsters! No crossovers! No superhero elements! No multiversal crises! No psychodrama! No Kromaggs! No continuity with the original show! Transmodiar won't have anything to complain about with this vision (aside from its existence). In fact, he will love it. The goal here is to make something Transmodiar would love.

Writing to Transmodiar's tastes has been a really fulfilling exercise. Maybe... maybe I'm now equipped to write original fiction.

Too bad I can't read any of this for reasons that are obvious to you! smile


(51 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)



(3 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Well, shit, if she's going to be right down the street from me in May, I should probably go check it out. She's been hyping this pretty hard on Facebook.


(51 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Grizzlor wrote:

I would counter Transmodiar's angst over Sliders baggage though, as probably 0.0001% of viewers have any clue what went on BTS during the show like we do.

You do realize that 99% of the people most clamoring for a reboot are either here or were on the BBoard back in the day? Sliders doesn't have a lot of casual fans; that's why it a reboot against the "brand" doesn't make sense aside from cynically mining pre-existing titles to try and drum up an audience high on nostalgia.


(51 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I need to hire you to write my biography. tongue

Transmodiar said he disliked the Claymation episode of COMMUNITY because a sitcom offering a Claymation story is ridiculous. Neither have ever offered any clear rationale for where they draw the line between plausibility and absurdity or how this subjective scale could be applied by others, so it's clearly a personal view on which we shall have to agree to disagree.

My clear rationale is that it wasn't a funny episode of COMMUNITY. Even on rewatch, it's just boring. Granted, that's a personal view, but I'm hardly alone in that opinion.

When working on SLIDERS REBORN together, Transmodiar would often tell me that plot points were "ridiculous" and I took the view that if Transmodiar felt something was implausible, it didn't mean he was telling me not to do it; it meant he was telling me that my writing needed to do more to earn the Transmodiar's suspension of disbelief.

My suspension of disbelief depends entirely on the story being told. It's why I thought COMMUNITY fell apart so hard after the first two seasons - the show setting was a community college, and its students were normal people. Plots that tethered themselves to that reality were generally better, in my opinion. For REBORN, I'll admit that you took all the pure nonsense SLIDERS spit out over five seasons, mainlined it, and went into a writing fugue state of epic proportions. But for me, a SLIDERS story was a wrinkle in the timeline that our people have to adapt to and understand under extreme circumstances. The best stories came out that way. Embracing the lunacy? I give you props for fully committing, but I can't sit down with it and think it's really happening to those characters.

(Of course, we went through so many iterations of that concept - and my memory is so faulty - that I have no idea what made it through the editing process.)

JWSlider3 wrote: If you're not interested don't watch.

It's because of you that I don't have TIME to watch, silly. smile


(51 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Transmodiar has left SLIDERS behind emotionally and I confess that over time, I have come to do the same; I no longer have to see it as a representation of my childhood traumas. I don't need the show any more, but television needs SLIDERS and the world needs Quinn and we all need the Professor.

I recognize and respect that Transmodiar has outgrown the show, but SLIDERS is so much more than what Transmodiar or I have ever needed from it and without it, I fear for the future of our civilization and the continued existence of our universe.

I haven't outgrown the concept and have selfish reasons to not see this go forward (which you know ALL about). I just don't think there needs to be a parallel universe series called "Sliders" out there, with all the baggage that goes along with it. Because no matter how you slice it, the name/brand has a TON of baggage.


(51 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I have no interest in a revival, for many reasons. "Sliders" filled a very specific niche in my life that no longer needs it, and I guarantee any reboot or reimagining will fail to capture the spirit of the original.


(16 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Matt Hutaff completely disagrees with all of the above and thinks the backstory was always the backstory and that Jerry played Quinn in the Pilot photo because otherwise, you wouldn't recognize Quinn in the photo.

I kept reading your theory, waiting for you to add my own comments back into the mix. I was not disappointed. smile


(406 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

I could also see it becoming a star vehicle for Alison Brie for movie after movie in which she fights CG aliens with everyday objects.


ireactions wrote:

Summer Glau’s Mulder and Rupert Grint Scully


ireactions wrote:

In the season finale, they encounter David Duchovny's Fox Mulder and help him find his way back to his home dimension.


ireactions wrote:

Mulder, Scully and the Gunmen are fired from the FBI, decide to restart the Lone Gunmen magazine and rename it X-Files Magazine.


ireactions wrote:

Mulder and Scully are now being hunted by the Smoking Man's monsters and seek help from the Duchovny and Anderson incarnations of their characters from the parallel universe where the Smoking Man originated. We spend a season with David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Summer Glau and Rupert Grint wandering across America, finding monsters of the week.


ireactions wrote:

(Gillian: "I did not want to come back, but my daughter said she'd never forgive me for turning down a chance to work with Ron Weasley.")

lol you are the ultimate fan-troll.

ireactions wrote:

Season 11: With the Mulders and Scullys having been restored to the correct universes, Glau and Grint decide they're not ready to stop exploring yet and begin exploring parallel universes. Every week, they visit the universe of a TV show that ended on a cliffhanger and resolve that cliffhanger, so we finally get conclusions to SLIDERS, SARAH CONNOR, PUSHING DAISIES, MY SO CALLED LIFE, FREAKS AND GEEKS, LOIS AND CLARK, QUANTUM LEAP and HEROES and we also find out what happened with Big Eddie in Season 1 of FRINGE and get Walter back to the present day to be reunited with Peter and Olivia.

Ah, there we go. smile

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I know there was a proposed spin-off post-Enterprise where the Vulcans were going to leave the Federation.  I'm not sure if that had ever happened (even with a minor species), but I think this is potentially fascinating territory for the Orville to cover.

That was the original trajectory for DS9 season 4 - the Vulcans would leave the Federation. When they brought in Worf, they changed the crisis to the Klingons abandoning the peace treaty with the Federation.


(2,626 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Informant, you're on the wrong forum if you're looking for a cogent discussion about abortion. But I will say this - the debate coming out of Virginia is bizarre for all parties.


(5 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

His last prank was to say he was shutting down, a much gentler and more self-directed joke.

Not shut it down, sell it to a limo company. Then someone had to go and beat me to it. sad

Informant wrote:

(yes, I'm letting my geek side show too much. I will try to pull it back a little)

You're posting on a bulletin board frequented by, at most, a dozen people, that's dedicated to a television show that's been off the air for almost 20 years. Let your geek flag fly, son.


(556 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Informant wrote:

I'm just going to choose to buy into the version that brings me joy, and ignore the one that has Dawn as a centaur, and Buffy and Angel destroying scenery while having flying/orbital sex. smile

Oh, my.


(4 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

The only informational point of disagreement EP.COM has ever had with TF is on whether or not "Net Worth" was initially meant for Season 3 and TF ended up being right on that one. Regardless of the conflicts between the EP.COM team and Temporal Flux, we have all at one time or another described TF as the de-facto expert on SLIDERS.

I'm sure there were other points of disagreement - back before I understood writing credits and whatnot I absolved Peckinpah of "This Slide of Paradise" because it had Nan Hagen's name on it - but with regard to "Net Worth" that was always about needing backup. Just some kind of confirmation beyond someone's word.

Of course, now I have multiples sources of confirmation that "Net Worth" was commissioned for season three. (It would have sucked then, too.) So I'll happily admit I was wrong.

ireactions wrote:

And then Matt lightly edited my reviews but did something that seemed to make him unusually nervous as he kept asking me over and over again if it concerned me -- he added jokes to the reviews. He added a wisecrack for "Please Press One" about how the sliders had successfully created a few odd jobs for some general contractors at Data Universal by blowing up a few walls. He added a longing remark to "A Current Affair" that a few revisions would have made a good episode great, even first season great. My latter reviews had tapped into EP.COM's sardonic voice, but Matt added some beautiful notes about how Diana had a mind-expanding, life-altering experience in "Map of the Mind" that she'd totally forget about.

It's a mixture of considering the voice of the author and vestigial hatred for the people who edited what I wrote for the college paper. I'd get edits that would not trim for space, but for context and meaning. One piece had two words removed that completely changed the tenor of the piece. It was maddening. So when people ask me to review or edit their copy I want them to come away from the process with a positive feeling, not one of frustration.

ireactions wrote:

I wanted Matt to rewrite everything of mine for the rest of my life. Which led to me asking Matt to do the same for my SLIDERS REBORN outlines, an experience that I'm sure took years off his life.

No, your comments on all the stuff I had you read took years off my life, cupcake. wink

ireactions wrote:

I wonder if the key might be for us to all become our own co-writers. Maybe it's up to me to do what Matt, Nigel and Slider_Quinn21 did for me but on my own.

It always depends on what you're attempting to achieve. Is it a singular vision? Then write it for yourself and get good feedback. If you want to collaborate, make sure you've got a co-writer who shares your sensibilities. My writing with Mike Truman produces some really fun results; I certainly couldn't write how he does and vice versa. He's all dialog and I'm meticulous with my plotting. Ib can certainly attest to that.


(4 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

TemporalFlux wrote:

Another way of finding people back in the day - SAG and WGA.  SAG in fact had a number you could call (meant for journalists) where you could call and get agent contact information which could then lead you to the star, writer and even producer.  It didn’t work reliably (agents protect their clients after all), but you could get a surprise such as the time they didn’t realize they gave me the number to Sabrina Lloyd’s sister.  We had a nice conversation after I explained my intended goal was to find a fan mail address for Sabrina.

I can confirm the WGA being a good starting point - at least when I was actively seeking out writers from the show. I didn't call anyone, however; I wrote letters to the writers I most wanted to talk to and mailed them into the Writer's Guild. They were passed along and I believe I heard from 4 or 5. I still email with a few and have established some professional relationships with others. From there, I assembled a larger roster of emails from the writers themselves.

A few other people from the show straight up contacted me because of my website. Steve Kriozere, for example, didn't even have a copy of his Writers Draft for "Sole Survivors" and was happy to download it from Earth Prime. I've met up with him a couple times as a result; writers are more apt to meet a fan that people in front of the camera.

My other great untapped resource are the various call sheets and contact lists I got ahold of when the Sci-Fi Channel sent me a bunch of material back in the day. If you want the pager number or address of everyone involved in Sliders from 1998-2000, I've got it. Sometimes I use the names to contact people through Facebook, but I don't have the time to delve into the show these days. Kids and all...


(8 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I've been sitting on this for a while but finally found time to wrap it up and publish. Behold, something actually Sliders-related for this Sliders discussion board!

I corresponded with Jacob earlier this year. This may be the first of a multi-part session if I can get some free time to work on part 2, but don't hold your breath. Enjoy!


(1,635 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:
TemporalFlux wrote:

I was just talking about this with someone, and Legends really isn’t a DC show anymore.

Did anyone else read this and get jealous? Like -- TF is talking to someone about LEGENDS? Someone who isn't US? Who!? Where!? When!?!? Why weren't WE included!??! Oh, wait, we are being included. Okay. Carry on.



(747 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Matt, I would appreciate it if you would take your mockery of anything and everything you find absurd about me and apply it to critiquing:

a) My obsessive comparisons regarding Tom Cruise/Jerry O'Connell/Ethan Hunt/Quinn Mallory

b) My nervousness over a SLIDERS REBORN website and that it could be a backwards step

c) My inability to stop talking about SLIDERS even on dates

I can do this


(747 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

But I bought a steam cleaner to sanitize my stuffed animal collection


ireactions wrote:

And a local dry cleaner now offered supercreasing -- in which a line of resin creates a permanent center crease in dress pants that will survive washing and dry cleaning


ireactions wrote:

I'm told that this subject is extremely tiring and a total snooze to hear me talk about, and the universe seemed to agree with me



(15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Just stick to my list. smile


(15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Bolin wrote:

Thank you!  But could we move a better episode at the end to work better as a finale? would "Murder Most Foul" work? or would the professor's illness create a continuity problem?

If you don't necessarily care about the order, move "Season's Greedings" to the end. It's got such a wrap-up vibe it even ends with a freeze frame before rolling to credits.

ireactions wrote:

Only one of these stories actually qualifies as course-corrective; the rest are just stories of Quinn, Wade, Rembrandt and Arturo exploring a parallel world. And I don't think you really consider any of these stories "ridiculous" seeing as you have had a fairly intense and (creatively) successful collaboration with the writer who produced a good chunk of this content and together eagerly mined a lot of his fanfics for ideas in original content.

I can have a successful collaboration with a writer who produced a good chunk of content and together mine those ideas for original content and still think it's ridiculous. I even contributed to the madness back in the day. But at the end of it all, none of my stories were turned into a produced and televised episode of the third season of Sliders, so I can't recommend any of it to someone who is looking for a best-of list. smile

And I would argue that efforts like Earth 317 and T4 are course corrective. They literally exist to provide an alternative to the way the show ran off the rails.


(15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Jesus, the guy wanted a short list of existing FOX Season 3 episodes, not an exhaustive compendium of all the ridiculous course-correcting fanfic that still sits on the web, somehow.

Bolin, if you want a reduced season three that keeps the main cast and deals with its lame attempts at continuit, try this, in this order:

Double Cross
Rules of the Game
Dead Man Sliding
The Guardian
Dragonslide [mostly for the Wade/Rembrandt B-story]
The Prince of Slides
Seasons Greedings
Murder Most Foul
Slide Like an Egyptian

The following episodes are dumpster fires and should be avoided:
Electric Twister Acid
The Dream Masters
The Fire Within (one of the worst episodes produced with the original cast)
State of the Art (one long boring yawn of storytelling)
Paradise Lost


(267 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Why would there possibly be a deadline for an online continuation of a television series that never went past pilot stage? Talk about putting the cart before the horse!


(267 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Transmodiar banned me from writing any more fanfic after SLIDERS REBORN, but... my niece is really upset about WAYWARD SISTERS not getting picked up and I have to do this for her. You understand. (It's just going to be a short novella.)

Write all the fanfic you want, dude! Don't let me deprive the world and your "niece" the glory of a fanfic season of stories for a television series that never got past the pilot stage. smile