Good to know. And as I am empowered by my Tim Hortons discount card to speak for all Canadians:
We as Canadians collectively pledge to be tireless in defending our economy, sovereignty, natural resources and pilight's inalienable right to give his opinion of Kamala Harris as a weak and ill-prepared nominee who was selected and not elected, for pilight to give any personal opinion regarding any known matter of public record, and for pilight to do so without being accused of dumb and random crap that he never actually said.
Just now, at the clinic, I asked the nurse if she could take a second pint out of me. She said she could not, that I'd donated enough blood, and she asked what the problem was. I told her: I was afraid to go home and read and whatever godawful thing a certain someone might have posted while I was out. She said she didn't know what that was and gave me another juice box.
You may wonder why I'm so torqued. Why pilight being insulted and harassed is infuriating. The answer is: I don't appreciate being taken advantage of.
I just reloaded my Tim Horton's prepaid card; I have the floor and speak for all Canadians for another half-hour. So, as I've established, we Canadians are a bitter and grudge-bearing lot.
We are still pissy over the Treaty of Paris of 1783, the unfair split of the Oregon Treaty of 1846, the USS Nashville sailing into the Great Lakes in 1907, the States trying to integrate British Columbia into a West Coast military command point in 1934. And I guess there was that time in 2012 when Slider_Quinn21 offered to help me write a SLIDERS story and didn't come through. These have all irked us nationally as Canadians, but the thing that really burns our collective Oka cheese: when someone breaks a deal again and again.
When someone makes a deal and they burn us once, we as Canadians are acrimonious. When you burn us multiple times, we become downright vengeful. Of course, we have to note that Slider_Quinn21 came back to help us with the SLIDERS REBORN fanfic in 2016, so we marked that situation as a promise kept.
But when Canadians make deals, we expect you to live up to them. And a certain poster here -- let's call him 'Bryan' -- has broken our deal. Repeatedly.
Bryan was told that it was not appropriate to arbitrarily accuse people of being Trump supporters every time he didn't like their less-than-uniform support of Democrats. Bryan was told that it was not acceptable to hijack conversations with unproven claims of voter fraud in 2024. Bryan was told it was not acceptable to hijack conversations with arbitrary accusations of Trumpism.
He was warned to stop, by my count, eight times. He kept doing it. He was warned that he would be banned if he kept doing this on two separate occasions, by my count. After the tenth instance (by my count), he was banned and it should have been over. It should have been finished. It should have been done.
But then God spared Bryan. Or rather: Slider_Quinn21, who is unto a god, gave Bryan a second chance. Slider_Quinn21 was the first person Bryan had ever attacked on with accusations of Trumpism for Slider_Quinn21 worrying that Biden would lose in 2024. Slider_Quinn21 was the first target of Bryan's abusive and harassing tendencies... and Slider_Quinn21 forgave him and asked for Bryan to be pardoned and reinstated. I saw Slider_Quinn21's mercy and grace and I was moved and humbled by it.
I bowed to what God and Slider_Quinn21 asked of me and Canada. The deal was struck: Bryan could return so long as there was no further hijacking, unfounded accusations and unproven claims of 2024 electoral fraud.
Bryan has broken every term of our agreement, much in the same way Donald Trump has broken every agreement he's ever made. Every single one. Bryan has trespassed and stepped over every single boundary, just as Donald Trump has done the same in his life.
Bryan has proven duplicitous, dishonest, dishonourable and utterly untrustworthy. He agreed not to make false accusations. He agreed not to post his conspiracy theories. His last several posts have contained all of the supposedly curtailed behaviours with a declaration that he should never have ceased in the first place. Like Donald Trump, Bryan's word has no bearing on his conduct.
Bryan has no respect for boundaries. When told that to stop posting unproven claims of 2024 voter fraud and false accusations of Trumpism, Bryan's approach was to claim any news article that reported the 2024 Democrat loss was from a fraudulent and untrustworthy news outlet or to make the same accusations but claim they were corrections, and then simply posted more unproven claims and made the false accusations outright.
When Bryan is given a boundary, he treads on the boundary lightly and gradually and then steps over it entirely. Like Donald Trump, he is incrementally disrespectful of boundaries, creeping and encroaching; he denies he is preparing to break the boundaries when this is spotted; he then breaks the boundaries and claims he wasn't previously curtailed from doing so and that the boundaries either didn't exist or weren't ones he should have to follow.
Bryan is manipulative and controlling. He constantly claims that he is leaving, bids farewell to 'everyone' (even though he's accused us all of fascism for not being sufficiently groveling to his political party of choice), attempting to trigger guilt and regret and make certain people feel a sense of loss -- and then he comes back, tactically seeking to capitalize on the hope for reconciliation and a second chance in order to continue trespassing on boundaries and ignoring all agreements.
This is precisely how he took advantage of Slider_Quinn21's goodwill and patience and forgiveness, and now Bryan flaunts that abuse of Slider_Quinn21's kind nature as Bryan declares he should never have ceased the behaviours he barely ever stopped to begin with, and then he complains that he isn't liked for "some reason" as opposed to the mountain of reasons accumulated over every broken promise and trespassed boundary and the chances upon chances that he's abused.
As Canadians, when we see you take advantage of our kind-hearted friends, we will detest you on a deeply personal level that makes it difficult to breathe.
We Canadians can spot an abusive, harassing manipulator like this from a one kilometer distance. We Canadians can tell that the only real difference between Donald John Trump and Bryan here is that Bryan claims to vote Democrat and is probably less in debt.
Canadians loathe people who have consistently proven that their word is worthless.
And let's be clear: Slider_Quinn21, like any friend, is only human too. But here's the thing: we Canadians know that when Slider_Quinn21 doesn't come through, it's because he had a screenwriting obligation or because he was tired, we forgive it, we consider asking less of him, and we save our national rage for someone who's actually out to screw us over time and time again.
We know that when Bryan turns on us and breaks our deal, it isn't because he's tired or disoriented or busy. It's because he's malicious and deceitful and most importantly: he fundamentally doesn't respect us or you or me or anyone but himself.
As Canadians, we also have a particular contempt for people who give false apologies. Who apologize for their misdeeds, give assurances that they understand the strain and pain they have caused -- and then proceed to inflict more of the same in exactly the same way and prove that any apology past or present or future is as worthless as their word.
And as Canadians, when you break your word with us, we consider you an active hostile. When your apologies are proven meaningless because you repeat the same behaviour, we find you treacherous and duplicitous. When you gradually creep upon boundaries to break them, we find you incrementally insidious and manipulative.
We will consider you to have destroyed your lifetime allotment of any leniency or goodwill.
We will no longer trust you. We will monitor your actions. We will resent the exhaustion and drain of managing the situations you constantly create.
We have been hurt so consistently and repeatedly by you that we have gone from wounded to wrathful and now, we will document your behaviour and how you suckered us and launched unprovoked attacks on our friends time and time again and then we'll comb through every loophole and clause and then we're going to get back at you just as hard as you got us by striking at a precise moment in a specific way that will be small-scale and trivial and inconsequential and not in any way physically or financially or professionally harmful and yet incredibly annoying and aggravating and exasperating from now to eternity because we Canadians are petty, we are obsessive, and we despise people who exploit the goodwill and forgiveness of others, who take no accountability, have no integrity, and demonstrate total disregard for fair dealing.
Satire inspired by … dians-are/