ireactions wrote:The other problem is that the Season 1 cliffhanger left us with Jacob hunting Batwoman, 'Bruce' about to approach Kate, Sophie and Julia pairing up, Parker in the cave and looking to Kate for leadership, Luke at a degree of odds with Kate -- and if next season, Kate is just gone, there is no way the show can possibly pay off any of these arcs. Season 1 will be a pointless build to nothing. Not only are the fans of Season 1 unenthused about Season 2, they won't even want to rewatch Season 1.
Well, I think anything could work. If I were a Batwoman writer in charge of writing a Season 2 premiere with the parameters that a) I can't do a full reboot b) I need to keep the existing main cast and characters and c) I need to introduce a new Batwoman, I'd pick up several months later.
I'd have Bruce return and immediately cut Luke out. Lock out the Batcave and re-assign him somewhere else in Wayne Enterprises. He tells Luke not to worry and that he has a plan. Luke trusts him. Bruce also sends Kate and Julia on a mission far away, and the team hasn't heard from them sense.
With no Batcave to work out of and Luke tied up, Mary and Parker have taken over control of Team Batwoman, but with no vigilante to work with, it's just a lot of recon and staking out and setting up a temporary new batcave. Alice has been trying to get Kryptonite and hasn't been able to. She finds out that Kate has some, but Bruce hasn't been able to find it. And to make matters worse, Bruce hasn't heard from Kate and doesn't know where she is. So to draw them out, Alice kidnaps Sophie and Kane and tells them Kate's secret.
Julia re-appears. She says Kate has a plan and that they need to be ready to storm the building that Alice is keeping Kane and Sophie. Julia leads the charge, and takes out a few bad guys. Once she's cornered, Batwoman shows up. She handles the rest and faces off against Alice. But Alice knows something is wrong and runs off.
Batwoman grapples out before dealing with Sophie and Kane. Julia unties them and they ask why she left. They know she's Kate. The ruse is over. "That wasn't Kate," she says.
New Batcave. Luke, Julia, Parker, and Mary are there. Batwoman drops in. "Kate where have you been?" and the such.
Batwoman takes off her helmet. "Hi, I'm Ryan. Bruce sent me"
Essentially, I'd have it be that "Bruce" sent Kate and Julia off on an assignment to allow him to thoroughly search the Batcave. When things are fishy, Julia reached out to Alfred somehow and got a message that it wasn't Bruce. Bruce gets Kate to come find him, and he sends Ryan (his protege) in her place to defend Gotham.
I'd have Luke, Parker, and Mary working together for a long-enough time that they have history. I'd have Kate's secret exposed so Sophie and Kane can just be police foils (and maybe eventually written off like Lance). Julia can be familiar with Ryan, at least a little bit.
So you'd have a new Batwoman on an established team that at least has experience working together minus Kate, a new Batwoman with different connections to Bruce, and Bruce/Alice no longer have knowledge of all the pieces on the board.