Re: DC Superheroes on TV & Streaming (1966 - 2024)

I feel like if this was Smallville: the Later Years, the show would be fairly similar.  I think Clark wouldn't be Superman, having retired, but I think he may still do work for Sam Lane and the DOD.  I think it would be Clark and Lois retiring to Smallville to raise their kids in peace with Clark wanting a quieter life.  The plot of the show is mostly about Clark Kent anyway so I don't think you'd need to change much.  And if Tom Welling wanted to wear the suit, I think they could've played it exactly like Superman & Lois did.  If they didn't want to, Clark could still stay in the action in his flannel.

I really don't think much would really change.  And now I'm a little sad we didn't get that, as much as I liked the show as we got it smile

1,682 (edited by QuinnSlidr 2024-12-05 21:32:48)

Re: DC Superheroes on TV & Streaming (1966 - 2024)

This post contains SPOILERS for the Superman and Lois series have been warned before scrolling...


I finally got the chance to watch the Superman and Lois series finale. I got tears in my eyes. I didn't think it would be possible on a production like this but the writers really went all out and tied up the finale almost perfectly. I would have liked to have seen other characters have more wrap up time (perhaps more focused on Nat and John a bit and others without being super long on the Lana Lang wedding).

I thought it was one of those scenes that you realize Doomsday isn't all a monster. For just a moment we see the real bizarro world Superman emerge as he allows himself to be destroyed by the sun. Finally, he doesn't have to be a monster under Lex's control anymore. It's a scene of mixed relief, sadness, and disappointment that Superman has to die in order for Doomsday to die. And you can see Clark's face as he comes to this realization as well.

Jonathan and Jordan both got some nice upgrades as adults. Watching Lois get her cancer again and die from that was really hard. Did anyone else notice the homage to the Superman original movie (1979) Lois Lane in one of the last scenes where she and Clark are old?

I'm not sure that I like seeing Superman get old. But it sure fits the timeline of this show, which I thought was done well. Superman is a timeless classic hero who is supposed to be eternal. At least for the lifetime of the sun itself. But, with Superman losing his Kryptonian heart, I guess that this is the most logical conclusion. Had the writers had more time they could have given Superman his heart back and returned things back to normal I am sure.  I really do, however, enjoy how it was implemented for Superman and Lois.

The series finale is highly recommended watching and the entire show is highly recommended too, especially if you're at all a fan of Superman.

Re: DC Superheroes on TV & Streaming (1966 - 2024)

I really thought the series might end with Doomsday's heart going into Clark.  Hypothetically, Bizarro Clark (assuming it wasn't destroyed by all the Doomsday stuff) would have had a functional heart that Clark could've used.  Or even if it was wrecked, I assume the heart could've been adapted to work for Clark with Kryptonian tech. 

But the way it ended was great and I wouldn't have changed it.

I do think the Doomsday plot was one of the weaker parts of the season.  I don't really understand why Bizarro worked with Lex, and I don't understand why Bizarro came back to life when he died but Clark didn't.  Wouldn't Clark be Doomsdayed as well?  I probably would've had Doomsday leave once Lois talked to him and never come back.  If you want to be done with him, he flies into the sun back then.  If you want to redeem him, you send him out into space and show some sort of tag where space doctors turn him back into Bizarro.  I don't know.  But I never understood why he was working for Lex and so that whole plot made no sense outside of him just being a force of nature that Clark couldn't defeat on his own.

Re: DC Superheroes on TV & Streaming (1966 - 2024)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I feel like if this was Smallville: the Later Years, the show would be fairly similar.  I think Clark wouldn't be Superman, having retired, but I think he may still do work for Sam Lane and the DOD.  I think it would be Clark and Lois retiring to Smallville to raise their kids in peace with Clark wanting a quieter life.  The plot of the show is mostly about Clark Kent anyway so I don't think you'd need to change much.  And if Tom Welling wanted to wear the suit, I think they could've played it exactly like Superman & Lois did.  If they didn't want to, Clark could still stay in the action in his flannel.

I really don't think much would really change.  And now I'm a little sad we didn't get that, as much as I liked the show as we got it smile

Well, I think, in this scenario, Tom would have to wear the suit, but SMALLVILLE VOLUME 2 would still have Clark and Lois returning to Smallville after being unceremoniously laid off or fired from the Daily Planet.