(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

The Demos rigged the primaries to guarantee they would be running their weakest candidate, and last night they paid the price for it.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Informant wrote:

We're so close now! Predictions anyone?

I pick

Clinton 322-216
Popular vote 49-44

Senate 50-48-2 Democrat

House 231-204 Republican


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Trump has never been in a position to make a life-or-death decision.  He's 70 years old and has never done anything for anyone but himself.  There's no indication that he has ever cared anything about anything south of 42nd Street.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I'm the exact opposite of Informant.  Clinton is very bad, but Trump is even worse.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Clinton will win big


(25 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

You keep the mystery by limiting their appearances.  One or two episodes per season, max.  We had seven Kromagg episodes in Season Four, eight if you count Asylum.

Create a writers bible for them, so that everyone knows who they are, what they do, and why.  All we know about them from Seasons 2 & 3 are what they told the Sliders in Invasion, which may not be true, and what alt-Quinn said in The Other Side of Darkness, which may not be accurate since he's lost his mind.


(743 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

I keep thinking that I should write a one-man stageplay show about a lead character who is myopically obsessed with a cancelled TV show at the expense of all else in his life.

They say you should write what you know...


(2 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Surf Dance Chris wrote:

Maggie certainly did come a long way and was a very enjoyable character by season 5, even season 4. Sometimes by season 5, it's hard to believe that she wasn't an original character.

Maggie actually appeared in more episodes than Wade or the Professor.  Well, Wade is tied with her if you count Requiem.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

The fact that we can't even get good third party candidates makes me think we need to tear the whole presidential process down and start over.  No one good wants the job.  Just moron after moron after moron.

Our "first past the post" presidential system discourages smaller parties.  We'd be better off with a parliamentary system.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

TemporalFlux wrote:
Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

If she's not, expect the swing the other way to be massive.

It won't happen.  People will continue to vote for the same garbage over and over expecting that their lives will somehow change for the better the next time.  It's insanity.

Some people's lives will be better in four years.  Some will be worse.  Hardly any of that will be determined by the occupant of the White House.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

You can't blame the other party when your party has control of all three branches.

Sure you can.  The Republicans have been doing it since they lost the senate in 2006.  They had full control for the first six years of the Bush administration and it was a disaster.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Trump will concede.  He's playing the media just like he did with the Birther thing.  That's what the "I'll keep you in suspense" nonsense is about.  He'll have a big press conference, they'll spend an hour or so listening to hype for whatever new project he has going on (Trump TV, probably), then he'll do a quick one sentence concession at the end.

As for 2000, the worst thing that happened in response to Bush being declared the winner was his motorcade getting pelted with garbage on inauguration day.  I doubt we even get that this time around.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Trump saved his worst for last in terms of debate performances.  Just brutal.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Informant wrote:

Agreed about Assange being a danger.

But Trump isn't wrong. We have election officials admitting as much on video. We have Clinton campaign workers discussing how they are fine with discarding republican voter registrations, or not providing republicans with mail-in ballot options. It's no secret. In past elections, we've had well over 100% of the voters in some towns, all voting for one party.

The election is rigged. The system is corrupted. The question is, how rigged is it?

OTOH, we've had Republican governors and legislatures purging eligible Democratic voters off of the rolls.

None of this is anything new, nor should it be shocking to anyone who has been paying attention.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Informant wrote:

Asking for a birth certificate isn't unusual when someone is running for President.

Yes, it is.  It had not once ever happened before Obama's election, nor has it happened in this year's election.  That's the very definition of unusual.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

chaser9 wrote:

And in a perfect universe, we would discover that both Trump and Hillary are actually not U.S. citizens and therefore, both are disqualified from being President.  Then we could just. . . start over.


And yes, I do enjoy just posting random, crazy things in this very serious thread. smile

Being white, they don't have people demanding to see their birth certificates.  We take them at their word that they are natural born US citizens.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I'm still voting for Gary Johnson.  He's honest enough to make up for his lack of international knowledge.  My vote in the presidential race is irrelevant anyway, thanks to the Electoral College.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

She would have beaten Ben Carson.  Any of the GOP contenders would have taken her, IMO.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Informant wrote:

The problem is that many of Hillary's crimes are directly linked to his crimes. She threatened his victims and used her power and her connections to shut them up.

There are many more crimes to go after, but nobody seems to care about breaking laws or endangering national security. For some odd reason, people can brush that aside. But her threatening rape victims plays against her feminist image. That could be more damaging.

People care, they just don't have a viable alternative.  If the GOP had nominated a real candidate instead a circus sideshow they would be winning big.


(25 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Even if they did find other world with Kromaggs, that doesn't mean they would automatically join the Dynasty.  Think about what the reaction would be on our Earth if humans claiming to be from another dimension suddenly appeared in highly advanced ships.  How many people would support becoming part of their empire?


(25 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

But there's no evidence that Kromagg Prime is the only Kromagg world, right?  And it sorta goes against the idea of branching.  Unless Kromagg worlds don't branch for whatever reason.

I was going off of what Quinn's double says in The Other Slide of Darkness.  The Kromaggs started sliding and found nothing but world after world dominated by Homo Sapiens.

Also, over five seasons the Sliders landed on dozens and dozens of worlds.  The only other one we saw that had native Kromaggs was the one Isaac Clark took them to in Revelations, where again they shared the world with humans.


(25 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Perhaps the breeding camps are where they use humans as surrogates, since Kromagg women die when they give birth.  Kromagg egg, fertilized by Kromagg male, but gestating in a human female.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

NBC employed Trump and owns Access Hollywood.  They were probably concerned about legal fallout if they used the tape on their news programs.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

The polarization is largely a result of the primaries becoming preeminent in selecting nominees.  We got better candidates when they were picked in smoke filled back rooms.  Today a candidate has to appeal to the lowest common denominator of half the electorate in order to get on the ballot.  Any display of centrism or cross over appeal or less than 100% orthodoxy is damaging if not disqualifying.  The candidates are more extreme because they are chosen by the extremists.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Project Veritas has a history of misleading editing and outright manipulation of their videos.  After the ACORN fiasco, O'Keefe's credibility is pretty well shot.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

As for the Supreme Court, I think the GOP made a huge gaffe by refusing Judge Garland, because I personally feel he is moderate if not slightly conservative, and if Hillary wins, she can nominate another Ginsberg and there's little they can do about it.

It's not too late for them to confirm him, and they should seriously consider it.  If they lose the senate in addition to the presidency, they'll get someone far to the left of Ginsburg.

How many Kromagg soldiers would need to be left on each Earth to keep it subjugated?  The kromaggs aren't genocidal, they keep some humans alive as slaves.  Our Earth has about seven billion people living on it. Even if half were killed it would require tens of millions of soldiers, maybe over 100 million, to keep the humans from revolting and overthrowing them.  We have 65 million military and paramilitary personnel on our Earth now without it being a brutal dictatorship.

The kromaggs all come from one Earth, which they shared with humans.  Assuming there are four billion kromaggs and half are soldiers (an absurdly high estimate, but whatever) they might be able to control a couple dozen dimensions if they could conquer them all.  But each one they conquer makes it that much harder to take the next, as a large number of soldiers have to be left on the previous world.  If they can conquer each Earth with a 2:1 troop advantage, since the worlds are caught unaware and the kromaggs have superior technology, they would still be able to take no more than about 20.  They could expand that number if they concentrate on worlds with lesser technology and/or populations, but we've seen no evidence that they do that.

There's no way they could have conquered 150 worlds, as they claim, unless the vast majority of them are uninhabited like Outpost 113 originally was.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

TemporalFlux wrote:

That's why polls are pretty useless in this cycle - just look at Brexit, Columbia and even the U.S. primaries.

The primary polls were pretty well spot on.  They said Trump and Clinton were winning, and they both won.  The pundits thought the polls showing Trump winning must be wrong somehow, but they weren't.

The only thing this has solidified for me is that I will never vote Republican again. These self-righteous fools have finally cut it for me and shown who they are - a right wing of the Democratic Party.  You may as well cut out the middle man and just vote Democrat.

We have two military-industrial parties, one pro-choice and one pro-life.


(743 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Informant wrote:

There's a reason why the Tops crumbled without the Cryin' Man.

Who are you kidding?  15 number one hits minus Rembrandt.


(743 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Once again, pilight, I have to ask: given your contemptuous disdain for my thoughts on how SLIDERS could do monster stories while still retaining its identity, do you have any actual alternatives and ideas for how else SLIDERS could do monster movies? Or would you simply have the sliders be snidely dismissive of the monsters?

Quinn and especially the Professor would never for a second believe these creatures to be supernatural.  They're living things that abide by the laws of nature.  Find out what's causing them to be the way they are and you'll find out how to defeat them.  If the monsters are intelligent, negotiation may be possible.


(743 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

So what you're saying is that there's an episode of MACGYVER where he fights zombies, vampires, animal human hybrids, killer robots and Morlocks? I'm only in the first season; when does he start fighting monsters? I'm looking forward to it.

In fanfiction, MacGyver deals with monsters and supernatural creatures all the time.


(743 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I don't object to MacGyver.  It's just that we already have a MacGyver, we don't need another one.


(743 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Maybe most of the worlds they encounter aren't violent like that.  It could be a subtle point of the reboot, that violence isn't a necessary part of civilization and thus the Sliders don't develop those skills.

I don't have a problem with them handwaving the money stuff.  Sliders isn't the kind of show that demands hyper-realism.


(743 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

The Sliders shouldn't be "charging into battle" at all.  They're not soldiers.  They need to find ways to defeat their enemies indirectly.  Use their scientific knowledge to undermine the monsters' power or protect people from them.  That's what Quinn and company did in the first two seasons.  They didn't confront the California Health Commission in "Fever", they found a way to diminish its power.  In "The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy" Quinn did everything he could to avoid direct confrontation.  That's the Sliders ethos for the first two seasons.


(28 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

On the Season 3 monsters in general -- I always figured Quinn and Arturo would whip up some inventive solutions with something of Torme's sense of humour -- such as where the key elements to defeating the zombies, animal-human hybrids, vampires, scarab and robots could be a stick of butter, a jar of aspirin, a tin of peanuts, an insulin kit, cough syrup and a case of golf balls. I've been thinking about this a lot.

Yes, what Sliders really needed was to be more like Macgyver


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Colin Powell's emails pretty well sum up what the whole country thinks of the two larger party candidates.  Clinton screws up everything she touches, Trump is a national disgrace.


(28 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

RussianCabbie_Lotteryfan wrote:

It would have been ok as a b-movie horror/comedy flick.

Which is exactly what Species is, an OK b-movie horror/comedy flick.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

It's like Obama's birth certificate, the people who don't trust Clinton won't start no matter how much documentation she puts out there.

ireactions wrote:

Well, I made the poster with the sliders looking at the Golden Gate Bridge with the all-lower case logo that I think is pretty sharp?

It looks like the Azure Gate Bridge, but otherwise is great.


(28 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

It's such a ripoff of "Species", right down to emulating specific shots from the film, that it's hard to take seriously.


(7 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

This is clearly just for fun.  No one is allowed to get offended or say anything that would cause someone to otherwise be offended.

The "Safe Space" mentality is everywhere!


(6 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

1. Rules of the Game   B
2. Double Cross           A     
3. Electric Twister Acid   B
4. The Guardian           A+
5. the Dream Masters     C
6. Desert Storm            C
7. Dragon Slide             B
8   The Fire Within         C-
9   Prince of Slides        B+
10 Dead Man Sliding      B+
11. State of the Art        C
12. Seasons Greedings   A
13. Murder Most Foul      B
14. Slide like an Egyptian  D
15. Paradise Lost             F
16. Exodus pt 1              A
17. Exodus pt 2              F
18.Sole Survivors            B
19. The Breeder              D
20.  The Last of Eden      C+
21.  Other slide of Darkness    D
22. Slither                      F
23.Stoker                       C
24. Dinoslide                  B
25. This slide of Paradise   C


(6 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I can't bring myself to hate The Fire Within, because I love Olaf Stapledon's The Flames.  Yeah, Sliders fumbled the concept but it still holds a certain fondness for me.


(57 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I answered 'Earth Prime' and it seemed to accept that


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

The BleachBit stuff in the FBI reports is the stuff I found the most damning because I'd only heard Republicans saying it before that.  I even searched on Snopes to verify if it was a real thing that happened.  But....yep, she paid a ton of money to permanently delete emails and had staffers smash her Blackberrys with a hammer.  That sounds like the work of a drug dealer flushing all his drugs down the toilet.

Don't you destroy anything with a hard drive in it when you are done with it? Personally, I always use a drill first and then a hammer before I recycle it. And the only thing I am concerned about is getting my identity stolen...


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

That's exactly right.  What's crazy is that the Republicans are already making moves to "rig" their next election, and the Democrats don't really have their next guy lined up.  The Democratic Party has spent the last 16 years trying to set up Hillary Clinton for a run that I'm guessing we'll have a wide-open field next time.  Bernie will probably be dead and Tim Kaine would be 66 this time around if Hillary wins two terms.

Whoever wins will be a one term president.  The US has never had four consecutive two term presidents.  This is only the second time we've had three in a row.  The first was Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe in the Era of Good Feelings.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I still can't believe she's running against Donald Trump.  This should be the easiest election the Republicans ever had, and they've completely blown it.

One of my conservative friends said he can't decide whether he's more pissed that the Democrats rigged their primaries or that the Republicans didn't.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Trump has been talking about "touchback" amnesty for a long while.

From July of 2015

http://hotair.com/archives/2015/07/30/t … al-status/

Trump said Wednesday in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash that as president he would deport all undocumented immigrants and then allow the “good ones” to reenter the country through an “expedited process” and live in the U.S. legally

From November 2015

http://time.com/4107636/transcript-read … milwaukee/

Going to have to go out and they will come back but they are going to have to go out and hopefully they get back

From April 2016

http://www.today.com/video/trump-on-tod … 0689347771

“we’re going to create a path” for undocumented residents of the country to come back to the country legally after being deported

The media has grossly distorted his position.

Hollywood is far more likely to turn Asian characters white than the other way around.  See Last Airbender, Starship Troopers, Aloha, 21, Argo, Edge of Tomorrow, Ghost in the Shell, The Hunger Games, Star Trek Into Darkness, and many others.

When adapting universes that were created long ago, when all the writers were white and mostly didn't concern themselves with diversity, you either end up with unrealistically white casts or you have to make some adjustments.  Either course will draw criticism.

Season Three is the worst of Sliders

Vader was a fully trained Jedi before he turned.  Ren was a Padawan who had barely begun learning the ways of the force.  If Ren is Vader's equal then training doesn't mean that much and Rey's (and Luke's) ability to use the force is not at all surprising or out of character.  If Ren is less powerful than Vader, then Rey (and Finn) being able to compete in a fight with him is not surprising or out of character.

The idea of Ren being a villain who has a lot of power he doesn't fully understand or know how to use is an interesting one.  Snoke says at the end that Ren's training is incomplete.  You have to wonder whether he is deliberately keeping Ren from reaching his full potential to avoid meeting the same fate Palpatine did at the hands of his right hand man.

Rey beat a super-experienced Force user

I just watched this again last night.  I'm not sure where people get the idea Kylo Ren is super experienced.  He barely beat Finn in a lightsaber duel, the same Finn who got his ass handed to him by a random storm trooper with a riot baton just a day earlier.  He struggled to retrieve Luke's lightsaber from the snow.  He didn't actually do much to suggest he's super experienced.  He seemed more like someone who had rudimentary training of a marginal talent.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I don't know what can be done for the people who have lost low skill, decent paying factory jobs.  As a society, the answer is to invest more heavily in education so that the next generation can get the higher skill jobs that are out there.  For the people already 20 years into their careers it's a more difficult problem.  It's what economist Joseph Schumpeter called creative destruction.  In order to create new jobs, some of the old ones have to be eliminated.  That's good and necessary for the country as a whole, but some people wind up getting hurt by it.

Of course Schumpeter thought the cycle of creative destruction would eventually be the doom of capitalism.  He may be right, but that's a much longer term issue.


(3 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Welcome aboard, Neno


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Those low skill factory jobs aren't coming back because they don't exist anymore.  The US does 21% of the world's manufacturing, a number that hasn't moved since the 1960's.  It's less labor intensive than it was, and the labor it does use isn't the kind that those old factory workers do.  It's electronics and chemicals and other highly skilled manufacturing we do now, while most of the grunt work type jobs have been automated.

Hillary Clinton may have alienated some people when she talked about killing the coal industry, but the truth is it's pretty much dead already.  The Dow Jones coal index is down 93% since 2011 and has only one company listed that's not in bankruptcy (Consol).  In a few more years producing coal will be akin to making buggy whips or phonograph needles.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Anti-establishment voters won't switch to Clinton, but they might stay home or vote for a smaller party candidate.


(3 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Jackson, who played himself in Eggheads, is leaving the Worldwide Leader after 29 years.  He is 65 years old.

http://espnmediazone.com/us/press-relea … -29-years/


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

If Trump quits then his followers are back at square one, since he selected a long time GOP insider as a running mate.  The prospect of Pence becoming president is likely to drive voters towards Clinton, or at least away from Trump.


(2,600 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

The Trump fortune was built by Fred Trump in the 1940's and 50's on FHA loan profiteering.  Donald had nothing to do with it.  He has maintained his inheritance, nothing more.