Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

ireactions wrote:
QuinnSlidr wrote:

ireactions - You did ask for a representative. The other James above that you mention is not a government rep. smile Otherwise I probably would have included who you did.

Semantics, I know...oh, well...

I think you are confused. The James Carville Jr. you mentioned and quoted is the same person I quoted. Carville Jr. is not a Republican. However, Carville Jr. is also strongly opposed to the social justice focus of a number of Democrats, in particular Bernie Sanders.

On further review you are correct. Nevermind!

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

A couple of notes of note:

- Regarding polling error.  This is my big worry because we literally won't know the error until it's essentially too late.  In 2020, the error was pretty huge in some cases so the whole thing makes me nervous.  The polling error in 2020 was enormous, but it was also a pretty unusual year (obviously).  With lockdowns going on across the country and Democrats more locked down than usual, the samples could've been incorrect.  There was also the "shy Trump voter" issue at hand as Trump was extremely unpopular.

There was some thought earlier in the year that Biden might've had the same issue.  Biden was so unpopular that people might've been "shy Biden voters" and told pollsters that they were voting for who they were perceiving is/was the more popular candidate at the time.

Are there still shy Trump voters?  I feel like Republicans would be more likely now to admit that they are supporting Trump - the legal stuff might have dissuaded them a little bit, but that seems to have passed a bit.  I also think you're seeing Biden voters saying they're switching to Trump so I think that bit of polling error might have been corrected a bit.  Obviously the covid stuff is over so the sampling issue might be fixed.  There's a thought that Republicans are just against polls and are less likely to take them.  So that could still be an issue.

Of course, during the primaries, Biden overperformed his polls and Trump underperformed his.  Is there a chance that pollsters, in an attempt to correct 2020, overcorrected and are oversampling Republicans?  Is it the other theory that Republican-funded polls that lean right are flooding the market and affecting polling averages?  Maybe?  I would love if the polling was wrong but in our direction.  I guess we won't know until November.

- Trump is flirting with dropping out of the debate.  If he does, Harris needs to use the time.  Trump is doing exactly zero to court voters in the middle, and she could have a great opportunity to reach people.  I think Trump would be making a huge mistake by not debating, and I think she may be the one who doesn't need it.  I think, obviously, she needs to appear to want to do it no matter what.

- Has she scheduled a national TV interview yet?  She said she would by the end of the month.  She really needs to do that because it's an attack that the right will continue to use on her.  And it's an attack that I think is hitting her.  I know she's trying to campaign as much as possible, but she needs to make this a priority.  And I think she should do a bunch of interviews if she can.

- She and Walz are doing a bus tour of Georgia.  Georgia is the only state that she's behind in the 538 polling average so I'm interested in what her campaign is thinking.  Do they think there's huge gains they can make in Georgia?  I would think that something like this could be more effective in places like Pennsylvania or even North Carolina, but maybe there's plans for that too.  Best case scenario for democracy is for her to sweep all seven battleground states, but Georgia makes me nervous because of all of the control that Republicans have over the election process.  I think it's the state that's most likely to be flipped.  I'll be interested to see if the bus tour works (Trump is also focused on Georgia so maybe she can just play defense and make Trump focus on Georgia which could help her in Pennsylvania).

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

The polls cannot be trusted. They couldn't be trusted when Biden was spiraling because slanted Republican polls were throwing off the averages, making a very close election seem like Trump was in the lead. They can't be trusted now because the enthusiasm of Kamala Harris reception and campaign means Democrats are more inclined to respond to polls and Trump supporters are less inclined to do so.

The likely situation is that the race remains close and competitive, and Democratic pollsters have warned that Kamala (as she prefers voters call her) has a lot of work to do. … s-00176065

That said, Trump clearly thinks he's losing. He's given up on impactful campaign events. He's stopped trying to build a coalition. His hope is to overturn or stall election results in court and with supporters in electoral offices.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Kamala (I'll call her that if she prefers - I've been trying to use her last name the same way I would a male candidate) and Walz scheduled an interview.  I read that she's been a bit argumentative in the past (heck maybe I read it here) with interviewers, and I'm hoping Walz can help her with that. I think she needs to do a press conference as well.  I'd really love for her to do with Pete has done and go on Fox News and take their questions, but if she hasn't responded well in that setting, that could easily backfire.

But I'll be interested to see how she does.  She's definitely doing more outreach than him.

What's interesting to me, still, is that Trump has actually gained a bit himself.  His campaign is losing, but it's had forward momentum.  There's been plenty of cases of Harris, simply by getting exposure, has won over undecided voters and even some Republicans.  She needs to reach as many people as she can, and she needs to come across as confident and presidential.  People know who Trump is, and he's painted her as this incompetent buffoon.  It won't be difficult for her to overcome that and impress people.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I was referring to Kamala by surname too, but she rebranded Biden's campaign with her given name, and then I read this article: … g-00173064

People who have long known Harris say she sees using her first name as a way to be informal with voters and constituents — to send a message that she’s working for them, that they should hold her accountable.

"... when she was talking directly to voters, or constituents, she would usually say, ‘Just call me Kamala,’” said a person who worked with Harris while she was attorney general, granted anonymity to speak candidly about their experiences with the vice president. “I think that was a way to say like, you’re the boss. I’m working for you.”

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Contrast that to Trump who makes everyone around him call him Mr. President.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

pilight wrote:

Bail reform is not soft on crime.  If a crime is serious enough to hold someone prior to trial, fine.  If it's not, fine.  There is no situation in which a crime is serious enough to hold someone unless they have money to buy their way out.

Tell that to the NYPD, who are forced to re-arrest the same violent criminals, many migrant gang members, some who have attacked cops, over and over.  These criminals are let right back onto the street, and commit further violent crimes.  It's a complete disaster.  It started from a point of social justice, as yes, many people were held seemingly indefinitely for trial, and could not afford bail.  However, it was taken advantage of by lunatic judges from the get-go.  The rampant violent crime, played out nightly on local news, in NYC plus a failure to gerrymander, literally handed GOP most of the NY state suburb districts around Manhattan.  Including one to the ridiculous George Santos.  New Jersey remained blue, because we don't allow that shit here!  You attack a cop, you beat up a woman, or you throw someone off a subway platform, you stay in jail, in Jersey. 

ireactions wrote:
QuinnSlidr wrote:

ireactions - You did ask for a representative. The other James above that you mention is not a government rep. smile Otherwise I probably would have included who you did.

Semantics, I know...oh, well...

I think you are confused. The James Carville Jr. you mentioned and quoted is the same person I quoted. Carville Jr. is not a Republican. However, Carville Jr. is also strongly opposed to the social justice focus of a number of Democrats, in particular Bernie Sanders.

BTW, one of those Bernie alums is now Trump backer Tulsi Gabbard. 

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

A couple of notes of note

- Regarding polling error.  This is my big worry because we literally won't know the error until it's essentially too late.  In 2020, the error was pretty huge in some cases so the whole thing makes me nervous.  The polling error in 2020 was enormous, but it was also a pretty unusual year (obviously).  With lockdowns going on across the country and Democrats more locked down than usual, the samples could've been incorrect.  There was also the "shy Trump voter" issue at hand as Trump was extremely unpopular.

There was some thought earlier in the year that Biden might've had the same issue.  Biden was so unpopular that people might've been "shy Biden voters" and told pollsters that they were voting for who they were perceiving is/was the more popular candidate at the time.

Are there still shy Trump voters?  I feel like Republicans would be more likely now to admit that they are supporting Trump - the legal stuff might have dissuaded them a little bit, but that seems to have passed a bit.  I also think you're seeing Biden voters saying they're switching to Trump so I think that bit of polling error might have been corrected a bit.  Obviously the covid stuff is over so the sampling issue might be fixed.  There's a thought that Republicans are just against polls and are less likely to take them.  So that could still be an issue.

Of course, during the primaries, Biden overperformed his polls and Trump underperformed his.  Is there a chance that pollsters, in an attempt to correct 2020, overcorrected and are oversampling Republicans?  Is it the other theory that Republican-funded polls that lean right are flooding the market and affecting polling averages?  Maybe?  I would love if the polling was wrong but in our direction.  I guess we won't know until November.

- Trump is flirting with dropping out of the debate.  If he does, Harris needs to use the time.  Trump is doing exactly zero to court voters in the middle, and she could have a great opportunity to reach people.  I think Trump would be making a huge mistake by not debating, and I think she may be the one who doesn't need it.  I think, obviously, she needs to appear to want to do it no matter what.

- Has she scheduled a national TV interview yet?  She said she would by the end of the month.  She really needs to do that because it's an attack that the right will continue to use on her.  And it's an attack that I think is hitting her.  I know she's trying to campaign as much as possible, but she needs to make this a priority.  And I think she should do a bunch of interviews if she can.

- She and Walz are doing a bus tour of Georgia.  Georgia is the only state that she's behind in the 538 polling average so I'm interested in what her campaign is thinking.  Do they think there's huge gains they can make in Georgia?  I would think that something like this could be more effective in places like Pennsylvania or even North Carolina, but maybe there's plans for that too.  Best case scenario for democracy is for her to sweep all seven battleground states, but Georgia makes me nervous because of all of the control that Republicans have over the election process.  I think it's the state that's most likely to be flipped.  I'll be interested to see if the bus tour works (Trump is also focused on Georgia so maybe she can just play defense and make Trump focus on Georgia which could help her in Pennsylvania).

You're going to drive yourself mad with these dumb polls.  Here's something, Gallup just released a poll where enthusiasm, however they're measuring that, is now at 78% among Democrats, an unheard of number, and 46% with Republicans.  In general, the polls are very close to 2020 in the swing states.  The national average is not, but that's because RCP for instance takes forever to roll recent polls into the avg.  My feeling is that Harris is ahead of Clinton '16, but trailing Biden '20.  One factor in those races were third parties.  They received nearly 6% of the vote in 2016, which was a killer for Hillary, and then just 1.5% which greatly helped Biden.  Trump in now a third election, remains marooned at the 46-47% mark.  With RFK Jr. basically out, I think the "other" vote total could be as low as 2% now.  That could allow Harris to get into the 50.5% range, with Trump "growing" to 47-47.5%.  That would make many of these battleground states insanely razor thin.  I still like her polling in MI, WI, and yes NV, a notoriously difficult state to poll.  Demographics give Harris a chance in NC and GA, but I'm not confident there at all.  I think she has a better chance with AZ.  That leaves PA, which I fear is absurdly close, and could be decided by hundreds of votes.  Have I driven you madder?

Harris and Walz first interview sit down with CNN is coming soon.  She was of course attacked by GOP for having a dual sit down, when EVERY OTHER campaign including Trump Pence did the same thing. 

Harris agenda is all over the place, even I can't keep up.  Still, I feel like she's taking a page out of Trump's book, and just pandering.  And why not?  Worked for him.

BTW, Harris strategy to campaign in rural areas is terrific.  You need to cut down the red margins in those places!  This is the Obama strategy, and of course, the opposite of what Hillary did and paid for.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

You're going to drive yourself mad with these dumb polls.

Oh I know.  And I know it doesn't mean anything.  If she's winning by 3, she could be losing by 2.  If she's winning by 5, it could be tied.  Heck if she's winning by 10 she could be losing.

But I've followed a lot of pollsters since 2019ish and I'm just sorta fascinated by polling - especially polling when it comes to Trump.  This is the only way I can really *not* go crazy is to have some sort of vibe on how things are going, and this is the only way I can do that.

I think I'd go crazier if I didn't check it every day.

BTW, Harris strategy to campaign in rural areas is terrific.  You need to cut down the red margins in those places!  This is the Obama strategy, and of course, the opposite of what Hillary did and paid for.

I completely agree.  I've been reading that she's learned the mistakes from 2016, and that's great.  I think the Georgia bus tour is great, and if it works, I'd like them to do that in as many swing states as possible.  I'd love for something in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin (and NE-2).  I know that North Carolina and Arizona and Nevada are all possible and if they can also tour those states...go for it.  But this election will be technically won in the Blue Wall.  If you get Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nebraska-2, that's 270.

Is 270 enough?  For the first time in US history, maybe not.  But it sounds like the Harris campaign is going to have boots on the ground to combat whatever post-election nonsense that Trump is going to do, and I think her campaign's job should be to get to 270.  If they can get AZ and NV, great.  If they can also get GA and/or NC, even better.  The more states she gets *above* 270, the less likely Trump can steal something.  But the priority, of course, needs to be getting to 270.  And the polls, for whatever reason and giving them the attention they actually deserve, are dipping a bit in Michigan and Wisconsin.  And I think she needs to sore that up.  If she can get Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nebraska 2, then she has so many paths.  Pennsylvania alone.  Nevada plus either Georgia or North Carolina.  Arizona plus Georgia or North Carolina.  It would be nice if Nevada plus Arizona was 19 votes, but that's why Pennsylvania is so important.


One thing to note.  Trump has softened his abortion stance once again (and Vance is joining him).  They're pledging no national abortion ban.  They're using pro-choice language.  And it's starting to really upset the pro-life people.  If any of them decide to sit out the election, that could be a huge swing in some of these places.  They already beat Roe so some of them might think the battle is already won and stick it to the GOP for not being more committed to a national ban.

And as we all know, a few thousands votes here and there could actually matter.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I have no idea what local NYC news is reporting, but in the real world violent crime rates in NYC are down.

3,010 (edited by QuinnSlidr 2024-08-30 07:01:02)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Please somebody do something about my blood pressure. I just had to tune into the CNN JD Vance interview and it was a train wreck of lies. Every word from that couch humper took my blood pressure up 10 points per word. Shame on CNN for providing that couch humper with a platform. Yes, I did watch Kamala and Tim's interview last night and it was masterful. Anyway......

Top lies from the interview aka JD Vance is a freaking liar:

"Trump just wants the Dobbs decision to go back to the states the federal government should not decide what Christian hospitals can do." - Me: Ugh. 'nuff said. A vote for Trump is a vote for the end of women's rights.

"Kamala opened up the border." - Me: See next comment.

"She hasn't done anything in 3.5 years about the border and saying that she wants to do something about the border while looking in the eyes of the American people is shameful." Me: Yeah because your people killed the border bill on Trump's order.

"We have top democrats working for us who voted against Kamala in 2020 including RFK Jr." Me: HAHAHAHAHAHA - RFK Jr. is a right wing extremist anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist nut job with a brain worm, you fool. Where have you been?

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

The sabotage of Georgia's process for vote counting is scaring me. … ing-chaos/

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Yeah, that's why I'm hesitant to fully trust the Harris campaign's strategy to go after Georgia.  Again, maybe there are plans to do this in other states, but outside of forcing Trump to spend money there, I'm sorta counting Georgia as a loss.  If you need to focus resources in that area, focus them in North Carolina.  But even then, I think my strategy would be to (in order of necessity):

1. Shore up Pennsylvania
2. Shore up Michigan / Wisconsin / Nebraska-2
3. Build up the vote in Arizona
4. Build up the vote in Nevada
5. Try to win North Carolina
6. Try to win Georgia

If you win PA / MI / WI / NE2 / AZ / NV, it's 287-251.  The worry there would be Trump somehow flipping Pennsylvania and winning, but if you focus on Pennsylvania as your top priority (in all aspects, including protecting the vote and working to make sure Trump can't do anything illegal), then it's two birds with one stone.  At 287, Trump would need to flip two non-PA battleground states, and he wouldn't even have the one he's more likely to flip (Georgia).

So maybe she's going to try and do a tour of every battleground state and she's just doing Georgia first.  If not, I think she's misusing time and resources on a state that Trump is best suited to win and/or steal.


Cook Political report did move North Carolina to toss up which is cool.  It basically only leaves Nebraska-2 as a "Lean" vote on either side.  There are no longer any Lean Republican states.  So they're basically saying all seven are toss ups and the rest of the votes are pretty safe.  I will feel better when/if they move states like Michigan or Wisconsin to Lean Democrat, but I don't know if that will happen before the election.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I've been trying to find the right metaphor for the argument where certain individuals claim that masks don't filter viruses because they (supposedly) read mask studies where participants self-reported on whether or not they wore masks and got sick. These studies are where the mask-wearing participants, by their own admission, did not wear masks consistently.

To me, citing self-reported mask wearing studies as 'evidence' that masks don't work is like saying computers don't compute because a lot of people have trouble plugging them in.

Or like saying planes don't fly because a lot of people don't have pilot's licenses.

Or like saying smoke detectors don't detect smoke because people forget to replace the battery.

Or like saying bookshelves don't assemble because people lose the nuts and bolts.

Or like saying fire extinguishers don't extinguish because people forget to refill and repressurize them.

Or like saying phones don't take photos because people can't find the camera app.

Or like saying beds don't work because people suffer from insomnia.

People may fail to use equipment as per standard operating procedures. They may fail to use the equipment at all, but that is a human failure, not a failure of the equipment and the basic principles behind the equipment.

A mask wearing study is a study of whether or not people wear masks consistently, not whether or not masks work.

My hope is to get this metaphor down to two sentences with further research and development, and I will be assembling a committee of 12 and retaining a public relations firm to compress this further.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

So after getting some calming confidence, I'm starting to get a little nervous again.  I feel like the momentum has dipped, and I'd like to see a little more out of the Harris campaign.  I guess the problem is that there's not a lot of great state-level polling at all.  I'm confused on why there hasn't been a NYT poll in a month.

I'm also back to worrying about Pennsylvania - and I'm thinking the entire election comes down there.  And don't get me wrong - I think Tim Walz is a great speaker and a great running mate and I think would be a great VP.  But I'm still uneasy about bypassing Shapiro.  We aren't seeing much movement with Walz on the ticket, and I'm pretty sure Shapiro would've given something.  And as much as it would be great to flip North Carolina or keep Georgia, I'm worried that if Kamala doesn't get Pennsylvania it simply won't matter.

Debate is in a week so let's see if that changes things.


- Trump continues to do little to reach middle of the road voters.  He didn't even campaign yesterday.  Other than the national news covering his events, I don't feel like he's doing much to appeal to everyday voters.  I did see my first Trump ad which ran during a college football game I was watching.

- Kamala still has the enthusiasm edge, which Grizzlor likes to point out.  I think that will help.

- When Trump blasts Kamala, he always insults her intelligence.  If you're leaning-Trump voter who hasn't really heard Kamala speak, I assume you have rock-bottom expectations for her.  As long as Kamala has a solid performance, I wonder if people are going to be genuinely surprised at how smart she is.  I wonder if that kind of thing will backfire.  If people are expecting something terrible and that something ends up being okay, the expectation gap will actually make it seem good.  Something good turns into something great.

- I think Trump's reached his ceiling.  I don't think there's anyone left who was going to vote for someone else and is going to switch their vote to Trump.  I think she hasn't hit her ceiling yet.  I think Trump can shed voters by saying/doing something stupid in the debate or annoying them, and I think she can win people over in the debate.  As long as she doesn't absolutely bomb the debate, I think she will have the edge going into election day, no matter how slight.  And considering where we were after the last debate, that's all I can really ask for.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Just take the week off, nobody is paying attention to squat until the debate.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

NEVER big_smile

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

From Simon Rosenberg at on the polls:

One polling note... you often hear commentators talk about Trump overperforming public polling in 2016 and 2020 which means we need to be up by 3-4-5 points or more in the polls to win. That may have been true in 2016 and 2020, but it is core to our understanding here that everything in American politics changed with Dobbs, it was a before and after moment, and that:

Republicans have underperforming public polls in races of all kinds all across the country since Dobbs. We’ve been overperforming public polls not them.

Trump underperformed - not overperformed - public polls in his primary elections, sometimes by a big number.

The fascists underperformed public polls in the recent European and French elections, and the right got blown out in the UK.

Every election is unique, not like any other. I think comparisons to 2016 and 2020 are unhelpful, for Trump 2024 is now an insurrectionist, a rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon, and the man who stripped the rights and freedoms away from the women of America. He is far more degraded, diminished and extreme.

I believe, deeply, that 2024 will not be 2020 or 2016. I think it is far more likely that Trump underperforms than overperforms public polling, and that we end up kicking his ass this November.


... regardless of what the polling shows, what we are seeing in all this other data is heightened Dem intensity, and GOP struggle. While all that may change on Election Day itself, it is far more likely Election Day will be just one more day in an election that has looked far more favorable to Dems than polling or conventional wisdom holds since Dobbs.


The problem for Republicans is all that Dem intensity doesn’t just drive our strong performance in the special elections and the early vote, it translates into far more money, more paid communications, stronger organizations and campaigns and hundreds of thousands of volunteers who can now - using new tools like postcarding, remote texting, remote phonebanking - channel this intensity into direct voter contact in the battlegrounds. All this intensity can be more far more effectively channeled into making our campaigns stronger, making our close stronger and making it far more likely we win.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I like that.  Nate Silver also seems to be hesitant that there will be a huge polling error.  He thinks (and I think I agree) that polling is mostly good but was thrown out of whack by the shift in the electorate in 2016 and the Covid situation in 2020.  That, while it's been 100% happening in every Donald Trump election, that it's a sample size of two and that's not great for a statistician.  It could be one of those "Crime rates and ice cream sales are directly related" things where it looks like they're related but they're not.

I would like some high-quality polling from swing states to feel better.  Feels like it's been forever since we had one.


I read an interesting opinion piece from a conservative.  It was one of those "conservatives are better off if Kamala wins" but not (fully) from the perspectives of a Liz Cheney-like conservative.  The writer (and I would love to link but I couldn't find it in a quick google search) talked about how the GOP is probably going to win the Senate and maybe the even if Harris wanted to do some sort of crazy progressive agenda, it probably wouldn't work.  That Republicans in the House and Senate (and, if needed, the Supreme Court) would be there to push back on anything she wanted to do.  And, then, having a Democrat in the White House would help increase the GOP lead in Congress going into 2028.

It did talk about finally getting Trump out of their party, but that was the piece that they felt least confident in.  That even if Trump was gone, those currently-reliable Republican voters might never come back.

I just thought it was an interesting perspective.  A sort of "Republicans can lose the battle but win the war" and it was actually fairly convincing.  My biggest fear going forward for Democrats is how do they maintain their voting block without Trump to hold them together?  It's hard to appeal to white suburban voters who care about climate change and abortion, while also appealing to blue collar union workers who just care about putting food on the table.

I assume after Trump is gone, whenever that is, that there will be another shift in the electorate and a bunch of the MAGA people will be up for grabs.

3,019 (edited by Grizzlor 2024-09-05 08:45:37)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

There's I read something like 175 polls on this race being taken across the country, and most of those are dog feces.  They have little to no scientific or academic basis, without even getting into the Blue or Red-tinged pollsters who are free to apply their biases.  I personally don't care for Nate Silver, and never have.  I felt his 538 garbage was essentially just that, and really have little faith in these polling predictive models.  They act as if they are superior, but they're really not.  Furthermore, one of the newer and "hotter" ones on the web is Poly-Market, a fly by night operation owned by billionaire Peter Thiel, yes the same tech bro who basically invented J.D. Vance, and supports Trump.  So when PolyMarket shows for Trump, I just roll my eyes.  Well guess who else is on Thiel's payroll these days?  That's right, Nate Silver, who was so good at his job that ABC fired him.  I'd rather hear from a Simon Rosenberg or a Karl Rove than these entities, at least they know politics.

PS: Allan Lichtman, as many suspected, announced that Kamala will win based on his "13 keys."  She's won 8 to Trump's 3, with two remaining undetermined.  He has been "correct" in nine of the last ten Presidential contests, going back to 1984.  To be fair, the majority of those were somewhat "settled" with clear favorites going in, and though he picked Gore in 2000, that one was as much of a tie as one could get, well, maybe before this year. … 082875007/

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I mean at the end of the day, it's all meaningless.  Polls have errors, and the models that are built are based on the erred polls.  Betting markets don't mean anything, as any sports fan will tell you.  Upsets happen all the time no matter how good Vegas does at creating betting lines.  Even when a game isn't against the spread, David beats Goliath in sports enough that it always needs to be considered.

It's going to be a close election that comes down to election day and a few thousand people in a few states.  A thousand different factors could affect the result, including weather and unpredictable human nonsense.

But for me, it's about vibes and confidence.  When I see that my team is favored to win a game, no matter how many times betting lines have been wrong, I feel better going into the game.  I don't feel cheated or angry if it goes the wrong way, but it just makes me feel better.  The idea that Harris is polling better makes me feel better.  The fact that these pollsters make millions of dollars to predict this stuff and get raked across the coals when they get it wrong makes me feel better about trusting them.

I've had so much existential dread about this stupid election that I just want to feel okay that a literal psychopath won't be running my country for another four years.  I know it's dumb and I know that it means nothing and I know that we aren't going to know anything until after November 3rd.  But if you think that's going to stop me, just start ignoring my dumb little posts big_smile


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Well I fret that Harris has allowed a lot of the momentum to fade, as she and Walz have been campaigning but the country doesn't see them.  The staff is obviously full of Biden personnel who are antagonistic towards the press, and it's stupid.  She should be doing every celebrity podcast there is, there's plenty of softball ones for her to do.  Even if they don't want her on TV shows, which again, is short-sighted.  Harris is barely in the news highlights anymore.  They're rolling out a pro-small business economic plan this week.  Who's covering it?  You don't see anything, because he's not directly speaking to the press.

3,022 (edited by Slider_Quinn21 2024-09-05 13:29:26)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

Well I fret that Harris has allowed a lot of the momentum to fade, as she and Walz have been campaigning but the country doesn't see them.  The staff is obviously full of Biden personnel who are antagonistic towards the press, and it's stupid.  She should be doing every celebrity podcast there is, there's plenty of softball ones for her to do.  Even if they don't want her on TV shows, which again, is short-sighted.  Harris is barely in the news highlights anymore.  They're rolling out a pro-small business economic plan this week.  Who's covering it?  You don't see anything, because he's not directly speaking to the press.

I completely agree, but I also wonder if we're just not seeing it because she's not focusing on either of our states (rightly).  Our votes don't matter so our experience might be different than the experience of someone in one of the seven battlegrounds.

I am weirded out by her not doing more national stuff, but the national vote doesn't really matter.  If the stuff they're doing on the state level isn't working, that's more of a problem.  But if it's working, then less national stuff doesn't bother me.  Again we haven't had any quality state level polling (I don't know how that's possible - what are they doing?) in a long time so we don't really have any idea how her bus trip through Georgia impacted anything.


This story is also not super important, but it's a nice indicator that Harris could/should win.  Lichtman uses different "keys" that have to be unlocked to see who the winner is.  He missed Bush/Gore (which was crazy close) and actually underestimated Trump in the popular vote in 2016.  It also doesn't mean anything, but it's another positive sign that she might be able to win. … 48920.html

3,023 (edited by QuinnSlidr 2024-09-06 03:54:16)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

For anyone not paying attention over the last 24 hours...the DOJ just cracked down on two of some of the most well-known personalities amplifying Russian Election Disinformation Campaigns from the following folks:

Tim Pool
Benny Johnson

I would beware of Elon Musk too.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

This is one of the reasons why we need Harris to win.  The DoJ will stop investigating all of this stuff.  We need to maintain a "neutral" justice department (I'm sure it's not purely neutral but it needs to be as neutral as it has been in the past).

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

NYT came out with a poll yesterday that had Trump up one.  Everyone lost their minds, but it obviously went in two different camps.  GOP said it was clear that the Harris honeymoon is over and everyone came back to their original camps.  Liberals said there were crosstabs issues (oversampling of both Republicans and evangelicals).  I'm sure both are possible.

(I know it doesn't matter, Grizzlor, but I'm doing this anyway).

My aunt is a pretty avid MSNBC watcher and fairly active in politics.  She's one of the large number of people who listens in on a lot of the Harris activist zoom calls, and she comes to me for analysis on some of the things she's hearing and doing.  For her, she's struggling with the idea that people would've switched to Trump in the last month or so.  She can't understand why anyone would jump on the Trump train now.  For me, it would need to be someone in one of three camps:

1. RFK Jr voters.  Whether they were going to vote for Trump the whole time or not, these are people that either love RFK so much that they'll listen to his endorsement and vote for Trump or vote for Trump to get RFK Jr involved in the government somewhere.

2. Double haters.  These are people that hated Trump and hated Biden.  Maybe some of them initially jumped on the Harris bandwagon because she was *literally anyone else* but either struggled to connect with her or just decided that they liked something about Trump better.

3. Undecideds who finally just decided to land on Trump instead of Harris.  They needed to make a decision and just made a decision.

I think all of these situations are possible, and all of these shifts could have already happened or could happen all the way up until election day.

Now who's going to go into the Harris camp?  It's basically the same group of people:

1. Double haters.  People that hated Trump and were turned off by Biden at some point in the last four years.  Harris is new and refreshing and so they go with her.

2. Undecideds that make their decision.  Instead of picking Trump, they pick Kamala.

3. People Trump sheds.  I think it's possible that *some* RFK voters could go to Kamala, but I don't think it's a big-enough group to rely on.  I Think RFK voters are going to either still vote for RFK, write in RFK where he's no longer on the ballot, vote for a different 3rd party on the ballot, or vote for Trump.  Any Democrats who were going to vote for RFK based off of name recognition, I think, switched to Harris when Biden dropped out (I think they were "Double Haters").  So I think that's insignificant.  Now I do think there's a chance that Trump sheds some votes in the next 50 days, and I think a lot of it relies on tomorrow's debate.  If Trump looks rambly and old and crazy tomorrow night, I think some people might reconsider.  I assume a lot of non-MAGA Trump votes are coming from people who just think he's more reliable because he's done the job before.  If Trump can actually look a little bit like the way they saw Biden (old and possibly losing his marbles), I think those votes could go to Harris.

I think there's a chance that Trump says or does something that loses him pro-life voters, but I don't think those people go to Kamala.  It can help her if they don't vote for him, but obviously it's better if they get those votes.  And there's just no way they vote for her.  Maybe I'm underestimating it, but I think the endorsements of the Cheneys doesn't move the needle much.  I think the Bush/Cheney conservatives have already left, and I think Liz has been openly anti-Trump for a long-enough time that nothing would change.

One thing that could possibly make a dent is Liz Cheney saying that "not voting for Trump is not enough - you need to vote for Kamala."  I think there's a slight chance that makes a difference with some people.  People like Mitt Romney have always said they've written in some classical Republican, but there's a chance that Liz Cheney can convince some anti-Trump Republicans that they have permission to vote for a Democrat not just for president but downballot as well (she also endorsed Colin Allred in Texas...not sure if she endorsed others but that was obviously news here).

Again, I think Liz Cheney has been visible and active enough that she's convinced all the people she was going to convince.  But if she can convince enough people that were going to write someone in to vote for her, it could make a difference in some places.  Hopefully she does some sort of ad in the battleground states.

But if you look at the polls, Trump has been pretty consistent.  I don't think he's losing voters or adding voters.  I think if he has a average/standard debate, the number of people that were going to vote for him in July are still going to vote for him in November.  I think it's all about people that actually choose to vote for Kamala.

And that's why I think the debate tomorrow is important.  If Trump answers questions like he answered the "Child Care costs" question from the weekend, I think he could lose people who don't pay much attention to the 2024 version of Trump.  And I think Harris could impress people who aren't familiar with her at all (or lose those same people if she looks unprepared or in over her head).

I know she's working really hard at debate prep (and has gotten much better than the 2019 debates that she struggled with) and he's not prepping at all.  He doesn't really debate and he lies so much that he doesn't really need to learn facts or figures.  I'm sure she'll be prepared, but I'm hoping she can walk the tightrope, both standing up to him and refuting his lies and actually delivering the types of answers that people are looking for.  If I were advising her (and I should not be advising her), my advice would be for her to mostly ignore Trump and just answer questions.  I think if she looks professional and knowledgeable, I think she'll look presidential.  I think she should leave the fact-checking to the analysts, even though I have little faith that they'll do that.  But ignoring Trump and delivering a message will allow her the better chance of coming out with more voters than she came in with.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate


I think there's a chance that Trump says or does something that loses him pro-life voters, but I don't think those people go to Kamala.  It can help her if they don't vote for him, but obviously it's better if they get those votes.  And there's just no way they vote for her.  Maybe I'm underestimating it, but I think the endorsements of the Cheneys doesn't move the needle much.  I think the Bush/Cheney conservatives have already left, and I think Liz has been openly anti-Trump for a long-enough time that nothing would change.

Oh, he's already done that. He flip flopped immediately on bad public reaction and lost pro-lifers:

Trump says he wants to make IVF treatments paid for by government or insurance companies if elected … rcna168804

POTTERVILLE, Mich. — Former President Donald Trump said in an interview with NBC News on Thursday that if he is elected, his administration would not only protect access to in-vitro fertilization but would also have either the government or insurance companies cover the cost of the expensive service for American women who need it.

"We are going to be, under the Trump administration, we are going to be paying for that treatment," Trump said before adding, "We're going to be mandating that the insurance company pay."

Asked to clarify whether the government would pay for IVF services or whether insurance companies would do so, Trump reiterated that one option would be to have insurance companies pay "under a mandate, yes."

Abortion and IVF have been political liabilities for the GOP this year. Democrats have blasted Republicans over IVF in recent months, saying GOP-led restrictions on abortion could lead to restrictions on IVF, as well.

In a statement, Sarafina Chitika, a spokesperson for Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign, said that "Donald Trump’s own platform could effectively ban IVF and abortion nationwide" and that "because Trump overturned Roe v. Wade, IVF is already under attack and women’s freedoms have been ripped away in states across the country. There is only one candidate in this race who trusts women and will protect our freedom to make our own health care decisions: Vice President Kamala Harris.”

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

QuinnSlidr wrote:

Oh, he's already done that. He flip flopped immediately on bad public reaction and lost pro-lifers.

Yeah, that's what I was referring to.  I wonder what kind of language he's going to use when abortion comes up tomorrow.  If he says "reproductive rights" in an attempt to court women, he might lose pro-lifers.  If he doesn't say that, he could continue to lose women that aren't MAGA or crazy pro-life.  I actually don't understand what his original pivot was about because I feel like those groups of people were already pretty clear on what camp they were in.  Pro-lifers are pretty one-issue people, and they already have what they want.  If they feel like they just need to play defense in the Senate and that the Supreme Court is pretty safe, a less-than-pro-life Donald Trump doesn't give them anything.

Now those people won't vote for Kamala Harris, but I'll take a nullified Trump vote.

3,029 (edited by QuinnSlidr 2024-09-09 10:31:04)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:
QuinnSlidr wrote:

Oh, he's already done that. He flip flopped immediately on bad public reaction and lost pro-lifers.

Yeah, that's what I was referring to.  I wonder what kind of language he's going to use when abortion comes up tomorrow.  If he says "reproductive rights" in an attempt to court women, he might lose pro-lifers.  If he doesn't say that, he could continue to lose women that aren't MAGA or crazy pro-life.  I actually don't understand what his original pivot was about because I feel like those groups of people were already pretty clear on what camp they were in.  Pro-lifers are pretty one-issue people, and they already have what they want.  If they feel like they just need to play defense in the Senate and that the Supreme Court is pretty safe, a less-than-pro-life Donald Trump doesn't give them anything.

Now those people won't vote for Kamala Harris, but I'll take a nullified Trump vote.

He originally flipped because FOX News asked him how he would vote on Floridian legislation on their six week abortion ban, and he said he would vote "no" because he was losing too many voters and was under fire from the Harris campaign for being pro life. And there was also the recent very public outcry against Project 25's goal to ban all abortion nationwide. This answer to FOX News resulted in massive backlash against him from pro-lifers and, of course, he realized his mistake against his base all too late, so he flipped on IVF in order to retain and maybe gain some voters from the pro choice side. He has no idea what he's doing and he's grasping at straws at this point.

Trump moves to contain fallout of abortion, IVF backlash … 955_4.html

The rift widened as he hit out at his home state Florida's six-week abortion ban, calling it too restrictive and suggesting he planned to vote for an upcoming ballot measure that would make the procedure legal until a fetus becomes viable.

Trump, 78, walked back the comment ahead of a rally in the battleground state of Pennsylvania on Friday, telling Fox News that "I will be voting no." But conservatives had already begun criticizing Trump's ever-shifting positions on abortion, with a new Republican policy platform dropping calls for a national ban and the tycoon's recent claim that his government would be "great" for reproductive rights. The pushback from anti-abortion groups on his latest remarks was swift, with activists warning that he risks alienating his base.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Yeah I hope it comes up tomorrow.  And I assume his answer will be something like "I did what everyone wanted and I moved it back to the states.  That's what everyone wanted.  They wanted it to go back to the states and that's where it is.  Hannibal Lecter.  Sharks.  Tariffs.  I'm a Christian."

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

NYT came out with a poll yesterday that had Trump up one.  Everyone lost their minds, but it obviously went in two different camps.  GOP said it was clear that the Harris honeymoon is over and everyone came back to their original camps.  Liberals said there were crosstabs issues (oversampling of both Republicans and evangelicals).  I'm sure both are possible.

Simon Rosenberg wrote:

Happy Sunday all. I try to take Sundays off but with the NYT dropping a poll showing Trump pulling ahead, 48-47, I am doing a short post.

I try very hard to not get into analyzing individual polls and instead look at broad trends across all polling. For as you’ve heard me say the core conceit of the polling industrial complex is that polls are accurate, a photograph of a moment rather than a sketch. And the truth is they are far more like a hurried sketch than a photograph and thus no one poll can claim to capture the essence of a fleeting moment. Given the limitations of any single poll, it is best to look at trends across all polls. This is why we’ve come to rely on poll averages in recent years.

Today the NYT tells us not to do that. They tell us we should ignore the 12 non-partisan polls with interviews taken since August 28th, polls that show VP Harris with a 3 point lead on average and no movement towards Trump. Here is what the NYT wrote today:

There’s also a plausible reason the Times/Siena poll would be the first to capture a shift back toward Mr. Trump: There simply haven’t been many high-quality surveys fielded since the convention, when Ms. Harris was riding high. There was a scattering of online polls this week, but there hasn’t been a traditional high-quality survey with interviews conducted after Aug. 28.

Sorry NYT but we are not going to dismiss all these other polls taken during this period showing us with a three point national lead and in a better position in the battlegrounds. Not how this works. Your poll is one among many, and today it is an outlier, the only one of 13 polls taken in recent weeks showing Trump with a lead. But it also doesn’t really matter. With the debate Tuesday the election will change again, and in a few days we will be talking about all the new polls flying at us after the debate.

We need to let go of 2016. This election is not like 2016, or 2020, or 2008 or 2012. It is 2024. No election is like any other. One of the central mistakes analysts made in 2022 was believing it was going to be like other mid-terms even when the data was making very clear it just wasn’t going to be. We need to let 2024 be 2024, and Kamala Harris be Kamala Harris.

Think about how different things are. We have a dynamic, new, next gen Presidential ticket. Enthusiasm for Harris-Walz is far more like 2008 than 2016 or 2020. Harris has been the Vice President and leader of an Administration that has left the country far better than they found it. Governor Walz is an important bridge to parts of the country we have struggled to reach, and the campaign is working very hard to expand its coalition even beyond what we had when we won in 2020. We have vastly more money than we used to have, and our grassroots is far more powerful, experienced and capable. In 2014 we had a very disappointing mid-term performance. In 2022 rather than losing ground we actually gained ground in the mid-terms, and have continued to overperform expectations and win in elections of all kinds across the county since. As Tom Bonier and I discussed last week, the intensity indicators we tracked in 2022 that led us to believe the election would be better than expected for us are all once again heading pointing in the right direction.

Trump does not have super powers or some magical connection with the American electorate and never did. This myth of his strength is corrosive, red wavy and wrong. He only won the election in 2016 with the extraordinary interventions of our FBI and the Russian government. He only received 46% and 47% of the vote in his two elections, less than Mitt Romney received in 2012. Every election since 2016 has gone poorly for MAGA. Rs were so worried about Trump’s low ceiling this cycle they got three Jill Steins to run this time, not just one. They are struggling to raise hard dollars. It is not clear they have a legitimate field operation this time. MAGA Senate and gubernatorial candidates are struggling, as they did in 2022, and may act as a drag on Trump throughout the battlegrounds. Trump 2024 is weak, not strong.

I hope he's right.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

There is a continued outspokenness of honestly generally okay don't-drink-the-kool-aid republicans who are voting for VP Kamala Harris instead of Trump. Including Dick Cheney.

Also, I have a feeling in this election year, polls are downright worthless. Every single democrat with a democratic spine is going to vote for her. And I have a feeling we are going to have a blue tsunami this year.

Anything else is mostly right wing posturing.

Remember...even Kevin McCarthy came out and said republicans are likely to lose this election. KEVIN MCCARTHY.

That is something I thought I'd never hear somebody of his ilk say.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I like the positive enthusiasm.

I was very nervous about the Biden/Trump debate.  I'm excited about the Kamala/Trump debate.  It's going to be very difficult for Kamala to navigate a debate like this, but she'll be very prepared and she's good at thinking on her feet.  One thing I read about her is that she needs to try and avoid "meme-able" moments and just put together a good performance.  She's gotten tripped up a couple times in the past trying to make a moment happen.  She should let those moments come to her and let Trump bury himself.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

The Sienna/NYT poll has a R+3 lean, it's not a bias, it's just based on their sample.  You cannot poll anybody under the age of 40, as they will not respond to unknown phone numbers and often emails.  I'm older than that, and I sure don't!!!

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Kamala needs to be campaigning like she's down.  Hillary's campaign didn't do the things it needed to do down the stretch, and she lost.  Kamala needs to spend the next few weeks going after every vote she can.

I did like that she created a new ad with all of Trump's "best hires" all saying they don't want him back in the White House.  Kamala is going to air it on Fox News and locally in Pennsylvania and in the area of Mar-A-Lago.  I sorta love the pettiness.  Since Trump is essentially going all in on Pennsylvania, she has an opportunity to really reach some voters that he won't be able to reach in the other battleground states.

It would make me nervous as heck, but it would be absolutely hilarious if Trump won Pennsylvania but lost the other six battleground states.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I am as nervous as a Blockbuster manager during the rise of Netflix. I'm not sure what will happen. And you know what? I'm proud of that.

I used to have a very obvious anxiety disorder that I couldn't manage properly at the time. There was someone I looked up to, who was a bit of a shock jock sort of person. He held Libertarian views like Tracy Torme, and he would offer a lot of political views boldly and a lot of hypercritical perspectives of anything and everything (art, science, housing, parking spaces) with total certainty. I never talked to anyone else who expressed so little doubt, and because I was severely overstocked with doubt, I admired and envied him.

He said that Clinton was certain to win in 2016. He said, upon Trump's win, that Trump had lived in a blue state for most of his life and would tone down the insanity. He said that the presidency was not a very powerful position or office and that whoever was president didn't fundamentally change anything. He said that Biden was doomed to lose the 2020 election and that Trump was a master showman who would run rings around Biden.

He was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.

He never conceded his errors. He never even acknowledged his errors and that his prognostications were not correct, that the world didn't work the way he thought it would, that the outcomes weren't the ones he expected. He never reviewed his errors and why his predictions were off. He had no self-doubt. He kept making them with the same level of certainty even when that absolute confidence had proven absolutely wrong.

And because I loved him and admired him and valued him, I got upset with him and I... didn't handle my frustration well; I became increasingly incensed by what I perceived as ego and vanity... which is pretty absurd because I have plenty of ego and vanity myself. Nobody writes nine SLIDERS scripts unpaid and ropes podcasters in to talk about it without some arrogance.

But regardless, my friend did not acknowledge that he was often wrong, that he didn't really know what was going to happen, that the world didn't always work the way he thought it did our should, and that he wasn't sure.

I won't make that mistake. Simon Rosenberg paints a pretty picture balanced by realism; it could still be unbalanced. He could still be wrong and he'd be the first person to tell you that. He's not a god. More specifically, Rosenberg is not Quinn Mallory or Professor Arturo; he is not a mathematician.

He is an analyst, a pundit, and he is biased to say Kamala is doing well because he wants her to be doing well. He was right in 2022 that the red wave was an illusion; he is right to say that 2024 isn't 2022 -- but there's always more to the picture than anyone can see, and it's entirely possible that he's overlooked a key item that would change his assessment if he knew to factor it in. It's also possible that he's overlooked things that, in the end, won't matter.

I share his words because they sound good to me, but let us never forget that I am posting what I want to hear, and sometimes, what I want to hear is not accurate.

I have made predictions before and they were wrong. It shook me. It rattled me. It terrified me. I'm not absolutely confident. I have doubts. But I don't doubt reality, which is that The New York Times is looking at one poll and Simon Rosenberg is looking at 12. But what is going to happen?

I'm not too proud to say I don't know and I'm not sure.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I think we're going to get a lot of clarity after tonight.  I don't know if the standard voter watched the DNC or any of the Kamala rallies.  They might not have watched the interview with her and Walz or any of her speeches as vice president.  There's a decent chance this will be the first time a lot of people have heard Kamala speak at any length, and I think this could set the table for the final stretch of the campaign. 

I don't think a ton is at stake, but I think enough is at stake to define the election.  Kamala can either win some of the people who are trusting Trump by default (either because he's done the job before or because they have fond memories of the time he was president), or she can lose some of the people that she gained when Biden dropped out (if they decide she's not ready, they don't actually like her, etc).  I don't know if Trump has as much to gain because he's such a known quantity, but he doesn't have to gain much (or for her to lose much) for him to be back in the driver's seat.

I think she needs to look intelligent, competent, responsible, trustworthy, and presidential.  We need him to look old, crazy, selfish, and Trumpy.  51 million people watched the last debate, and I think this one could be even bigger.

3,038 (edited by QuinnSlidr 2024-09-10 18:59:45)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I am hoping Harris comes out swinging and looking Presidential as always. And that she catches Trump (Hitler) off guard and he goes home crying about how it's all rigged and all so unfair. Bonus points if she can get him to call her names and get more well...Trumpian...!!!

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Oh Trump (Hitler) is flustered now. He's the first during this debate to start screaming out of turn with the mic muted.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

This woman is incredible. She is on the attack now. Trump (Hitler) continues to get more flustered and flustered and incoherent.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Very quick thought.  Kamala allowing Trump Show to play on primetime TV.  He's literally regurgitating every idiotic and mostly false MAGA conspiracy and social media baloney.  I can't wait to see Jon Stewart recap at 11pm live.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Oh wow, that went super well for Kamala.  Trump rambled on and on and on and on, which I didn't think he'd be able to do in two minutes.  Kamala was great - I think she dodged a couple major questions, but I think she was overall very strong and intelligent.

I don't know how much it matters, but I think this was a home run.  I'm hoping undecided voters watched and paid attention because they saw an old crazy person and someone who wants to turn the page.

3,043 (edited by Grizzlor 2024-09-10 21:53:31)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

What was it, three months ago, or longer, I was screaming and pleading to get Biden out of there.  THIS was why!!!!  I also don't know what affect this debate will have, but VP Harris completely decimated the old dope.  She ruthlessly, and I mean, ruthlessly, ripped him to shreds on her issues (including the abortion question which Biden was unable to).  I almost felt bad for Trump when she basically tore his clothes off on national TV by bashing his crazy rallies, then creamed him again on foreign dictators.  Trump naturally responded in idiotic fashion.  I literally could not believe he even brought up the stupid cats and dogs being eaten in Ohio baloney!!!!!!!  Then he quadrupled down on it, and FOUGHT the ABC co-host over it.  Trump looked old, stupid, mean, dumb, full of anger, and completely worthless.  Harris looked smart, young, vibrant, tough, coherent, and fearless. 

You know how bad it went for Trump, when every pundit of his bitched about the ABC moderators.  He lost, and lost BIGLY.  I mean, wow, completely ripped the veneer away from this orange schmuck on LIVE TV.  I don't wish to take anything away from Kamala's performance, which requires intense preparation and strength, but this was so EASY.  It should always have been this EASY.  Even in the GOP world.  This guy is a complete phony.  Substance wise, not a great debate for that, but who cares?  You weren't getting any from the old buffoon. "I have concepts to replace Obamacare."

PS: Taylor Swift announced she's voting for Kamala....

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Okay having slept on it, there are my thoughts:

The Good
- I wanted Trump to look old and crazy, and oh boy.  I thought she might lean into him being old, but I guess she didn't think that it would work with Biden being older.  I think it was the only attack that she didn't attempt, but Trump certainly faded as the evening went on.  His final statement was pathetic.
- "THEY'RE EATING THE DOGS" will be the sound byte of the debate.  I imagine we will see the Harris campaign use that to show how unhinged Trump is.
- Trump set up Kamala to be so dumb and incompetent that she didn't really need to do much to surpass those expectations.  She had some flaws (which I'll get to), but she was extremely prepared, she was (mostly) composed, and I think she came across as ready for the job.  I don't want to say "presidential" because I think that word has been mangled a bit, but she did well.
- I was impressed that ABC did any fact checking on the fly, and they hit him on the two biggest points.  Like Grizzlor said, he actually argued with them on the dogs thing which was insane for him.  They also confirmed that in no state is it legal to "execute" a baby which also made him look radical (and dumb).
- Polymarket (which might be slanted to the right, I don't know a ton about it) had her overwhelmingly as the winner and it caused the race to move.  CNN had her winning big (24 points I think).  The pundits made it all about Trump and how crazy he looked.
- I think this will make Trump go even crazier, and I assume it continues to hurt him.

The Bad
- Not a ton, but Kamala did dodge questions.  She ignored the first question about whether people are better off than they were four years ago.  She ignored the question about Afghanistan.  She ignored most of the question about her flip-flopping.  This isn't necessarily a problem because I think she mostly got away with it.  I think it will be important for her to continue to address it.
- She could've been more specific on her plans and separating herself from Biden.  She wants to paint herself as a new direction, but she didn't really respond to how she'd be different than Biden.
- I think she had the opportunity to either own certain things or deflect some of the "blame" on Biden for certain things.  "I will do X different than Biden did" or "Here's how I would have handled X."  To be clear, I would not want her to throw Biden under the bus, but it would've been good for her to distance herself from Biden on a thing or two.
- I also think she needed to hammer home that Trump was responsible for a lot of the economic issues.  I think she was strong on charting a new course for the economy (whether she can do it or not), but I thought she was weak on explaining the truth behind the economy.
- It was good for her to essentially let Trump look argumentative and let him speak, but I think she could've called for another minute of time a few times to call out something Trump said on rebuttal.

The Unknowns
- Does it matter?  Did enough undecideds watch?  Will enough undecideds pay attention?  Did enough soft Republicans get turned off by the version of Trump they saw?  And did any of those people live in the seven battleground states?
- Can Harris capitalize?  She should regain some of the momentum she lost.  I'm sure she made a ton of money last night, and I can't imagine the Trump campaign will be able to fundraise much from that.  Pennsylvania is obviously the golden goose, but there's a path for her to win the other states and win the election.  She needs either North Carolina or Georgia, and she'd need to sweep the others.  She's massively outspending Trump everywhere but Pennsylvania so she needs to match/beat him there and hope to make inroads everywhere else.
- Will the mainstream media cover the debate "normally" or cover some of his unhinged moments?  I watched almost no post-debate coverage so I'm not sure whether "THEY'RE EATING THE DOGS" was shown on the news last night / this morning or if they focused on the more coherent sound bytes.

The Swifties
I think it's better to have Taylor Swift's endorsement, but I don't know if it moves the needle at all.  I assume anyone who was going to vote for Harris already did, and any Trump supporters that listen to Taylor probably won't flip.  I think there's a slight chance that she can bring in some young voters, but I assume a lot of that work was already done.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Look I think it's far simpler.  Most Americans, who are not betrothed to one side or the other, went into the debate with two ideas about the candidates.  Trump is old, off kilter, mean-spirited, and full of himself, though at "face value" his policies and complaints often ring true.  Kamala is confident, smarter, tenacious, but unproven with potentially vapid policies.  Well, in plain view of tens of millions of people, Donald Trump played the role of his own caricature to a T.  At this point, if you had ANY potential doubts about VP Harris, and still have those, I'm afraid you are just an unserious moron.  Man or Woman up and make a damn adult decision. 

Will the debate matter?  Hard to say to what extent because the polling is all within the margin of error anyway.  I do think there are continued issues economically to deal with.  Frankly, I thought the few lines which Kamala was able to make on her plans were worthwhile.  Trump's economic plans are colossally bad.  I'd only wished more time were spent on them.  Drill, cut billionaire taxes, raise tariffs on goods.  Absolutely awful, like Brazil-bad!!!  Not to mention that ABC's Muir inadvertently BAILED him out of answering how he would deport 12 million people!  What kind of chaos and travesties that would cause.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Yeah, I think Harris needs to do a national ad asking about how the deportation would work and whether people trust the government to pull that off.  How could they do this and not deport actual citizens?  I think it would be a great opportunity to take advantage of everyone's mistrust of the government.  Do one of those ads where a family gets woken up in the middle of the night and you see it from their perspective.  Guys with guns knock on the door and wake them up and drag them out of their house!

"We're citizens!  We're citizens!"

"They're on the list, put them in the van"

"Do you trust the government to get it right?"

Do it in English and in Spanish and make it national.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Trump groups ran a pretty savage anti-immigration commercial that showed up during CNN post-debate coverage.  Harris now though, she really needs to start appearing on specific TV, and social media, programs.  I don't care if they are softball spots like Jimmy Fallon or The View or whatever.  Just to keep the narrative going.  "We're not going back."  Her campaign speeches, convention, and now this debate, have been tailored well, and her message has been largely focused.  Now they need to broadcast that far more frequently.  Fundraising broke records last night.  Well great.  She has to branch out.  She can deliver this message.  Trump is a blithering old fool.  If voters cannot perceive that by now, I really don't know what else to do or say to them.  I'm tapped out.  His ideas are terrible. 

PS: Did y'all notice how the supposed secret weapon MAGA have been touting for weeks, went unspoken???  Not one utterance of Trump's alliance with RFK Jr., nor his top issues like fighting "corporate capture," free speech, or a sudden "left turn" Trump promised to take.  Nadda.  Guess that goes to show the losers backing Kennedy how much Trump actually thinks or cares about them.  If he wins, Bobby K will be forgotten.

3,048 (edited by Slider_Quinn21 2024-09-11 10:33:46)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Yeah I wonder if he realizes that Kennedy is mostly toxic.  Or he is such an afterthought that Trump literally forgot about him.

I was also surprised that Kamala didn't mention that she would put a Republican in her cabinet.  I think a lot of Americans would be interested in some sort of coalition government, and I figured that would help with Republicans that really don't want to vote for Trump.  I assume she means someone like Kinzinger or Cheney, but it could maybe give anti-Trump Republicans an excuse to vote for her (and, like Liz Cheney urged people, to not just write in some Republican but actually vote for her).

But, yeah, he looked so awful with absolutely no ideas.  I can't imagine any undecideds who were impressed by him, and that's where I think she could've been a little better in defining herself.  But I would assume she at least opened the door for some of those people to leave Trump or vote for her, and she's going to need to really hit the ground running.  I completely agree that she needs to reach more "normal people" but I wonder if she's doing that locally in places like Pennsylvania and North Carolina and we just don't see it in Texas or New York (or are you NJ?)

I assume the Harris campaign knows what they're doing, but you're absolutely right that there are light and easy venues she could take advantage of.  Before she was the actual nominee, I was thinking she needed to really blanket the airwaves.  Show up on all kinds of shows - CMT, BET, MTV.  Do all kinds of podcasts/YouTube shows/TikTok channels, even people that aren't traditionally political.  I'm old and out of the loop, but I'm thinking it might be fun for her to do something like Dude Perfect and have her screw around with a football or foosball or pickleball.  Reach some people who never pay attention to politics and show that she's fun and outgoing and stuff like that.

Again, she probably knows better than me.  But I'd be doing something like that literally every day.  Call in to podcasts and make any video stuff come to you.  Because they will.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

The contest will be decided by both low-information, and low-enthusiastic voters.  I think she has converted legions of "low-enthusiasm" voters into her column, and will get most of them to actually vote.  Trump has done this as well, of course.  The rest of them are mainly sick of both parties, and probably will not vote.  It's the "low-information" voters who worry me.  Some are young people, but usually those folks do not vote.  The older ones, especially women and single men, are a concern.  Many of them are lower income.  They see the rates of inflation, as well as other factors, and are not happy with the economy.  As well as immigration.  They do not view Trump as the danger he is, because again, low-information.  They are concerned over their ability to afford even the basics, and they look back pre-pandemic, and they know it was easier then.  They don't take into account the disaster Trump made out of the pandemic response, that made worldwide supply chains crippled.  Or the work that Biden's administration has done politically to ease these things.  My only hope is that these people will get the message.  Hence why I think it's important for Harris to get out there onto platforms that these folks WILL see.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Agreed.  Her campaign seems to be pretty solid so I'm sure they're turning over whatever stones they think they need to.  It's hard to know if the stuff in Georgia worked (there still hasn't been any high-quality polls there), but I'm going to trust they know what they're doing.  Even if we know better than them, there's no way they're looking at a Sliders BBoard for advice.  If they are, hire Grizzlor big_smile

She has the edge in money and now she's regained some momentum.  Let's see what she does with it.  Looks like she's doing a couple of rallies tomorrow in North Carolina.  Trump is following up in Arizona.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Trump says he won't do another debate.

On one hand, I think this is really good.  There's no way he'd be as unprepared for another debate, and it could wash out the effect of this one.  If she struggles or if he's more on his game, it could be worse news closer to the election.

On the other hand, if she can just easily get under his skin and if he goes into a debate with the same lazy attitude, a second debate way closer to Election Day could be huge.  Even though this is the second debate, it's still really early as far as debates go.  We're still weeks away from election day, and this is during a time when people's attention spans are nonexistent.  People might've completely forgotten about this debate by the time the election comes around, and I assume that's what his campaign is going for.

He's flip flopped on this before and maybe he'll do another one - there's tons of time.  But if he's really done, it's incumbent on her to make sure people don't forget.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

At this point, you're not going to convince people who still cannot make up their minds.  It's a fallacy.  They either won't vote, or they're just lying to poll takers.  Trump continues to lead by a significant margin on immigration and the economy.  As humiliated as he got the other night, it may not end up mattering.  He certainly won't debate again.  It's going to continue to be an uphill fight for Democrats over the next several weeks, and they can push their supporters to vote, with emphasis on abortion and Trump's authoritarianism.  Immigration is a lost cause, everything that's been said, has been said.  Joe Biden and/or those in his administration (possibly including the VP) just simply failed on that issue.  For anyone who finds it to be a deciding factor, you lost them awhile ago.  I felt her economic proposals were good, and hopefully they can advertise those more wherever they are, and go.  Becomes a battle to see who gets more people out to vote.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

Immigration is a lost cause, everything that's been said, has been said.

Maybe.  I agree they should've pivoted right a long time ago.  One survey from a while back found that almost no one thinks that Biden was too liberal on the border so I'm not sure who they think they'll lose if they're harsher on the border. That being said, I think two things are possible:

- Harris needs to do a better job of using statistics.  People think that the border is literally open and people are just walking in.  That's not happening, and we stop millions of people that try to get in.  I know MAGA people might not listen to official statistics, but moderates probably will.

- "THEY'RE EATING THE DOGS" is so hyperbole that people might actually start thinking that Trump is making stuff up or they might start looking into it themselves.  I live in Texas, and I think I'd notice if tens of millions of people had shown up.

On the economy, I think Kamala can make inroads.  She had some specifics, and he had nothing.  One post-debate poll had them pretty close on the economy.  I think the economy will be much more of a factor than the border so if that holds true, I think she'll do okay.

I still don't think anyone really has the inside track.  Unless polling is crazy off, she should win Wisconsin and Michigan - they're the ones seemingly leaning the most in either direction.  That would put her 19 votes away.  Trump would have to basically sweep the rest of the states to win.  If they're all truly tossups, then it will just come down to who shows up to vote.  It could come down to how the economy does in October.  It could come down to how people feel on the day.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

After the debate, the new Reuters poll has Harris at 47% and Trump only at 42% to win in November.

God I hope it's a landslide.........

Harris vs. Trump: Who is leading the polls? … 024-09-12/

WASHINGTON, Sept 12 (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris leads Republican Donald Trump 47% to 42% in the race to win the Nov. 5 presidential election, increasing her advantage after a debate against the former president that voters largely think she won, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed on Thursday.
The two-day poll showed Harris with a five percentage point lead among registered voters, just above the four-point advantage she had over Trump in an Aug. 21-28 Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Among voters who said they had heard at least something about Tuesday's debate, 53% said Harris won and 24% said Trump won, with the rest saying neither had or not answering. Some 52% of those familiar with the debate said Trump stumbled and didn't appear sharp, while 21% said that of Harris. Among Republican voters, one in five said Trump didn't appear sharp.

Harris, 59, put Trump, 78, on the defensive in a combative presidential debate with a stream of attacks on his fitness for office and his myriad legal woes, highlighting Trump's felony conviction on charges he falsified business records. Some 52% of voters familiar with the debate said Harris "gave the impression of having higher moral integrity," compared to 29% who said the same of Trump.

Many Republicans were also not convinced about their candidate's performance in the debate in Philadelphia. Some 53% of Republican voters in the poll said Trump won the debate, compared to 91% of Democrats who said she was the victor. Among Republicans, 31% said no one won and 14% said Harris got the better of Trump.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Some of the post-debate polls are looking better.  It's probably too early to feel good about any of it.  We need to keep doing what Kamala is doing - and that's campaigning like she's losing.  She had a huge rally in North Carolina last night (Trump talked to a couple thousand in Tucson and basically said the same thing from the debate).  Walz is campaigning in the Midwest, talking to the people that he really knows.

She's also committed to more interviews, especially local stuff in the battleground states.  She has more money and more of a ground game.  I think the debate was great, but the election will be won in the next few weeks of people on the ground in the battleground states.

One really interesting note.  Trump is attacking Haitians, and there are hundreds of thousands of Haitians in Florida.  Is there any chance he upsets that population enough to make a difference?  I don't know.  But it could be laying seeds, and it might have an impact on local elections if they feel like Republicans hate them.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Well, another loon, with a gun, attempted to shoot Trump down.  This time it was at his local golf course, before USSS intervened.  This man has a history of run in's with the law, and neighbors described him essentially as a complete nutjob, and probably a dangerous one.  This followed a bizarre tweet by Trump "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT," earlier in the day.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

i have gone from a terrible sense of doom to a moderate sense of doom.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Polling has been pretty good since the debate.  Nationally, she's gone up in a few polls (including as high as +6 in one), and she was +3 in a Pennsylvania poll that came out last night.

(I know it doesn't matter).

Some commentary:

1. I wouldn't expect a bump from the second "assassination attempt" since Trump was basically in no danger.
2. The national polls don't mean much.  And a highly rated pollster from 2020 did have Trump +3 nationally.  We can't just pay attention to the polls we like.  I'm a little skeptical about pollsters that did well in 2020 because they're all Republican funded or Republican leaning.  And I'm not sure if their success is because they were able to reach more GOP voters or if their success was a coincidence (polls leaned right and they lean right).
3. In the Pennsylvania poll, MAGA was celebrating because Biden and Clinton were both winning that poll bigger in 2020 and 2016, respectively.  I know MAGA is anticipating polls being off big again this year, and I'm just not sure what to say about that.  Fetterman actually performed better than this poll in 2022.
4. It does at least appear that Harris' debate performance caused her to get a slight bump, which was expected.  Since voting starts pretty soon (and may have already started in PA?), hopefully that bump either helps with early voting or carries through to the election.


I have no idea if the Haitian stuff hurts Trump or helps him.  MAGA is pretty emphatically defending the idea that this stuff is happening, including both Trump and Vance.

I also don't know what's going to happen with this Laura Loomer stuff.  She's certifiable.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I think my terror is probably about us here in Canada, where we are staring down the barrel of an election where the advantage is with this climate change dismissing looney toon who is basically Trump lite.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

ireactions wrote:

I think my terror is probably about us here in Canada, where we are staring down the barrel of an election where the advantage is with this climate change dismissing looney toon who is basically Trump lite.

What do you mean?  Think of all the "seafront" property who will have up in Canada thanks to global warming.  Trump told the good folks in Michigan about that tonight on stage.