Topic: SLIDERS REBORN: 2016 Election Edition (Quinn meets Trump!)

In the aftermath of the 2016 US Election, the sliders must weigh their options as circumstances lead to Quinn Mallory confronting the new president-elect.

It is a time-honoured tradition that comic book superheroes meet real-life figures, especially the new US President. In that spirit, I would like to present this 17-page screenplay where the sliders do the same. Rave reviews so far include, "What's the point of this?" and "It's not as long as your other scripts."

While I consider this script to be set after Part 5 of SLIDERS REBORN, EP.COM reasonably and understandably opted out of including this installment, so for the full story on how Quinn, Wade, Rembrandt and Arturo are alive and well and home, please visit

Special thanks to Jeph Loeb, Joe Casey and Greg Rucka, and I look forward to Informant and Temporal Flux and Slider_Quinn21 possibly rubbishing this screenplay.

Re: SLIDERS REBORN: 2016 Election Edition (Quinn meets Trump!)

Very well done.  An interesting twist on current events twisted up in SLIDERS:REBORN.  I liked the moral argument that Quinn makes, and I like that he stands up for what he believes.  It's a well-done dialogue, and I think you captured Trump about as well as you could have.

It did make me wonder how the Sliders would see this election.  Clearly, Wade would support Hillary.  I think Arturo would be turned off by Trump the human being.  But then I started wondering about the others.  Would Rembrandt and/or Maggie be so quick to turn on a democratically-elected president?  Season 1-2 Rembrandt would probably lean more liberal (especially being a black man), but seasons 3+ Rembrandt (being a Navy man) would probably be a bit more reserved in that opinion.  I know staunch military democrats who hated Trump and feared him as a boss, but they were very careful to say anything negative.  He will be their boss.  Or at least the boss of people like them.

Maggie also might be a feminist but not to the degree of Wade.  And, again, she's military.  She worked for a supervillain in Colonel Rickman.  She might think a lot of things, but I don't know if she'd say it (your Maggie is a double, though, right?).  And other than being black (so, again, leaning democrat) and a scientist (pragmatic), I have no idea what Diana would think.

I don't think any of the sliders would've voted Trump, but I can see a couple of them voting third party or refusing to vote for either candidate.  I think Quinn and Wade (maybe Mallory) are the only definite Hillary votes in the lot.

An interesting thought experiment for sure.