I watched the first one... First of all, I really liked that Lorelai has the same problem with Marvel movies as I do.
The episode was fun and interesting at times. It was like a dozen episodes packed into one movie. Weird, but interesting. I was hoping that they would make Rory less awful as a human being, but she still seems pretty bad. I hope she grows and changes over the course of this year.
Emily was pretty spot-on with Lorelai as well, when she was yelling at her about how she always had to make everything revolve around her. That was always the problem with the character, and what caused Rory to turn out so rotten. The interesting part is that someone within the show realizes it and calls her on it. Usually, the writers think they're so clever and their characters are the best things ever, and they don't even see how bad they are (the Buffy characters who kicked Buffy out of the house, despite her being the only one making an attempt to pay for the roof over their heads).
The characters are really annoying and sometimes just plain bad human beings, but the thing that makes it interesting for me is that the writers seem aware of this.
It was weird that there was so much time covered. Emily won't talk to Lorelai, but then things have moved past that point. Time has passed within the story, but it hasn't been that long for the viewers. It's like the story wants to be a TV series again, but has to settle for being four movies instead.
Watching it reminded me of a debate that I was having with myself about my imaginary Supergirl series. I was wondering if she absolutely needed a villain to fight each week, or if the show could just be about this person with a strange background and amazing abilities who sometimes fights evil, but is also just a person. Can you have a a Supergirl show that's about exploring character, rather than fighting bad guys? Or would that be rejected because a superhero show must have action each week and if you didn't do that with Supergirl it would look like you were being sexist by turning her into a Gilmore Girl?
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