Topic: TARDIS Eruditorum Volume 7!

hey y'all
ian mcduffie here, back and bigga and betta than eva! jk, but also im here to plug a friend of mine's kickstarter for the latest volume of his series of critical essays on doctor who, this one covering the 7th doctor's stories.

why post here on the sliders board? because i am actually going to have a guest essay in it, talking about Sliders and its relationship with 90s cult sci-fi, how that relates to Who at the time, and why Sliders is better than it could have possibly been.

so give it a look, the series is a must-read if you dig Who, and i promise my sliders
essay will be as good as always wink … ster-mccoy

Re: TARDIS Eruditorum Volume 7!

Hey, when's the ebook of THINK OF A ROULETTE WHEEL coming?

Re: TARDIS Eruditorum Volume 7!

thanks Ian!