Topic: Batman v Superman: No Spoiler Post
So I just got back. I'm gonna write down a ton of my thoughts but I'm not going to post it until the movie is officially out. Zack Snyder came on before our screening (pre-filmed) and told us not to, and there's some pretty good stuff that I don't want to spoil.
So here's a non-spoiler review, and we can have some non-spoiler discussion. It's probably gonna make the board all cluttered, but I think it'll be okay
General thoughts:
- What you all came to see - what did I think? Well, I went in with low expectations, and I thought it was pretty good. Better than I expected, better than I feared.
- It's way too long. Just way too long. I think they got excited about the sandbox they were getting to play in, and while it shows (positively), there's just way too much material. I could see cutting a full half-hour, and it'd be so much sharper.
- Affleck has grown as an actor, and you can tell that he really wanted to sell this. You can tell that he's really trying to be "Bruce Wayne" and not "Ben Affleck" - and he really sells the role.
- Wonder Woman really works too. This is a good tease for her solo movie.
- Lex works. He's not nearly as annoying as the trailers make him out to be.
- One bit really bothered me, regarding the connection between this movie and Man of Steel. I'll elaborate in the spoiler review later.
- Still don't love the way Superman is portrayed. He's probably the worst part of the movie.
- They definitely sold this as a launching pad. Even if the movie doesn't do well critically or commercially, there's enough to work with.
- No reason to sit through the credits. Nothing there, mates.