Well, after things were looking pretty good for him for a while, there's virtually no way he wins now. Hillary Clinton will be president. Now I know a lot of people were anti-Trump, and I get that. I don't like him, and I think he'd be a terrible president. But I saw this example on Twitter, and I think it fits. This election is like the end of The Graduate - we as a country have shown up en masse to rush out to the church and tell this woman we love her because the alternative is so terrible. So we do it, we tell her, she comes with us, and we escape on this bus. And, like the characters in the movie, our smiles fade as we realize the decision we just made.
Hillary Clinton will be president.
During this whole campaign, it's all been about Trump. Hillary is supposed to be this policy expert, but I've seen about five different campaign ads for Hillary (I'm in Texas so I bet she has more), and only one was about her at all. When she answers questions, she doesn't answer how she'll do it....she answers how he'll do it worse. When Hillary supporters talk about the election, it's always about him and how horrible he is.
And he is. But that's not the point.
Hillary Clinton will be president.
People talk about Hillary using Obama's words. "The most qualified person to ever run." And that's always bothered me. For all the research that's been done into both candidate's pasts, I don't think any major news source really looked into the quote. People are just accepting it. I looked into it, and it's basically laughable when you dig into it. John Quincy Adams was also a senator just as long as Hillary, was secretary of state for longer, and was also foreign minister several times under different presidents, and was a member of the House. If you want to give Hillary extra years of experience for being the wife to the president, then you have to also give credit to Adams for being the son of one of the creators of the nation.
Martin Van Buren has the same resume as Hillary (minus being Bill Clinton's wife), but he was also Vice President, Governor of New York, Attorney General of New York, and foreign minister to the UK.
Is she more qualified than, say, Obama was? Yes. But she's also about 20 years older than he was. I'd hope she has more experience. In fact, as the second-oldest person to ever be inaugurated, there's almost no reason why she shouldn't have more than 12 years of experience in public office.
What's crazy is that this woman is going to be president, but she really hasn't had to sell herself. All she's had to sell is how bad Trump is. And she's done a good job. But I'll repeat again:
Hillary Clinton will be president.
The same day the Trump tape came out, Hillary's Goldman Sachs speeches were leaked. In some of the speeches, she admitted that she has a "public and private" position on certain issues. She talked about how she's out of touch with the middle class because she's so wealthy. So if you're looking to her to fix any issues related to Wall Street, she won't. In fact, professionally, I'd suggest buying stock in Goldman Sachs if you can afford it. She's going to make them a lot of money.
What about Bill helping fix the economy? While it's true that the economy was great from 1992 to 2000, it has almost nothing to do with anything Bill did. In 1992-2000, something you're using right now rose to public prominence. An entire industry was literally created out of thin air overnight, and the economy boomed because of it. If you want to look at Bill's policies, they actually led to the subprime crisis. So if you're looking for 90s prosperity out of a Clinton White House again, you're not going to get it unless she's able to invent a new internet.
But she's great on foreign policy, right? Well, that's also not quite true. While Trump is an idiot for saying she founded ISIS, a lot of her work as secretary of state certainly didn't make the ISIS situation better. Her key policy weapon in the Middle East seems to be assassination. And that might well work in Syria under a Hillary presidency, but I don't think it fixes the problem there. And the Russians won't like that....but we'll come back to Russia again.
Hillary Clinton is a war hawk. Plain and simple. More than the Bushes, if you listen to certain prominent people. Under Hillary, war will be a weapon she uses quickly and often. She's promised that she won't put any more troops in the middle east, but based on her record, that's almost certainly her "public" position and not her private one. There will be troops in Syria. She wanted to go there while she was secretary of state, and Obama is the one who kept us out. Hillary Clinton will be president, and it'll be her call. We're going.
If you don't believe she's a hawk, read this article. Written by a paper that has been extremely polite to her for a really long time.
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/24/magaz … -hawk.html
On ISIS, all she talks about is more of the same. But is more of the same even working? Is Obama making progress in defeating ISIS, and if he's not, how could she possibly make progress with the same strategy?
So what about Russia? We can't elect Trump because he's a friend of Putin. Or a puppet for Putin. Trump will dismantle NATO because that's what Putin wants. We can't elect Trump because Putin wants him.
Here's the bad news. He wants Trump because he hates Hillary. I've read that he's *afraid* of Hillary. Now I've thought about this a lot because it scares me. A scared Putin scares me. Because Putin will be in charge in Russia until he dies. Even if he's removed from power, he'll still be in charge because he's working to make sure one of his lieutenants is in charge.
Hillary wants to remove/kill Assad. Putin is friends with Assad.
If you go to Hillary's website, there's sections on her policies on dozens of issues. If you read them, they're vague one-sentence bullet points that sound great. She's got one on gay rights, on minority rights, on the economy, on ISIS, and a ton of others.
Nothing on Russia.
She's talked a lot about Russian/American relations if Trump is president. Nothing about it if she is. People talk about World War 3 if Trump is president, but they don't want to talk about the very-real Cold War 2 when Hillary is president.
Everyone's thrilled that Trump's finally getting wounded. But when the smoke clears and Hillary is in office, we're all going to be a little like this: