It's a little hard to comment re Political Satire in some ways as perceptions vary but you are quite right re shallow Propoganda propogating instead of holding up a Mirror in most cases.
Brass Eye for example was very shocking at the time and did not pull it's punches at all while blending the Puerile with some very Sophisticated Ploys and Complex Subject matter.
Mark Thomas for example though WAS Left Wing.... To the Max BUT he did back everything up with evidence via investigation up to and including dangerous Undercover work and Hazourdous Environments.
Regardless of his Politics he was damn brave and didn't just shoot his mouth of based on opinion and assumption yet he still made the material funny while making a point and drawing attention to things like Unsecured Nuclear Waste posing both Health Risks and potential for use in Dirty Bomb Production, Government Corruption, Illegal Arms Sales that had been endorsed by the Govt and in some cases facillitated etc etc.
The Newish Revolution Will be Televised is worth a look. It focuses mainly on National UK stuff which is it's strength in my opinion whereas when it does go international it is weak.... Preachy.
Good aspects are Impersonating Political Representatives who are blatant characatures of the Worst of the Big Parties aspects yet still managing to sneak into Party Functions and events while being accepted as if normal which says something about how many people within said parties match said Characatures. Also good is how they dohighlight new Legislation re Employment that had been stealthily entered into Law and drawing attention to it. Disabled People being targeted by Govt Initiatives in a almost Criminal manner and Digging up Financial records that prove misuse of Public Money etc
The Left Wing in the UK is pretty much a dead beast but a lot of US People strangely (to me at least) think there is a strong Left here.
You hear a lot of Social Justice Crusaders trying to drown out everyone else trying to claim the Mantle of the Left but it does not fit them and switches many People off.
There used to be a 90's comedy called Drop the Dead Donkey which embraced a view of the World from different types of Journalists perspectives, it was good but rather dated now. It came out around the same time as the Original British Version of House of Cards too but was rather more Earthy and Raucous in tone.
There is a Show called Charlie Brookers Weekly Wipe which very sarcastically mocks the growing Celebrity Culture and plague of Reality TV with associated dumbing down of News Casting, Programming range etc but not much more than that. It's not Terrible but has a very narrow focus.
There is a new Sci Fi in the UK called Humans airing on Channel 4 if you want to check that out?
It's very much a Five minutes into the Future deal but it focuses less on the Tech and more on the Social consequences like Family Life, Relationships, Employment, Alienationation etc.
It too suffers from Evil Corp Syndrome but at least their motivations are not hyped up too much, protect the profit margin and avoid a scandal.
A rare thing though is that some in story implications may have the Corp aiming to protect People.... Via enlightened self interest of course but still.... Better than usual.... Slightly.
Alternatively last year or the year before there was a Show called Utopia that played with the Evil Corp angle in a Tongue in Cheek maximum Ham manner which was nice as they embraced the Trope you have issues with in such a way that it was deliberately over the top. The Conspiracy Theory stuff met with the same treatment in a So Bad it's Good way.
One of the main cast from Utopia is in Humans too.
There was a Series 2 of Utopia I think but I missed it. S1 I would reccomend though.
Another Pseudo Sci Fi was domething called Black Mirror which funnily enough was written by the earlier mentioned Charlie Brooker. Very Dark/Grim but ok I suppose. Only saw Two episodes... No Three sorry but it was unique at the time.
There is a Cruelty in his work I am not fond of but it does I grudgingly admit have a purpose in his themes as opposed to being slapped on by a Network Exec trying to be edgy.
Small doses of Charlie Brooker are Key I guess as too much is Not so Good.
"It's only a matter of time. Were I in your shoes, I would spend my last earthly hours enjoying the world. Of course, if you wish, you can spend them fighting for a lost cause.... But you know that you've lost." -Kane-