I have no disdain for Prodigy, I just don't care about it.  I know it features some Voyager actors, and has been very well received.  Yet Paramount still wrote it off.  Having listened to countless actor-driven podcasts, they undoubtedly talk about canceled projects, with each other, as well as directors and writers they have on.  There is a theme to it all, which is that network suits make a LOT of decisions against their own interest.  These decisions are often driven by internal politics and not performance, although if they have a way to screw talent out of money, they'll do that too.  Anyone who's followed the plight of Sliders should know well that suits do not view TV properties as artistic endeavors.  Paramount kept Discovery's fifth season on ice for a year and a half, while shadow canceling it along the way.  A lot of Paramount+ content was first in limbo during 2022, and then written off or cut altogether in 2023.  They began dumping assets in 2021, first buildings, then publishing, followed by The CW, and finally the first merger attempt with WarnerBros.  The goal was to lean the thing out prior to a sale.

https://redshirtsalwaysdie.com/2023/12/ … paramount/

Now, if you're still insistent on finding some identifiable reason to cancel the series, the only thing out there is that Playmates' Trek deal dried up, so without the toy tie-in, the series would cost Paramount even more, and they opted out.  Netflix paid something for the second season.  Whether they pay for another is anyone's guess, but CGI-animated TV series cost a lot of money and take a good bit of time to produce.  Even LucasFilm tired of the expenditure and closed their animated shop.  Kate Mulgrew was furious at the cancellation, but she had no explanation.  This has become rampant with streaming.  Series are pulled that make no sense.  Hell, Netflix was famous for it, almost never green lighting a show beyond a 2nd or 3rd season, until recently.  Often the costs were the reason.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I know enough to know that many are pissed off with the Fed chairman Powell, and that they cannot wait until the planned September meetings, and should do something this week about the rate points.  I believe a rate cut will correct the market.  The tech-heavy NASDAQ got walloped today, partly due to bad job numbers in the information sector. 

You have a Presidential candidate literally CHEERING on economic bad news.  Another candidate admitted he dumped a dead bear carcass in Central Park 10 years ago.  Trump is in hot water with Georgia women voters, after disgracefully badmouthing the Governor's wife on Saturday, repeatedly.  They are pissed down there.  Again, is this Trump trying to lose, or Trump simply so unhinged all guard rails are off?

I'm telling ya, Prodigy was a victim of what they call "content impairment charge," and all the studios are doing it.  They write-off the value of the asset, it's a way to clear the balance sheets without paying residuals or incurring taxation.  Frankly it should be outlawed, but they all get away with it.  However, it basically requires you to dump it from your coffers.  Streamers have been doing it wholesale, resulting in tons of properties that vanish from the platforms.  In Prodigy's case, they able to sell S2 off to Netflix, as again, it could not be broadcast on Paramount.

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I'm not sure why Paramount insists on the streaming-only model for Trek.  I feel like Strange New Worlds would be pretty successful on CBS.  I think Lower Decks could've worked on MTV or Comedy Central.  Prodigy would've obviously worked on Nickelodeon.  Still stream them on Paramount Plus (that's still where I'd watch it) but have your cake and eat it too.

And I'm glad ireactions is liking Prodigy.  I'm also glad we'll get some form of the Orville season 4.

Not just Star Trek.  Most of the many incarnations of Yellowstone remain exclusive to Paramount+, and that is a more successful property right now.  Paramount+ is a money loser.  Let's not forget that they basically mothballed the incredibly successful and critically acclaimed Showtime wing of original programming. 

a) Paramount is a total mess.  They don't know who's going to own the thing, meaning who will call the shots.
b) Whoever has been in control, are going to have their favorites.  The existing Trek shows fell out of favor/vogue with the, so they got the boot.  Has nothing to do with ratings or their marketing approach.  The network/studio has been cutting across the board.  Prodigy in fact was reportedly "written off" the books, similar to how Warner ditched the Batwoman movie.  Season 2 was released on Netflix in part due to this business maneuver (not Paramount+), likely for a small license fee.  Anything is possible, but it's difficult to imagine Paramount resuming a show it used as a tax write off.
c) It's in with the new, which is Starfleet Academy, SNW, and also the Section 31 movie, which a year ago was part of a plan to release Trek movies on P+ every two years.  Is that still in the cards?  Who knows.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Both the DC hearings (on immunity), and the appeal of the FL case's dismissal by Cannon, will take months and months, well past the election.  It's extremely unlikely Trump would re-enter a Federal courthouse in 2024.  Evidence to be released in hearings is not going to sway people's votes.  They're just not paying enough, or any, attention to those trials.  People get woken up by convictions, although the one in NY court had little to no affect on polling, at the time. 

Meanwhile, stock market is plunging, which isn't good news for Biden (Harris), in part thanks to a lousier July jobs number, and due to the awful mismanagement by Fed chairman Jerome Powell.  They're not even scheduled to meet on interest rate changes until next month.  This represents as big a concern for the "incumbent" ticket than anything else going on right now. 

The Fed are having an emergency meeting TODAY, after which it's expected rates to be cut, by some measure.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

The only thing remaining is the NY sentencing hearing in September, where Trump is likely to be slapped on the wrist.  Nothing else of substance will occur, as those federal cases will be stuck in motions and hearings for a long time.

One joke, quip, rumor is that since serious legal jeopardy has been avoided by Trump, that he's not longer "out to win to stay out of jail." I presume the theory is that he now doesn't really need to win anymore, and will just go off the deep end here.  Not sure I buy that, but it's largely true.  Given the legal wrangling to come in the federal cases, if he loses, and does not engage in Insurrection the Sequel, why would a Pres elect Harris wish to soil her own presidency by "punishing" the guy she just beat?  The Supreme Court has provided multiple off ramps. 

I expect Shapiro to be the pick.  To sure up PA, which may or may not happen.

Why do you keep repeating these quotes?  I've already reversed course on Lower Decks.  You asked why they didn't support Prodigy, I gave the reason.  Network decisions are still made based on finances and whether certain executives like/hate/yawn at them.  I didn't mention marketing potential because it's irrelevant.  Studio politics decide this stuff, and somebody or somebody's at Paramount didn't want those particular Trek shows anymore.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Kamala has moved ahead on Nate Silver's board, which is something.

VP pick is mehhh to me, whatever, get over with it, and move on. 

David Axelrod, James Carville, etc., telling Democrats not to get too in love with this honeymoon surge.  Work needs to be done.  I know what they are thinking, that when push comes to shove, the Trump vote will turn out, and the Harris vote won't, at least, to what the polls are.  David Plouffe from Team O has joined her team btw. 

I think it's a mistake NOT to have her debate Trump.  Let him wallow in his own cowardice a little longer, but she HAS to debate this guy.  Pointing to what those guys have been saying, Harris needs to prove she is up for the job, with more than just endorsements and commercials and short stump speeches.  Remove the doubts.

Paramount is not valuing/undervaluing anything.  It's a corporation which has been in severe financial flux for several years, similar to Warner Bros.  Anything not critical to its core has been excised for financial reasons.  That's a big reason Discovery, Prodigy, and Lower Decks were all "ended" early.  Like so many DC properties, which were dumped without regard when Zazlav shopped and later merged WB with Discovery.  Paramount remains for sale, repeated sales have been short-circuited, the studio is a mess.

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:
Grizzlor wrote:

A one-off movie, of a character honestly nobody cares about, ehhhh.  Michelle Leoh is amazing in anything though.

Yeah I think she could make it work, but I had trouble even understanding the tone they were going for in the trailer.  What is it supposed to be?

Also, I can't remember how her arc ended on Discovery.  I know they visited the Guardian, but did she go back to her universe?  Did she go back in time?  Is she still in the future?  I honestly can't remember

The Guardian or whatever agreed to deposit Georgiou in a place/time "where she would be safe."  Given that a "younger" Rachel Garrett (Enterprise C captain in 2344) is part of the main cast, I would gather the time period is 30-40 years before ST:TNG.  While I doubt it, they could have actually brought on Walter Koenig or George Takei to cameo as their original characters, given they would both be in their 80's by this point.

A one-off movie, of a character honestly nobody cares about, ehhhh.  Michelle Leoh is amazing in anything though.

The new Trek live action comedy sounds very cool.

So MCU is steaming forward with what I still say is a completely unsellable franchise, The Fantastic Four.  Their powers are so outdated and dumb, including the villain, and THIS is the mini-franchise you're pinning the next two years on?  RDJ's turn as Dr. Doom will be lame, as it will be very difficult for the audience NOT to view him as Tony Stark.  Not to mention the insane money he's being paid.  Can the Russo brothers truly save this mess?  Thunderbolts looks buffoonish.

The underlying concept of Dexter ironically is not much different than The Boys.  Both are based on suspense.  Can the "protagonists" survive the next onslaught of killing and madness.  Obviously Dexter is shrouded in mystery and fairly quiet and calm, whereas The Boys is just play insanity.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

https://nypost.com/2024/07/31/us-news/t … n-chicago/

“I’ve known her a long time indirectly — not directly very much — and she was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was black — until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black,” Trump said of Harris.

“And now she wants to be known as black, so I don’t know is she Indian or is she black … but you know what, I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t,” he added.

“She became a black person and I think somebody should look into that.”

Oh My Heavens.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)




(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Well at least he's given up babbling about Hannibal Lector.  He also called her a "low I.Q. individual," which is either some sort of racist dog whistle or just Trump once again projecting his own insecurities (low I.Q. himself).  He also derided Kamala for laughing too much, something he's incapable of doing, even a little. 

ABC/Ipsos poll results.

Overall, do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of:

July 19-20:

Harris: 35%-46%, Trump: 40%-51%, Vance: 25%-31%.

July 26-27:

Harris: 43%-42%, Trump: 36%-52%, Vance: 24%-39%.

just one poll, but that's a big shift.  clearly Democrat and Biden-leaning respondents are far more pleased.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Kamala Harris has already WON the running mate sweepstakes before even making a selection!

JD Vance is HATED in the core region of the Big Ten Conference.

https://twitter.com/ForecasterEnten/sta … 5972673795

This is brilliant

https://twitter.com/MilOnYourMind/statu … 0290856070


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Be careful about presuming victory. The election is in November, not July.

I still cringe at my 2016 confidence and will never live it down.

That's precisely why I have phrased this ticket change as providing a new start.  Harris/Trump are statistically tied nationally, which unfortunately, is NOT where you want to be as a Democratic candidate.  As QSldr has lamented, the electoral college is weighted pro-GOP, and population shifts in the last census were even worse in that regard.  Harris IMO still has a ton of Biden baggage, and frankly, she's been on the record being far to the left of him on issues like Gaza and immigration. 

If you follow soccer, you're surely heard of an "own goal."  The GOP have been deflecting into their own net almost by the hour over the last week.  Claiming Kamala "slept her way to the top," was a "DEI hire," or organized both a cabal to hide Biden's delirium AND finished off a "coup" to knock him off the ballot and install her.  The conspiracies are both disreputable and grotesque to which swing voters are now seeing two images.  One is Kamala having a ball and expressing confidence and unity.  The other is a shameful slew of ignorance.  Just wait until she gets to read off the charges against Trump, and the numerous blunders he made while in office, not to mention how everyone that worked in his cabinet are against his run.

Will all of that be enough?  Maybe, maybe not.  I still argue that the majority of RFK JR. are Trump-like voters.  Then you have the lightly engaged undecided people, and the # of those who lean left and were sick of Biden has shrunk to the minimum.  I really feel as if she can get those people to vote.   That really just leaves the Trump 16 Biden 20 grouping.  Many have swung back to Trump, can't help that.  The rest are where Kamala's team needs to break back into.  They have NOT registered as decided in polling and they hate Trump.  They grew disillusioned with Biden.  The focus has to be on turning out the left, and making those who were appalled at January 6th REMEMBER how bad that was, and that they are needed to patriotically defuse another bomb.  Biden was a lost cause for both groups.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

PS: how long with lifeless JD Vance remain on the ticket???  Some claim that Trump took him on, because Elon Musk and Peter Thiel pledged tens of millions of dollars per month to the Trump campaign.  Well Musk already backtracked on that, babbling about creating a Trump PAC.  HA HA HA HA HA!  Was Trump just swindled?  Vance's favorability ratings are putrid.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

Because I think she's likeable.  I think she sounds genuine and speaks like a leader.  And while the Democrats only have a short time to build her up, the Republicans only have a short time to tear her down.  Sure, they can tie her to Biden but a lot of those people were voting Trump anyway.  Harris doesn't need to take too many Trump voters away - she mainly just needs to claim more undecideds than him.  They are attacking her on the border, but that was something they were already hammering Biden on.  Who is going to be convinced not to vote for her on the border who wasn't already not voting for Biden on the border.

I'm not sure how "likeable" Kamala will wind up being.  Not sure it matters.  I will say this, have you EVER seen/heard a President and Vice President telling each other "I love you" as they did during that Wilmington campaign office appearance?  They meant it.  This obviously is a Biden facet, but Democrats are feeling and broadcasting this love fest.

ireactions wrote:

The current tactic from Republicans: they want to sue the Democratic Party to force Joe Biden onto the ballot. They're sinking millions into this maneuver. I don't know why. It isn't going to work. They can't sue a political party to nominate a candidate who has stepped down.
https://www.salon.com/2024/07/23/illegi … out-obama/

I noted before, Trump's team IS spending massively on post-election maneuvers.  This is something "new" as related to that, but won't go anywhere.  The Gov. of Ohio already stopped them from keeping Biden off months ago.  However, they have spent the last 4 years positioning MAGA meatheads in key roles in state and county governments.  Winning on November 5th outright is Plan A.  Plan B is succeeding where they failed in 2020, but contesting EVERY ballot, every count, every polling station, every certification. 

Republicans are also threatening to sue Harris and Biden to stop her from using Biden's $91.5 million dollar war chest.  Since the FEC is highly unlikely to stop the changeover in funding.  They are SCREAMING about Democrats stealing the election which last week they said was over!


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Bulwark, Hopeium they're pundits.  It's like watching an NFL pre-game and believing that the panel's game picks will change the outcome.  Lawrence O'Donnell, who I watch often, essentially claimed Joe Biden was going to win, and didn't need to retire.  They're friends, I get it, he's being rah-rah.  Unfortunately, he ignored every data-based metric staring him in the face. 

The Democratic Party's Senate campaign (DSCC) had its best two-days of the entire cycle following the VP's promotion.

https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2 … g-00170635

I will credit Repubs against Trump, Bulwark, etc, for beating the drum to have Biden moved off.  That said, they didn't want Harris, not at all.  They're Republicans!  Yes it is totally honorable that so many of them moved off the GOP train when MAGA took the wheel.  However, let's not forget this group backed George W. Bush.  I have been with them in regards to defending democracy, here as well as in places like Ukraine.  They have backed off chastising typical Dem issues, and taken a pragmatic approach.  Clearly they, and I'll be the first one to admit, myself, did not expect such immediate and universal strength behind VP Harris.  Her speeches have been to the point, and authentic, and she herself seems to be overtly enthusiastic and confident. 

In fact, polls are quickly showing that typical Democratic blocks like the yutes and lower middle class/urban support has instantly returned to pre-2023 levels.  Biden was so unwanted by those voters.  They're back, and the Congressional campaigns are going to benefit from that.  Her first event in Wisconsin drew 3,000 and forced a venue change and many were turned away.  Biden was drawing basically no one.  They have very little time now, the messaging has to be concise.  The public will often be getting it's first taste of Kamala Harris in the coming weeks.  Her initial appearances have been very confident as I said, so much so that people like me who came in totally unsure about her potential, are infectious with essentially what I have been screaming about for months....a CHANCE.  There's a chance now, quite possibly a damn good one.  Defeatism has had a 180, in just one weekend.

Trump HAS agreed to debate, possibly multiple times, while again whining about ABC.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

QuinnSlidr wrote:
Grizzlor wrote:

I just don't think a running mate gets you anything these days.  Only can harm.  Choose someone with experience who can take over day one. 

Hilary barely won the popular vote.  She figured it was over and went on cruise, plus focusing way too much on "social" causes instead of economics.  Trump went all over blaring about them.  And Comey's letter reinforced a widely held perception that she and Bill were far too deceptive.  Awful candidate.

Kamala doesn't need pie in the sky slogans.  Has to directly come after Trump like Elliott Ness going after Capone.

"Barely" is incorrect. Hillary won the popular vote by 2.9 million votes.

Something wrong with that picture when 2.9 million votes more than Trump (Hitler) doesn't get you the Presidency. That's why the electoral college must be abolished.

The E.C. isn't going anywhere, not in this lifetime.  Hilary won by 2%, which was not enough.  Biden's 3.5% was barely enough.  It's all about where the votes come from.  The problem Democrats have this time is that the Sun Belt states have gone way into the Trump column, lessening the path to 270.  Harris is automatically -6 from 2020 out of the gate, due to population shifts.  She'll be forced to focus on the Rust Belt, and shoring up Virginia, if there's to be ANY chance.

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:
Grizzlor wrote:

I just don't think a running mate gets you anything these days.  Only can harm.  Choose someone with experience who can take over day one.

Historically it doesn't really matter.  However, I think in this instance where the candidate is relatively unknown (at this point, the presidential candidate has at least been through a primary), I think voters might take the VP into account.  Shapiro beats Trump in Pennsylvania head on - I gotta think at least a couple thousand people might vote for her if he's on the ticket. 

But you're right in the sense that Harris needs to win the votes.  The VP is just there for an extra nudge for some people.

These days, you want the "best partner" in a running mate.  The goal is to pick someone who will compliment and back you up, once you're in office.  That's why Trump picked some lackey. 

Reuters Ipsos poll out today, has Harris and Trump effectively tied, in a TWO way choice, with RV's.  Kennedy takes twice as many away from Trump than Harris, which lends credence to my point. 

https://elections2024.thehill.com/proje … s-tracker/


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I just don't think a running mate gets you anything these days.  Only can harm.  Choose someone with experience who can take over day one. 

Hilary barely won the popular vote.  She figured it was over and went on cruise, plus focusing way too much on "social" causes instead of economics.  Trump went all over blaring about them.  And Comey's letter reinforced a widely held perception that she and Bill were far too deceptive.  Awful candidate.

Kamala doesn't need pie in the sky slogans.  Has to directly come after Trump like Elliott Ness going after Capone.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:
Grizzlor wrote:

What people?  Very few will actually bother to cast a vote for that whacko.  There is STILL a real % of people who will make their decision around Labor Day.  That's who she needs to win back.

He's at 8.7% nationally.  If those polls are wrong, then all the polls are wrong.  People say they will vote for him, but since no one *has* voted for him, all of them are technically up for grabs.  What I've been saying all along is that you can break up RFK voters into two distinct groups that appear (according to the data) to be equal size

- People that legitimately like RFK for whatever reason.  Maybe it's the anti-vax stuff.  Maybe it's whatever else he's into.  Maybe they really like Joe Rogan and stuff like that.

- People that are literally only picking the name "Kennedy" because they like the Kennedys or because that's an actual person on the ballot who isn't named Biden or Trump.

RFK Jr. is not getting anywhere near 8-9% in November.  A good chuck of his 8-9% simply won't vote, making that number irrelevant.  Furthermore, RFK Jr. is NOT on that many state ballots.  Trump has weighed striking a deal with him, but I really don't think he wants him anywhere near his administration.  Trump knows a crazy phony when he sees one.  RFK is way too similar to Trump, I suspect a good deal of his support will simply vote for Trump, where he's not on the ballot.  Technically that is not good news for Democrats. 

QuinnSlidr wrote:

Trump has already withdrawn from the debate....the guy is terrified of Harris....

"The Republican candidate said he would no longer take part in a TV debate scheduled for September."

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics … den-campa/

He's done nothing officially.  He'll be there, because if not, his entire "God's Impregnable Warrior" horse crap goes up in smoke.  He had no problem debating Hilary, name calling and lying the entire time.  Hilary won every debate, still lost the election.

ireactions wrote:

The Bulwark has been calling for Joe Biden's head for the last three and a half weeks, screeching that Biden should have stepped down days/weeks/a month/a year ago. But today, they herald him as a patriot and a hero for having the strength to give his power back, for rescuing us from Donald Trump four years ago, for choosing criminal prosecutor Kamala Harris as his VP in 2020, and for deploying VP Harris against Trump now.

They also declare that Biden's timing was perfect: he stepped down after the Trump campaign had committed their funds and solidified their plans with an anti-Biden strategy to campaign against Biden's age and incoherence only to discover the agedly incoherent candidate is the Republican nominee.

Trump is furious that his anti-Biden spending was all against a candidate who isn't running.

Mike Johnson wants to sue Democrats to keep Biden the nominee (good luck with that since Biden had yet to be nominated):

Now, I remember feeling this cocky and confident about Hillary Clinton in 2016, so I am cautious and guarded. Simon Rosenberg says we will not truly know where Democrats are until Harris chooses a VP and we get some post-running mate polls. But for the moment, the future looks bright.

First off, Bulwark are not a news organization, or a political think tank, they are a for-profit opinion site.  So whatever they write, the motivation is to get you to read it.  Also, they failed to defeat Trump on their turf.  Never Trump land has been consistent though, they have wanted Biden to take a bow.  That was very difficult for Joe to do, as a lame duck would have gotten nothing passed in Congress.  I also felt he was veering off particularly in 2024.  Inadvertently, yes, Trump has somewhat wasted a lot of money attacking Biden.  It technically worked, ha ha ha, he dropped out!  Idiots.  Trump will have tons of money to spend, his fundraising will not slow down.  More on that last....

Mike Johnson is an idiot, you cannot challenge a ballot which hasn't even been PRINTED yet. 

As for Hilary's 2016, really tough to compare the two.  Different landscapes.  Trump was not as hated as he is now.  Hilary pissed a LOT of factions off, Bernie Bro's, even Obama supporters, over the years.  Bill screwed up multiple times in that campaign.  Kamala does not have that kind of baggage.

Finally, I have read that Trump campaign has NOT spent on the ground game.  Instead, they are spending and organizing on an infrastructure to challenge vote counting, certification, the works.  They don't care what the results are, if he's losing, they will make 2020 look like Cinderella.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I'm not saying that she can't be attacked. Trump has taken down more seasoned politicians.  If there are people that are Republicans, they probably won't vote for her.  If there are people that are unhappy with the direction of the country, they probably won't vote for her.  If they don't like her race or gender, they probably won't vote for her.

Those idiots got taken down because they were inauthentic, and were afraid of Trump.  Harris may have some authenticity issues, but that's really on her.  She's not afraid of Trump.  She ought to come right out and project how she did during Senate confirmation hearings on Trump's cabinet.  Take no prisoners with him.

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

But the people that were simply worried about Biden will probably give her a chance.  The people that don't like Biden or Trump will probably give her a chance.  The people that were voting for RFK will probably give her a chance.  Anyone that was voting for Biden will give her a chance.  Those are more than enough votes for her to win the electoral college.

What people?  Very few will actually bother to cast a vote for that whacko.  There is STILL a real % of people who will make their decision around Labor Day.  That's who she needs to win back.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Her task will be to duck the bad things (from Biden record), and highlight the good things.  Maximilian Arturo....for mayor.  Seriously, it's really not much more complicated than that.  The border and inflation will be a issue for her, same as Biden.  For those who view those as major issues, she's already sunk. 

The "she's too tough prosecutor" stuff was also a joke.  She put a lot of POC behind bars, well too damn bad, they were criminals, and not simply "weed smokers" as Tulsi Gabbard whined about.  Trump is a criminal.  Which is it?  You can win with the Twitter morons. 

The worst idiocy comes from the Twitter-sphere who bitched nonstop about Biden's health being covered up, and now claim this is just a DNC plot to subvert the electorate, because Kamala received no votes in the primaries.  Well if Biden suddenly died of natural causes, would we still require an open primary?  That's pure nonsense.  First of all, NOBODY will step forward to challenge her, it's a losing cause.  Democrats don't respect democracy?  People don't believe this crap.  They have enough common sense to see it for what it is.  Biden was losing, a good portion relating to his fitness, and he stepped aside, doing the patriotic and honorable thing.  he didn't CLING to power like a mad king.  His successor was literally that, she has experience and easily plugs into the campaign apparatus.  This is not democratic???  Non-super Delegates are not locked in for most states, then technically can choose whoever they want.  Like the Electoral College.  It's called representation morons.  You elect representatives to multiple level of government all the time.  They may shockingly vote against your wishes.

PS: Secret Service director Cheattle currently being grilled on Capitol Hill.  Even Democrats like Ro Khanna are demanding she resign, citing how the director during Reagan's shooting promptly resigned.  For the good of VP Harris, the President should demand this fool resign!


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:
Grizzlor wrote:

Indecision and an air of failure continues to haunt this administration.  The secret service comedy act in Butler PA continues to worsen.  The shooter was able to use a drone to view the area, and hid his rifle and maybe a ladder days or hours earlier?  Rumors yes, but the stench of incompetence on Biden is just incredible.

Is Biden really the one personally organizing Secret Service protection details and deployments and security checks and personally scanning for drones and snipers and engaging or directly overseeing Secret Service fieldwork... ?

The other anti-Biden stuff is precisely the kind of talk we should expect and welcome in a vibrant democracy. There are no kings in America (yet), there should be no fear to speak opinions to and about power.

"The buck stops here."  No, Secret Service has been a mess for a decade.  They are forced to provide security for more and more people, and cannot seem to hire people to keep up.  Not directly his fault, but again, just more egg on his face.

QuinnSlidr wrote:

In the five hours since Kamala Harris was endorsed by Biden, small donors have contributed $27 million according to ABC Eyewitness News.

Most of that was likely what was held back several days ago when big donors had cut off Biden.  Beyond that, Kamala now gets the Biden campaign LLC, which is why she was the only reasonable choice to succeed.  But the fundraising still goes to my point, that the donor class viewed him as a dead end.

https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/2 … t-00170106

Biden "finally quit" after his closest advisors finally did their jobs and provided actual data.  They've been relying on national polls for months, hiding from how poorly the battleground state polls have gotten.  Virginia and New Mexico were now in doubt, and every other swing state was lost.  Not even Jill could spin that one, and honestly it's weeks late.  Had they been honest with the candidate, he wouldn't have probably strung this along so long. 

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

It's not a stutter.  He looks old.  He sounds old.  And people have lost confidence that he can do the job, not just right now but in four years.  People don't generally look or act younger as time goes on, and this isn't a race about who can do the job right now.

I'm not saying Biden can't win, but he really slipped up on the biggest stage.  And the polling has really dipped in the last month.  I don't know how he was going to convince people that he's not old.  None of the work he did was turning things around, and we were nearing the point of no return.

Harris is young and energetic.  She's a woman who can possibly energize women in the election during an election where women are already at the forefront.  And if she can pick a strong VP, it could be a really good ticket.  There are a bunch of "double haters" of Trump and Biden, and now the Democrats have an alternative for them both.

I'm not discouraged at all.  I'm nervous, but I think we're in better shape right now than we were this morning.  I'm going to be fascinated to see how the polls move now that it's not a hypothetical that Harris will run.

Can Kamala bring this back?  I really don't know.  Every major Democrat, and delegates have quickly backed her.  The party will be united (mostly) by November now.  That was the single biggest reason to oust Biden.  His standing was "solid" compared to Trump among Democrats but nobody else.  Can Kamala convince the morsels who have crumbled to Trump, to reverse course?  Will see, there's not a lot of time.  Biden left a bit of a mangled campaign.  It was losing all over the place, and staffing was slow due to the President's micromanaging.  Kamala has not polled well either.  Status quo says she loses, needs that break out moment, where the script flips back to Trump being the referendum.

I found it hilarious how MAGA world flipped out over this, immediately calling on Biden to resign, which would probably be far more beneficial to Harris.  They're pissed that their walk in the park in November isn't so sure now.  Trump whining about suing Democrats because his Biden ads are now worthless.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

To SQ21, I'm voting Biden even if he's a brain in a jar.  Albeit I find him more and more incompetent, and without a firm, realistic plan on several issues.  Trump could promise me Margot Robbie won't get my vote.  He tried to steal an election, it's an unforgivable offense.  So I'm the wrong person to ask.  The race is decided by like 4% of the voting public which remain very depressed with both candidates.  As for replacing him, a reporter pointed out that Joe is notoriously slow about these kinds of decisions.  This has plagued his Presidency in fact.  He will not fully commit and uses incremental and half measures that only make things worse.  Biden will drag this out. It's not even ego, it's just a guy who lacks decisiveness.  AOC made a big thing about there not being DNC rules for a mini convention.  No duh, that's why the committee would vote on new rules when it opens!!!!  This happens all the time.  Every day more and more Democratic officials tell Biden to stop.  By the end of the month, it will be overwhelming. 

Indecision and an air of failure continues to haunt this administration.  The secret service comedy act in Butler PA continues to worsen.  The shooter was able to use a drone to view the area, and hid his rifle and maybe a ladder days or hours earlier?  Rumors yes, but the stench of incompetence on Biden is just incredible.  The public's unpopular standing with Biden has been unchanged throughout every poll for three years.  They don't approve of his decision making , age, and capacity.  Yes 14 million Dems cast a vote on basically a one person ballot.  Big deal.  Poll them.  A clear majority want him out. 

Now, the national polls are showing a slight jump for Trump.  State polls still in his favor.  However, the indie consensus for his speech was very poor.  Absurdly long, too nasty, and put ppl off.  This guy remains beatable but unfortunately Democrats have to be unified and they need a gotcha moment like Harris blistering fatso on stage.

I've been consistent on this.  Biden screwed his party and this the nation by running again.  The polls were incredibly bad even two years ago.  Had Trump declined he would have been creamed by Desantis or Haley.  He prevented an open primary of several hopefuls, and made this a smoother and stronger process.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, and Chuck Schumer have all privately told Biden he needs to step aside.  He will lose and take the party down with him.  He's reacted defensively, and rather than providing a medical certification that he's not suffering from any kind of malady, besides COVID, he babbled that only a medical condition would cause him to quit. Terrific. 

As I have said before, the polling is often lazy and half assed, resulting in bad sampling.  However, there's also internal polling the parties do.  Democratic leadership have seen them, and they are quite fearful.  I cannot see Biden quitting now.  He's literally ignored the pleas of everyone BUT the Bernie Sanders left, who voter wise don't like him at all.  "Genocide Joe" they call him. The mouthpiece of the DNC is Jamie Harrison, a fraud from South Carolina who hoodwinked millions from stupid Democratic donors pretending he had any chance in a Senate election in SC which he got blown out in.  There's almost no one still backing Joe.  It's absolutely insane.  I've never seen anything like it. 

As for the Trump shooting, the reporting on how badly the Secret Service performed there is plain shocking.  The shooter was marked and known but allowed to hang around.  So many red flags missed.  They reacted with delays and poor coordination.  The star of this mess was a female agent who looked totally overwhelmed.  Another situation where the Biden administration looks amateurist.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

SQ21, you questioned who/what MAGA is?  MAGA is not that large as ireactions has often pointed out.  I'll tell you what Trump's "appeal is." Secure borders, prosecution of criminals, cessation of wokism, wars, and economic/spending***  Here's my Devil's Advocate on that.....

*** is because obviously Trump's spending was over the moon, though largely due to COVID, but his tax cuts ballooned the deficit.  He continues to maul Biden on the economy.  Biden has been an utter disaster on immigration, and every city in America's local news (which ppl still watch) is inundated with often astonishing violence from migrants who have flooded in over the last 2-3 years.  This was an abject and foolish failure.  Biden owns it.  Criminal prosecutions are not really his purview, although ironically liberals trashed then-Senator Harris because she was the AG and prior prosecutor in California, and get this, she prosecute far too many criminals for their liking!  This has been without question a complete mess for liberals since George Floyd and the pandemic, as retail stores continue to go out of business, and 75% of shelves are behind lock and key, with shop lifting running amok.  Biden has presided over seemingly unending conflicts in Ukraine and Israel.  Again, I understand we don't control either side, but we're PAYING for them!  He should either be going all in and backing our allies, or put the brakes on, and end them. 

The GOP primary featured a large percentage of Republicans who chose someone other than DJT.  That was a big point of concern for him.  His shooting and whatnot I really feel has lessened that to almost nil.  GOP voters will be more motivated than ever.  Biden voters will not, in fact, they are getting more despondent by the week.

Adam Schiff (reportedly on a call) again lamented that Biden will take the House and Senate with him.  I cannot speak on the House, but Dem Senate candidates are still holding steading in polling, while Biden disintegrates.  Will ballot splitting be that significant?  It might but I also think Rep Schiff is not a fool, and has to realize that a depressed Dem turnout will be a disaster for their overall chances. 

Biden continues to do one of two things.  He either looks frail, or he looks ready to explode while shouting empty platitudes.  Nobody knows what he's even proposing anymore.  Besides putting "Trump in a Bulls Eye" another brilliant one.  His administration is rolling out federal judicial law proposals, including some kind of term limits.  Great, fantastic, where were they ON DAY ONE??  Oh, you'll never get 60 votes in the Senate to pass any of them.  Trump is even warming to electric vehicles (with Elon Musk's $$$$ rolling in), and both he and JD Vance support Plan B pills and other measures.  Again, I ask, what is Biden selling these days?  I truly don't know.  All he ever does these days is get on TV to speak about the latest mess (his or the country's).  This campaign is up against a maniac populist who has his support totally shored up.  Biden cannot speak well enough nor avoid gaffes long enough to be heard.  Again, ask Mr. Rosenberg what state polls Biden is winning????  Those are the ones that count, the national horse race does NOT!  Get out of the way Joe!!!  Elevate Kamala, she'll pick Shapiro or Polis, and let's go.

PS: Not sure what the 11th Circuit will do, but no surprise Judge MAGA Cannon tossed the case, she had no intent on ever having it go through.  Trump is the luckiest SOB there's ever been.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

The shooter seems to mirror the same rinse and repeat background of so many of the school mass shooters.  Young, suburban, white kid with no friends, parents who seem oblivious, some type of clinical depression or mental illness, and of course, a fetish for guns.  Quite ironic that Trump is shot by one, after he dismissed calls for gun control repeatedly.

I think it's over, for the same reasons.  Perception, low information, and low voter engagement. MAGA are absolutely in ecstasy.  Their precious martyr and messiah escapes death once again.  Crimes don't stick to him, and neither do bullets.  They will be voting in bigger numbers than ever, it's going to be a huge turnout problem for down ballot Dems. 

Meanwhile, the Biden campaign, who have focused most messaging on Trump being a danger, will be forced to tone down or even eliminate that talking point.  Sorry, I don't see reliable state polls that show Biden ahead, and many are shockingly bad.

Trump claims he has completely changed his RNC speech, to something uniting and consilatory.  I suppose if he has really shifted from doom and whining about 2020 or his court cases, or demonizing political goes, that will gain him more sympathy.  You're going to see a raucus GOP convention.  The DNC is likely to be a cluster marred by Gaza protests and a crowd on pins and needles.  I see little to be hopeful about.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Trump was shot at today on Pennsylvania and lived.  Bloodied but played it up for the cameras.  Election is over.  He'll get a huge bump in the polls from that.  Play the sympathetic hero part.  May as well leave Biden on the ticket, he deserves the humiliation coming.

https://x.com/elonmusk/status/181225857 … g&s=19


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

QuinnSlidr wrote:

Can you please point out the posts on this board in which you criticize Trump? Because I don't see any scrolling past this entire page. It's all Biden bad, Biden bad, Biden bad.

Not a single word about how terrible Trump's mental health has declined.

You just quoted a post where I spent a paragraph describing Trump as insane.  You will not find many alive who detest him worse than me.  Trust me.  I hate him so bad that I am willing to throw the kitchen sink at this election.  Trump is irrelevant to this discussion, he'll be there whether it's Biden or not, angrier and more dour than ever.  If one ONLY watched Trump's debate footage, you would see a maniac.  I think I said that.  Unfortunately, there's a lot of unengaged voters and people in this country who (polls show) do not view Donald Trump as a Constitutional terrorist.  They view his 1st term as an economic success, forgetting that he stood by while it cratered due to a virus.  I'm just stating what I feel is the truth.  Biden has failed to invigorate those fickle voters.

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I wish this was handled differently.  First off, I wish that Biden had chosen not to run in the first place.  He had talked about being a bridge president in the first campaign, and I wish he'd stuck to that.  Unity a year ago would've been preferable to this.  Second, I wish Biden would realize which way the wind is blowing and gracefully bow out.  I maintain that LBJ isn't seen as some sort of quitter for not running for another term.  When you look at LBJ's speech, I think it makes so much sense for Biden - he can focus on spending his last six months in office completing the work he'd started on and he can let Harris (or whoever) campaign.

The handling goes back to the type of office Biden runs.  He has insulated himself, and his campaign are yes-people who have not been honest with their own boss.  He's gotten poor advice.  But Joe Biden believes strongly in himself, you can't knock him for that.  Sadly, as more and more active Congress people continue to come out against his candidacy, it's just going to get more and more embarrassing.  The polls and approval ratings have terrible for years now.  Biden continued to push a strong agenda, but so much of it has faltered.  What it's really shown is that the Presidency is really not very effective in resolving economic issues.  Maybe in the past, not now, not with all the globalism.  And don't forget, "we're just primates who wear pants."

pilight wrote:

This press conference is not helping Biden.


In all seriousness, I don't think the press conference does anything.  There is a growing, semi-orchestrated push to get him to step off.  Biden is excellent on foreign policy, which was the gist of that presser.  Unfortunately, that subject is FARRRRR down the list of American voting considerations, especially in the swing states.  Like I have said, they are using his faltering communicative abilities as a crutch for the real reason Biden is being asked to depart.  His numbers STINK, they are appalled, freaking out he will take the House and Senate with him.  The Democratic backers have spent most of the last year or so squinting at the polls.  They finally got it through their heads that Biden is losing to Trump, and they don't see him making a 4th quarter comeback.  He is seen as wilted goods.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

QuinnSlidr wrote:

Mr. Grizzlor.....where's all your criticism about Trump's mental decline which has been a consistent concern?

You can't criticize Biden without criticizing Trump as well.

Otherwise, that makes you a hypocrite.

I criticize Trump's mental health constantly.  He's been clinically insane for years.  Republicans don't care.  Also, his insane speeches get zero media coverage while Biden (the actual President) is getting headlines.  If Biden drops out, the focus shifts to that whacko.  Trump's jerkoff behavior is not going to lose him votes.  He's lost whatever he could already. 

George Clooney, who just hosted a massive fundraiser for Biden, came out against his fitness, and the Biden WH responded by claiming Clooney left the event and Biden took photos for 3 hours.  They sound like Trump.  We all saw the video where Obama "helped" Biden off the stage. 

MSNBC's Chris Hayes basically doesn't think he can win. 
https://twitter.com/allinwithchris/stat … 4195930321

Swing district Dems in my backyard, Biden now in trouble in.

Chuck Schumer ready to jump ship.
https://www.axios.com/2024/07/10/schume … 4-election

The Biden debate fiasco wouldn't have mattered, if there weren't already major contention over whether he could finish out a 2nd term.  Why should voters be pressed into electing someone who is highly unlikely to do so, as he'll be 86.  His approval ratings are awful.  And Biden continues to run many, many points weaker in swing states as the down ballot Dems are.  What you've had is a long standing concern amongst Democrats about Biden's chances.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

https://twitter.com/GarrettHerrin/statu … 8132331755

Biden continues to be losing everywhere in Emerson Polling (on behalf of a Democratic PAC!)

for http://DemNextGen.com

Trump 47%
Biden 41%

Trump 48%
Biden 43%

Trump 47%
Biden 42%

Trump 46%
Biden 42%

Trump 47%
Biden 44%

Trump 45%
Biden 44%
11:04 AM · Jul 8, 2024

Biden's defiance will take the entire party down with him.  This is the actions of a deluded politician, almost Trumpian.  His letter to Democrats in Congress was not a call to action from a position of strength.  It was a cry for help from a weak and increasing desperate dead end.  Horse is out of the barn.  You are not putting this to bed, nor getting these donors, politicians, pundits, or reporters back in line.  These feelings were there, under the surface, for awhile.  His slip ups and just general aesthetics broke the dam.  Who in the Hell is Joe Biden trying to convince?  There's nobody left, outside of his traditional support amongst unions or urban voters.  The younger left don't like him to begin with. 

Biden is running (nationally) the WORST of any Democrat, in July, since 2000!


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

TemporalFlux wrote:

I think at this point I wouldn’t believe anything CNN says.  They seem to just be making it up day to day.

CNN are like when you don't check socials while you're on vacation or out partying, see alerts that the world is on fire, and you pile on.  Only by then, the fire was extinguished.

That said, the issue are not Democratic voters, it's the independents (excluding Never T's) and low-info casuals, which at this rate we have no idea what % will vote.  Those are the people which Democratic insiders are afraid of.  How many, who poll after poll show a massive lack of comfort with Biden, will still back him?

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I still maintain that's why Kennedy is still polling around the same.  I think, when pressed, people are willing to whatever the alternative is, no matter who that is.

Agreed with your assessment entirely.  As for RFK Jr. that's a placeholder for respondents who just aren't into either candidate.  The majority of that % will not vote for him, and perhaps many won't vote at all.  As I said above, it's a really, really, really difficult number to hit on.  What will the actual aka Likely Voter % be?  You'd be a millionaire if you get that right (in the next cycle though lol). 

As for whether Joe should leave office, I think that would be a mistake, because then you're basically admitting he is not fit to serve, and they've been lying to the country.  As opposed to "admitting" he just can't win.

There is a very important Dem caucus meeting that will take place Tuesday in DC.  Many members are expected to make a case to Hakeem Jeffries which they want delivered to the WH, that Biden should step away.  A similar meeting of Senators was supposedly canceled tonight.  Unfortunately almost all of the reporting on this has been completely "unnamed" and I think impossible to verify.

However, idk if anyone caught Adam Schiff on Meet The Press, but he basically pleaded for Biden to go.  Said "he should be trouncing Trump at this point, if not for his AGE."  You also have multiple ranking members on major committees calling for the same.  Schiff said he "should seek out polling experts who are not close insiders.  If they say he's still viewed with a shot to win, then go out and work like hell to beat the SOB."

Clearly the Biden family wish to "run out the clock" here.  They've insulated themselves, and have positioned this all as an affront to THEM.  It's borderline delusional.  Again, the ONLY consideration from here on is not whether "Joe Biden," the ballot choice, has enough pull to win.  It's whether Biden the person will continue to derail the campaign with gaffes and concerns over his fitness?  They can chastise the MSM all they want, they are whores and vultures, everyone knows it.  But it's still the MSM!!!!  How else are they getting their message out there?  Why aren't they talking about a frigging FELON on the other ticket?  Because their candidate is THAT bad.  There are whackos who have this ridiculous conspiracy going that the sound engineers have been intentionally distorting Biden's audio during televised appearances including the debate.  This is lunacy.  Give the average American some credit here, Biden cannot make simple arguments for himself without babbling into lying and being incoherent.  He's the problem.  I wish it weren't the case, but it IS, there's no fixing it, and you either shove him out of their or not.  Which is the best chance to win?  It's very difficult to know, but the down ballot folks are incredibly freaked out right now.


(16 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

roulettewheel wrote:
ireactions wrote:

Oh. Well, I'd suggest you get in touch with Matt. That was really before my time. Also, I am not a SLIDERS historian. I am a SLIDERS fanfic writer.

I think at this point, we're all historians here.

While I'm still here, does anyone have a copy of Brad Linaweaver's "Sliders: The Classic Episodes" handy? Mine's in storage (whoops!) and I need a scan of the Tormé interview in there.

Sorry, I was AWOL for a few months.  I scanned and transcribed the interview section of the book earlier this year.



(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

From the ABC interview, good grief this is a HORRIBLE answer.


Biden acts like he's about to go on Wheel of Fortune.  Stakes aren't too big, don't worry about it. 

Trump, Biden, RJK Jr (now accused of eating a dog, sleeping with a minor, and 9/11 Truthing) are all too old.  That's not ageist, they've been around the block, and it's time to go.  Let the next generation get a crack AGAIN.  Obama was terrific, and we went back to the Boomers. 

Again, the issue with Biden is vote loss.  Not necessarily to Trump, but to apathy.  Democratic ticket NEEDS those votes.  MAGA will vote.  The press has completely turned on Biden's efficacy, and more and more Demo officials are quietly doing the same.  Axelrod,  Carville, Emmanuel, these guys know campaigning, they see the problems here.  I repeat, not a big Kamala fan, I think she overdoes it, but she will filet Donald Trump. 

Dr. Sanjay Gupta says Biden needs to undergo tests and release them.  Jesus Pooping CCCCCCC if THAT guy is saying it, you are sunk. 

https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/05/health/g … index.html

We cannot be answering these questions NOW!!!!! 

PS: Ireactions, in your last post, you posit on why Joe Biden has not quit.  Your postulating is probably accurate.  Unfortunately, he's also stubborn, and his wife especially are acting like this discontent are an attack on their integrity.  Well again, sadly, IT IS!  Several mega donors and others are really infuriated.  Some believe they've been lied to. 

I'm not sure if Kamala or any other Democrat can still win.  I think they have the issues on their side.  They just need a ticket that can articulate them, and campaign with VIGOR.  That's not Biden.  I really thought that Trump's depravity, and an increasing economy would push him through anyway.  I knew there would be gaffes and such.  I had not expected the POTUS to be unable to formulate EASY answers, and his team to blame a cold and later admit that the PRESIDENT is too TIRED to do his job at night!!!!



(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Here's the question....is Biden's senility progressively fading away?  It's a serious and growing concern.  Especially for older Americans who have had the misfortune of witnessing this in their family members.  However, the White House naturally, and many Democrats have refused to broach the subject, because they view this as catastrophic to their chances at winning.  They make up ridiculous excuses, such as this week when it was said that apparently Joe Biden cannot operate after 8PM!  That is supposed to relieve the pressure?  They blamed his debate on JET LAG from 2 weeks earlier!  Come on.  Politics is about perception.  His debate was frightening.  That's on top of these widely distributed videos where the President looks ashen and blank.  He moves worse and worse.  The video with Obama on stage, or at that concert looking, again bluntly, like an extremely elderly person.  The GOP ragged him on this stuff, but now it's liberals saying it.  We need to ignore the source, and simply examine the evidence.  Biden, looks and speaks, like an old man with cognitive decline that is accelerating.  Frankly I have been quite shocked myself how poorly he's been in the last several months.  I used to scoff at the Biden bashing over his age and whatnot, but the last several months, I cannot keep the wool over my eyes.  He is impaired, and it's getting worse.  You're asking the public to ignore what they SEE, to vote for a man now, who may well be unable to serve a year a from now?  It's simply not fair on the voter. 

I said months, hell it might have been last year, that he should have stepped aside and allowed for an open primary.  The public polling was clear, they don't want EITHER of these guys on the ballot.  I said over and over, the party which dumps one of the geezers would have the inside line.  I still believe that.  Let Harris move up and pick up a Governor like Polis or Shapiro.  I'm not enamored with Kamala, but she can run on Biden's record, and will absolutely DEMOLISH the old fatso on stage.  We need a candidate with zest, who can speak for themselves and defend their record against the comical lies of the golf cart blimp.  We need a damn fighting chance here.  You have more and more Democratic politicians, former and current operatives, and donors who are completely freaked out.  They were skittish on Biden before, they are panicked now.  The calls will grow for him to step down.  Despite what his wife, or worse, his son, have been advising him to do.  Biden will be seen with EMPATHY by Americans not pity, and that will galvanize the Biden coalition. 

The Biden side says, you can't replace him, the others poll worse!  Nonsense!  They are NOT running.  When a person declares or wins a nomination, the polls quickly adjust.  You cannot ignore based on hypothetical's.  Many don't know who Newsom is, or Whitmer, hell I'm sure many voters don't really have a true opinion on Kamala Harris.  That all changes when the spotlight of the media coverage does.  You won't find more of a life long fan of Joe Biden than me.  I think he's plenty fine doing the job of President, which these days is not as intense as people think.  Obama and Trump also didn't sit there working day and night.  Joe cannot campaign for this job.  I truly cannot see what the alternative is now.  Trump is the EASIEST jackass on Earth to beat.  He is legit hated, the majority view him as a criminal, and his debate answers were Billy Madison level stupid, and often he was flat out NASTY.  He was caught on video the other day badmouthing Biden and then Harris, he will continue to run a mean spirited campaign.  That crap doesn't work, people on the fence don't like that tone.  It was one thing in 2016 when Trump just made fun of people, it's now in your face, Yankees' bleacher creature foul mouthed. 

I am repeating myself, but here's the best way I can liken it.  Yes, Biden can be presented in an ultra-controlled manner from now until November, to limit the gaffes and maybe get his message across.  That is NOT enough!!!!  This is not 2020.  Biden for the past year only seems to have speeches outside Philly.  He goes nowhere.  The White House have hidden him/blockaded him.  For a guy who is probably trailing Trump as we speak, this will not suffice.  You need a candidate who will go places, talk to people, charge up the base, the campaign teams, the donors, and will be shown on national television speaking clearly and decisively.  If he were up 5-6 points nationally, it might have worked out.  He's not, he's probably losing, has low approval, and vast majorities of Americans simply don't think he is capable doing the job.  The most clear reaction in polling was, Joe, time to go.

PS: SQ21 you asked about polls, just follow Political Polls @Politics_Polls they repost everything.  Again, a lot of them are of questionable integrity and mathematics.  538, Real Clear Politics, they all do averages as well.  Biden is losing most all of them.  My point on their reliability though is that Democratic Senator candidates seem to be AHEAD in these same states where Biden is behind.  I think this is where the voter is.  They don't want Trump, but between Biden's issues on immigration, inflation, interest rates, housing costs, and now a barrage of worries over whether he can actually perform Presidential duties, he's screwed.  Like you said, the margins were narrow even in 2020.  The red light is that Biden, in third party comparisons, is in the THIRTIES in many of these polls.  That is BADDDDDD!  These ppl don't want to vote for Trump, but their support of Biden is as thin as tissue paper now.  They likely won't vote at all, undervote, or whatever.  Those are lost votes the Democrats cannot afford to lose. 

PS2: I also have, unfortunately, continued to be proven right about Trump's legal cases.  They will all be delayed ad infinitum, he won't ever be punished.  The only avenue was to beat him.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Preface: Biden is losing on the vast majority of polls, some are stunningly bad.  I read Rosenberg's Hopium thing, he is well meaning, and I concur that the polling is bad because it's way too Trumpy in who they're actually sampling.  That being said, I'm sorry, but they're not THAT far off, and not in the quantity.  aka they can't all be wrong, it's just math. 

First half: Might be the worst debate performance I've ever seen, of anybody, and Biden having it.  Trump is spewing nonsense, but he's coherent and Biden is horse and stammering badly.  He couldn't even win the abortion topic, and allowed Trump to go largely untouched on Jan 6th. 

Second half: Trump bitching about who tattled on his "suckers and losers" and these two idiots bickering over who's the worst President ever is just an embarrassment.  They wound up in a back and forth over their golf games.  Completely ridiculous.  Trump rambled, and Biden was slightly more legible when angry. 

Outcome: I do not see how Biden is the nominee.  His campaign claims he had a cold???  GTFO.  I warned about this months and months ago.  His largest hurdle was looking entirely incompetent on immigration, Afghanistan, and inflation, and Trump absolutely buried him with it.  Biden's retorts were mumbled and frankly it was startling to watch.  How can anyone seriously consider Biden for another four years after appearing like this?  He should have been replaced a year ago on the campaign.  Jill Biden, if she loves her husband, has to take him out of this campaign.  For his own dignity.  Joe Biden may be very good at making decisions, but you MUST be able to communicate in a campaign, and he is completely incapable of that now.

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I actually really enjoyed the final season of Discovery.  I wish there was more mission of the week stuff, but I thought the season was engaging and fun.  I maintain that the future setting is a much better playground for these characters, and I thought the show ended up being a lot of fun.

The finale, released today, has a lot of fun character moments and a couple fun little reveals.  After not loving the start of it, I think it's a nice inclusion in the canon.  It just needed to find its true home.

So did I, who doesn't like a treasure hunt?  I thought that allowed them to get away from the writer's block of the fourth season.  I am not sure another season made sense, because it would have likely gone back to the soap opera style of character interaction which fans I think got tired with.  Burnam and maybe Saru I felt are characters I'd want to see again, but not the others.  I never had a problem with the series outside of the absurdity they made of the Klingons.


(5 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Congrats on the interview!  It's been so long, I'm not surprised Kari didn't have many deep thoughts on her time on the show.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Grizzlor wrote:

3. Mask wearing is down to about as limited as pre-pandemic, from my personal observations.  The majority of mask wearers I SEE these days ON TELEVISION or IN PERSON seem to be the obnoxious, terrorist sympathizing, anarchists screaming "genocide" re: Palestine.

MODERATOR NOTE: This poster has declared that mask wearers are "terrorist sympathizing". It's one thing to call mask wearers obnoxious and anarchic. But this poster has declared that people who wear a mask for health and safety are supporting acts of mass murder against civilian populations.

This is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

This poster will either apologize for this remark in his next post, or he will be banned for a week upon his next post.

Where did I call you a terrorist?  Yup, the majority of the "mask wearers" that [I'M SORRY], I MYSELF PERSONALLY SEE WITH MY OWN EYES, are the obnoxious, I will add, professional and amateur protestors that Americans are forced to indulge lately.  I literally prefaced the whole statement being my personal observation, but after re-reading I suppose if one opted to ignore that, well then I guess sky's the limit as to what could be inferred.  I should have been absolutely literal myself then, leaving no room for the incorrect interpretation, free of any nuance, by adding "IN PERSON or ON TELEVISION."  I "fixed" that above.

The great irony is now that the symbol of the face mask has become those who don't wear them for health reasons at all.  Which would entirely rule people such as YOU out of my social commentary.  I'm surprised you're not offended at how the pro-terrorist flunkies have subverted "public mask wearing" for those who are extremely health conscious and instead, made it a tool used for disguising the face of anarchists and anti-Semites.  Now, rather than respond and ask me to clarify, or something a civilized person would do, we get the moderator notes followed by another trip to the principal's office. 

Excuse me if I am a little perturbed that the radical left, which virtue signaled their adherence to their conformity by wearing masks everywhere and all the time, and then tried to publicly guilt or vilify anyone who chose not to, as if they were somehow inflicting violence over them.  Again, not YOU or anyone here, who had their own personal/medical reasons to do so.  No, these same "conformists," who's doctrine now ignores unprovoked violence on innocent civilians living in a democratic society, in order to score perverse, reverse racist "points" among themselves, by shouting colonialism and genocide.  Because after all, the fair skinned are the root of all evil on the planet, and to be blamed for whatever may occur.  They are incredibly warped, indoctrinated by professional idiots who teach at these institutions charging obscene money, not to mention social media platforms which are heavily influenced and programmed by hostile foreign entities. 

The same so-called progressive pols who cowardly stood by and allowed BLM protests to turn into riots, allowed city centers to be overtaken by professional anarchists and drug addicts, and to turn a blind eye to criminals causing billions in theft and damage; they're the buffoons who nearly cost Joe Biden the 2020 election.  Had they allowed a repeat on college campuses recently, you could kiss whatever chances he had bye-bye this time.  Thank God city and state politicians stepped in, and had the police toss these idiots out of there.  The President said yesterday "they cannot be allowed to cause chaos."  Joe Biden's gravest threat is losing the middle of the country, not the left.  Those who are willing to blow up his work on climate change, women's health, student debt, and infrastructure by supporting 3rd parties or even Trump, just so that they can conform with their lunatic comrades, be my guest.  Society is losing its grip on reality.  The younger generations have absolutely no concept of what an economy is, how it works, and why the traditional American way of life, as well as foreign policy, should be understood and supported. 

I do hope that clears things up, because I have had an absolutely awful week personally, and the tribulations of a message board visited by dozens is not going register a blip on my radar full of grief, stress, uncertainty, and ambivalence.  Didn't wish to shove any of that on anyone here.

By the way, my past "false" statements, the ones that you jumped down my throat for, and tried to gag me over, were actually supported by major public health policy makers, including those in the United Kingdom.  They questioned the efficacy of large scale mask-wearing, and the affect of mask mandates on the spread of the virus, making my skepticism in line with the leadership of the supposedly highly respected British National Health Service.  Fine.  I really didn't care to discuss the subject further at the time, since it personally does nothing for me, and the pandemic was ending.  The science was not conclusive, I provided actual scientists questioning studies, and was crapped on.  Throwing a gag order on dissent and skepticism is entirely illiberal.


(416 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

RussianCabbie_Lotteryfan wrote:

This is sad and reflective of how hard it is to put together these events

https://xfilespreservationcollection.co … -fest-2024

The guest list was lousy.  Nobody is traveling to Saratoga for Mitch Pileggi (who does a million conventions) and a few other dinky names.  Saratoga is in the middle of nowhere, which again, nobody wants to go to, because you would have to fly in somewhere else then drive hours to get there.  Obviously the couple who run the museum live up there, but that's just a tough sell.  They had a better guest lineup last year, which was still overshadowed by PhileFest in Minneapolis a few months later that featured Chris Carter.  I went to something called X-Fest 2 outside Chicago in 2019, which had a nice lineup itself.


(747 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I saw some of that series, Quiet on Set.  In general, I will say this, none of it surprised me.  Something very nefarious began at Viacom around that time, a rot from the top down.  Who should be surprised that it's teenage entertainment would be directed by such filth, and protected from the top by greedy executives?  Much of it happened in plain sight.  When MTV & VH1 desired higher ratings, they shifted programming from music into reality, and with it quickly any semblance of decency and respect.  Producers coached these participants/contestants into promiscuity, substance abuse, and occasionally violence.  They promoted raunchy behavior, as long as it sold. 

I myself was well beyond the age of Nickelodeon by time Dan Schneider, who I'd only known from Head of the Class, had taken over.  My favorite show was Hey Dude, which was dorky and wholesome.  Now, people like Brian Peck existed long before those shows.  He worked on Growing Pains, and there was disturbing footage from that.  The show runner of GP was convicted of having child porn in 2010.  Should Will and Rider be crucified?  Look, these pedophiles often get away with it for a long time, because they may be completely normal and friendly with 95% of the people who know them.  Often you don't suspect.  Will and Rider had a positive relationship with him, and naively supported Peck.  I understand the victim's family's anger at the time, but I'm not going to vilify them, they weren't the criminals. 

Is this a Hollywood problem?  Well it has been for decades upon decades.  It's simple, there's a lot of under supervised children working in Hollywood.  If you are a pedo, that's where you would wish to be.  As with the long history of child abuse from clergy in the Church, again, those with such depravity, are going to go hang out where they can have access to victims.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

1. I don't see what the Supreme Court is doing?  There was a case decades ago in which it was found in Nixon vs. Fitzgerald that the President cannot be sued for official acts, but could be prosecuted. 

2. I vaguely watch the polls, they are repetitive and boring. 

3. Mask wearing is down to about as limited as pre-pandemic, from my personal observations.  The majority of mask wearers these days seem to be the obnoxious, terrorist sympathizing, anarchists screaming "genocide" re: Palestine.

MODERATOR NOTE: This poster has declared that mask wearers are "terrorist sympathizing". It's one thing to call mask wearers obnoxious and anarchic. But this poster has declared that people who wear a mask for health and safety are supporting acts of mass murder against civilian populations.

This is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

This poster will either apologize for this remark in his next post, or he will be banned for a week upon his next post.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I mean, Nikki getting 30% in PA despite bowing out months ago cannot be a "great" thing for Trump.  That said, I saw some of the mail in results, and they were incredibly bad for Don, so one could assume that many people voted Haley, by mail, some time ago.  I dunno.

As for those podcast points....

1. "Even the idea that Trump isn't able to campaign right now may not matter six months from now."  I've said it before, being stuck in court for six weeks is crippling for a campaign.  The loss of time is massive.  If the US Supreme Court does not scuttle the DC trial, Trump will be sidelined up to THREE MONTHS during the summer, which will be a huge disaster for his campaign.  Nikki Haley has to be cackling about this.

2. "People that are going to care the most about this issue are people who were going to vote anyway, and the rest of the people that care are probably voting anyway because it's a presidential election." This is entirely the POINT of how you win elections.  You get the people most likely on your side, to physically DO IT.  This is not something to brush aside.  Enthusiasm is a major factor, and when the vote is very close, that is tantamount.

3. And Biden has way more feet on the ground to go out and convince people.  They basically said it was the same thing in 2016 - Trump had a much worse campaign effort than Hillary and she outspent him 2-1, but Trump got so much free media coverage that it didn't matter in the end.  First off, Hillary lost because she overspent in states she probably wasn't going to win, and ignored ones she was struggling in.  Biden is expanding the campaign, on certain issues, but that will help down ticket Dems anyway.  Having people working the campaign is really important.  Take Florida, which Trump will likely win, but Biden is spending there.  Trump's issue is that Desantis hates him, so he won't get much help from him, forcing his team to spend more than they normally would.  Biden is basically trolling Trump down there.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Trump's $175 million bond was confirmed by the judge after some changes, so he'll be able to appeal without "losing assets."  That appeal likely will take quite some time, into next year I'm sure.

Hush money trial has begun.  I think that Alvin Bragg will present a fairly strong case with evidence and compelling witnesses.  The focus will be on accounting/business practices mainly.  Whether Trump wins or loses, he will be stuck in court, pouting, for up to 6 weeks while Biden is basically all over the place campaigning. 

Meanwhile, beginning at Columbia University and spreading to many schools nationwide, we have the pro-Hamas putrid protests, which I cannot expect will bode well for the DNC convention in Chicago this summer.  Frankly, it's probably going to be an utter disaster.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Look, I think it's tantamount to support Ukraine, regardless of the November outcome.  Unrest is building in Georgia, and has been in Moldova.  Putin is a thug.  Israel vs. Iran hopefully shall tamp down again. 

Here's where I see this thing....

There is a clear move to Biden among older, whiter folk, particularly in the Midwest.  That was evident in the Haley vote, and these are people who vote all the time, and they are sick of Trump.  They were turned off permanently by January 6th, and these are the voters who Biden has to hammer away at Trump's election cabal from 2020.  A portion were two-time Trump voters, and losing anybody is a major problem for Orange.

Abortion access may or may not play a massive role in swing states, particularly Arizona now, but others to come.  Younger woman are the most likely, but they're already backing Democrats big time anyway.  What it will do is to fortify their resolve to get out and vote.

The youth vote?  Particularly young men of color.  They have clearly moved to Trump, possibly RFK Jr.  Will they even vote?  All hard to say.  You also have the uber-left who have Palestine on the brain, now upset with Biden.  Where do they go?  Definitely not Trump.  Could be a problem in Michigan, although the DNC has been very successful up there.

Lastly, there's the economy.  Most indicators are very good for Joe.  Inflation is a problem, no question, it's not going away.  Cost of living is a disaster, causing widespread angst, but people are still spending like drunken sailors, so what does it really prove?  I do think the casual, less-informed voter, is probably going to favor Trump to a degree on this.  Will it matter?  Like the youth vote, just really don't know how motivated these disgruntled are to vote?  They don't seem to like either candidate, and most likely will not vote.  Voting third party is a waste of time, and these are unmotivated people in the current climate. 

As "Mr. Hopium" Rosenberg continues to stress, it's been a good month for Dems, bad for Trump.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Trump is either using the Charles Schwab cash account as collateral somewhere else, or he's wishing to continue earning interest on that $175 million.  Versus paying the bond fee.  I would say his underlying business "philosophy" is probably most notable, which is to avoid using your own money, for anything. 

https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2 … s-00152863

Meanwhile, the current DC crisis is whether Speaker Mike can get anything through his caucus of block heads?  He has bizarrely proposed to offer four separate bills to aid Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and I believe the border.  Absurd considering, if they get a vote (will pass), they'd likely be repackaged as one bill that goes to the Senate.

Beyond that, a PAC affiliated with a bitter Kevin McCarthy are running ads against the GOP (and Dem) members who voted him out.  Ironically, the "American Prosperity Alliance" is running spots in GOP primaries against those who rejected the bipartisan Border bill, infamously scuttled by defendant Trump. 

The Supreme Court are currently hearing arguments from a January 6 defendant over whether the charges of Obstructing an Act of Congress should stick.  If they vote that down, obviously that would derail countless insurrection cases, perhaps including a good portion of Trump's.

Looks very dreary.  I thoroughly enjoyed the highly Canadian scifi series Dark Matter from about 10 years ago, though.  Unrelated.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

My friend is a bit of an expert on evangelicals, and he wonders if the Trump messaging on abortion is going to drive some of them away.  To them, any surrender on abortion is unacceptable.  They didn't even like that he used the term "abortion rights" at all.  I don't buy it...maybe some of them will leave the top of the ballot blank, but I assume it won't actually matter.

Simply, NO.  Nothing will dissuade them.  One thing to keep in mind is this, the idea that "Evangelical" voters are in love with Trump is a misnomer.  They are Republicans mainly, so they vote that ticket.  They don't particularly care for them.  Furthermore, just because a block is ID'd as evangelical, doesn't indicate how "devout" one might be.  You could ID me as Catholic, but I don't practice at all. 

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I feel better than I did a few weeks ago.  And that's before you take into account any of the abortion measures (which makes Arizona more likely and even puts something like Florida in play) and left-leaning polling errors.

Food inflation continues to be an outright disaster, and that is driving blue collar voters away.  Arizona is back in play after that ridiculous abortion situation.  Trump is trying to have it both ways, he can't.  He boasted about Roe vs. Wade being stopped, and this is the result.  "Leave it to the states" is the most putrid cop out there's been, with regards to rights being abandoned.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

LOL, I follow Ron also.  It's nonsensical to blame President's for gas prices, and in most cases, inflation, given there's not a ton an administration can do about that.  However, the messaging from Biden is flat out terrible.  He needs to stop boasting about the economy as if it's absolutely supreme.  For many people, it's not.  Even if they're doing well, there is tremendous anxiety and anger over the ridiculous way in which you're being ripped off for every day expenses.  He has to be more empathetic. 

I saw something this morning about Biden will now openly question whether he has the authority to "close the border" with executive actions.  Trump tried many of these, they were usually shot down in court, but it took time.  Biden should have been issuing these orders 6 months ago.  Even if they are eventually stopped, who cares, at least you can say you tried SOMETHING! 

To me, the reason Biden approval is this bad is inaction.  He seems to just let issues fester and fester, allows the media to drive the entire narrative, gets beat up, and still does nothing.  Frankly the border inaction is just stunning at this point.  And while he has no control over Netanyahu, he looks completely sidelined.  To think, a US President has zero control?  Why are you still sending military aid without strings?  What is your leverage then?  Ukraine is another one, where there's been zero action on aid.  Yes, the GOP is holding it up, but the net result is a big negative for Biden, because he's let completely neutered.

Biden is never going to reclaim an advantage with the economy or immigration, he's sunk by close to double digits on those, and it's largely his own inaction, or worse messaging, to blame.  If abortion or threats to democracy creep up the latter in importance, he will do better.  It's really about what are the crucial issues in the months leading up to voting.

TemporalFlux wrote:

Looks like we could see a return to slightly askew projects that play off nostalgia.

https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/a … uture.html

As mentioned in the article, J J Abram’s homage to Spielberg’s E.T. with his film Super 8 could be an example.  Looks like Abrams may be attempting the same thing with Back to the Future.

HURL!  Abrams has no shame.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

RFK Jr. campaign director literally admitting they are running to allow Trump to win.

https://twitter.com/IsaacDovere/status/ … 5685517814

Never saw it, but I'm still upset to lose any kind of quality science fiction TV.  There's simply almost none of it anymore.


(44 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)


Absolutely brilliant take down of those who are pushing for increased AI, by the maestro Jon Stewart.  These IT billionaires will destroy us all, and no, I'm not kidding.

Larry definitely crossed a line, but it was much more a line of common theatrical integrity.  Larry has no affiliation with Elmo, and was appearing on Today as a guest.  I realize it's a puppet, but it's incredibly disrespectful for another performer to basically unscripted trash someone else's for no good reason.  He's a huge star who will get away with it.  Look, I revere Larry David, the main is a comic genius, and that's what drove his impulsiveness in that moment.  But that was highly unprofessional, in that setting.

I actually agreed completely with Wheaton, about Larry's ego and lack of control, and to an extent how children could have been frightened by what happened to Elmo.  Granted most children are not watching Today Show if they can help it.  All right up until the point where he once again made it about HIM.  Wil once more is unrealistically theatrical, in comparing Larry's behavior to that of his abusive father's.  Larry KNEW he was screwing with a fake puppet/unreal character performed by another adult, on television.  This was not Dan Schneider screaming at a 12 year old actress on set.  It's completely exhausting that any sort of thing that happens must be completely abhorred and attacked because it "triggers" someone.  Or that one's opinions are unassailable because "I'm a victim."  We get it, you feel you were grossly abused by trusted family, it's terrible.  Clearly Wil has not moved on at all, and his entire world view is shaped by who does or does not remind him of his parents.  He's miserable, it's very sad.


(416 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

hmm, didn't realize Coogler was pitching a reboot.  I think the obvious focus has to be on AI, which is IMO the gravest threat to humanity ever created.  Aliens and other such traditional conspiracies are no longer believable.


(3,126 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

And few if any will change their minds.  If you have any sort of acceptance of Trump being the psychopath he is, but that his "policies" somehow helped you, there will be no changing of minds.  I think the greater risk is that people will simply not vote against Trump.  They will stay home, or will vote for a bigger nutcase like Kennedy.  Biden is not getting those voters.  They think he's too old, and blame him for inflation and crimes of migrants.