(747 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

So, I may be less present for the next week or so. I have a partially detached retina (left eye) and am going in for laser surgery tomorrow morning. At least, I think I am. The clinic has only promised a test to confirm what my optometrist determined, but I don't see why they wouldn't give me the treatment on the day, pocket the money and send me home. I'm likely to have blurry vision for at least a week.

It's weird. I feel 23. When I look in the mirror, I see a 23 year old. (Neutrogena and Cerave.)

Then I start coming loose at the eyes and realize I'm over a decade older than I look or feel. Anyway! Try not to burn the place down while I'm indisposed.

I am sorry to hear you are going through this too. I hope you feel better soon, sir!!!

Partially detached retinas are no fun.

But, like RCL said, if you're feeling 10 years younger and looking 10 years younger, you must be doing something right??


(59 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

You will never see me watch reality TV. I hate it like the plague. And sports. Except bowling. That's it.

I watch TV to escape reality. Not to watch reality.


(747 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

Sorry for still being less-than-present. I have been so busy taking my mother to medical appointments. The past week, I took a vacation from work and still spent all my time taking my mother to medical appointments and missed the annual indie play festival that I usually take the whole week off work to attend. My friend is having a wedding anniversary party and I suspect I'll have to miss that too. I'm hoping things will settle down a bit now that my mother is being medicated for agonizing leg pain that appears to be gout.

I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with this, ireactions. How is your mom doing overall aside from the agonizing leg pain?


(747 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

My stepdad passed away last night at 9:24 pm.

His stomach aortic aneurysm ruptured early in the morning hours of July 5th. He was rushed to the hospital with my stepsister in the ambulance (she's fine...just going along with him). They were going to do emergency surgery on him but took several hours to find a vascular surgeon who could do it (they were at USC in Los Angeles). Apparently almost nobody was available due to the short time after the holiday.

They did the surgery yesterday morning. He made it through and they were able to correct the aneurysm. Shortly thereafter there was swelling in the abdomen and they needed to take a look at that asap, which required exploratory surgery. They got him into a second surgery yesterday at around 9:25 a.m. He made it through that one, except: they found out that his entire intestinal tract was dead from the aneurysm rupture.

It was not survivable.

So, he passed away at 9:24 pm last night.

We're all still in shock as none of us ever thought this would happen so fast. We thought we'd have at least a couple years left. We're not doing well and taking things day by day.

RIP stepdad. I will miss you. So much. I am so glad I called you on the 4th.


(7 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

RussianCabbie_Lotteryfan wrote:

I thought it was important to share this interview as I don't think we have ever seen tracy and cleavant together.  After 28 years, this is historic.  Cleavant's energy as a person comes through.  No wonder he was always the heartbeat of the series.  Tracy's story about john and the stunts was hilarious.  Tracy told it was well.

You can see why the formula of Tracy, Weiss, and our four main characters worked.  If tracy had been able to do more black comedy, the series would have even proven to be *more* ahead of its time than it already was.

Series like Black Mirror would later do some of this. 

Say what you want about tracy but he is always interesting and its reflected in his work.

He'd never be a studio boss but I think if he was allowed to do more of his vision, he would find plenty of an audience for it.

Cleavant -- the man is magical.  It is too bad to hear about his brother.  It sounds like a rough thing for them to have to go through.  I am not sure how many brothers he has but I assumed it was his twin.

I've always said that there could be no Sliders without Tracy...at least not Sliders the way it was meant to be. Tracy just has that magic touch with a script that comes along once a generation.

Of course, Cleavant's talent is amazing and magical as well.

Sliders as it was originally done with Tracy and the original cast is what deserves to be rebooted in this time.


(7 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

That is a good interview. Ignoring the rest of the video and site, of course...

Really good to see this. Thank you for sharing!!


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Is everyone watching what's unfolding in Russia right now? With the Wagner Group?


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

The debt ceiling bill has passed the House, sending it to the Senate.


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

If rethuglicans win this election, this will be the last free election in this country.

Every single one of them needs to be voted out.


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

It's a mistake to want DeathSantis instead of Trump just for the sake of not having Trump.

Both are fascists and should never be allowed near the Presidency.

Trump's base is around 23% of the republican party right now (most likely less). Trump would need to get all the votes from his base AND independents in order to win the Presidency.

That's not going to happen.


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

That is funny, ireactions. And adds a bit of humor to an otherwise disconcerting topic.

The problem with the debt ceiling crisis is all being caused by rethuglicans who refuse to work with anybody but their own agendas and themselves.

By voting against critical legislation and taking vacations for the next week instead of doing their jobs, they're the ones putting us in this mess.

Biden's going to be forced into taking advantage of the 14th amendment by these rethuglicans who have nothing better to do than cause chaos by refusing to do their jobs.

President Biden doesn't deserve blame for this. It rests squarely on all rethuglicans because they want the world and impossible legislation that benefits only the rich corporations and right wing extremist political agendas.

Update: my stepdad is being discharged from the hospital today.

What a week.

I need a breather. Thank goodness for the three day weekend.

Update: My stepdad continues to improve and has been moved from the ICU to a regular room. Yay!

Sorry about hijacking the thread's main topic, everyone...

More amazing news: where previously there was no pulse, my stepdad has regained the pulse in his feet. The nurses were able to find a pulse in both feet today. They were not able to do so prior to the procedure.


ireactions wrote:

Well, I somehow didn't get around to watching the second BLACK PANTHER movie until yesterday, about seven months after it was first released, because I have been busy taking my mother to kidney care appointments. Let us know how your father is doing.

How is your mother doing, ireactions?

My stepdad is out of surgery, and resting comfortably in the ICU and coming off the anesthetic. He's woken up and has spoken to my mom, all good signs.

Let's hope we're on the continuous downhill slide of this thing.


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:
QuinnSlidr wrote:

The problem is that now CNN has a right wing bigot at the helm of its news station and that drives the narrative. So we have Twitter with a right wing bigot billionaire who owns and incompetently runs it, CNN with a right winger in charge, leaving only MSNBC and smaller random local affiliate news as the real news station of choice that spread actual fact. So the facts get largely lost in the overall narrative web of lies.

We need another competing media ecosystem that tells the truth, the entire truth, and nothing but the truth, rather than the manufactured spin on it that the rethuglicans push from their hilltops.

To be fair, MSNBC is slanted to the left.  Not as bad as Fox but it also runs news that appeals to those on the left.  There's more complete charts than this, but this is a good one: https://www.allsides.com/media-bias/media-bias-chart

I say this as someone with a journalism degree that watched a lot of this stuff happen in real time.

As the chart shows, it isn't about accuracy.  It's about slant.  Slant can obviously be editorial, but it can also be selection of stories.  If an illegal immigrant were to commit a mass shooting with a gun obtained legally, Fox news and MSNBC would tell the story differently.  Fox News would report that he was an illegal immigrant with a violent past that was allowed into the country.  MSNBC would talk about how stricter gun laws would have prevented the man from getting the gun in the first place.  Both might be accurate, but the choice of which story to tell is the slant.

There are down-the-middle news outlets, but a lot of people (myself included) like reading/watching news that appeals to them.  I find myself reading stories from questionable sources because they imply all the bad things that are about to happen to Trump in his legal troubles.  I usually have to remind myself what source I'm reading.

To me, it's like watching sports.  I don't like listening to national sports media because there isn't enough focus on the teams that I like.  Local sports radio is slanted more towards the teams I watch, but the personalities on those stations are also fans of the team.  So there's a built-in bias both from them and from me.

You can also have an NFL game broadcast where both teams' fans will complain afterward that the announcers were obviously rooting for the other team.  Both sides heard the exact same thing, but they each interpreted it differently because of their inherent biases.  I think this happens with political coverage too - something that might actually be down-the-middle might seem right-wing focused to me because my own biases lean to the left.  Down the middle to me is slightly left. 

Not criticizing.  Just adding to the discourse.

I appreciate your information, Slider_Quinn21. I did not take your post as criticizing at all. It was very well-written. Yes, I do realize that MSNBC is slanted left. But, its reporting still has better accuracy than others. You can still have accuracy while having a slant. The problem for me with CNN as of late is that it has gone the way of the right: focusing on immigration this, immigration that, when this country was built on immigration. And leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Their airing of the Trump Town Hall caused me to write them off completely.

For me, though, I do tend to lean left where my biases are concerned, so of course I tend to prefer MSNBC as a source.

Actually, I disagree with you regarding FOX News. FOX News is far right.


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Let's make one thing clear:

"A quarter of our national debt comes from just one administration: the Trump Administration"

And the Republicans raised the debt ceiling three times with no questions asked.


trump deficit

ireactions - I promise I'm getting there. The last week has been stressful with my stepdad in the hospital, undergoing tests while awaiting serious surgery that's today. He has an abdominal aortic aneurysm, along with blocked arteries in both legs. They can't do surgery on the aneurysm because the risk is too great, but they are doing the surgery on both legs this morning. So, I have been a bit MIA.

I'll get around to reading that Quantum Leap PDF very soon. Promise.


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

I do not understand how Joe Biden sleptwalked into this debt ceiling mess.

Some commentators I like have said that Joe Biden is pretty good at being president.
https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/3/1/2 … ala-harris

I think he's been mostly okay with some moments of incompetence and overestimating what his administration could pull off (Afghanistan). However, he has somehow been asleep at the wheel of a debt ceiling crisis that he has had warning of since 2011. Republicans learned in 2011: they could hold the debt ceiling hostage and exact massive concessions. Which meant that when Biden held both the House and the Senate before midterms, he had to get the debt ceiling raised. This should have been a priority from the moment he stepped into the White House in 2021.

For Reasons, he did not push for it. Those Reasons are mostly politics and optics.
https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/22/politics … index.html

Also, at the time they were gearing up to even talk about it, holidays were near.
https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/2 … n-00097925

I like Biden more than I care to admit, having been horrified by his candidacy at first. I fully confess that I am a sucker for political PR about being nice to people. But campaigning isn't governing. And this? This presidential malpractice. Joe Biden had 12 years to think about this moment and he somehow ended up pretty much where he was last time. A "pretty good" president would have dealt with this before the end of 2022 instead of letting a minor inconvenience become a crisis.

It's in the same spirit that I am currently exploring new options for this community in the event that future PHP updates render the Bboard software unusable.

The Afghanistan assessment being "terrible" is republican propaganda. The debt ceiling "crisis" is entirely manufactured by republicans and is not the fault of Joe Biden and they (republicans) are the ones holding our country hostage. Trump [insert at least five flaming words that would get me banned from this forum] is the one who created the deal that let jailed Taliban leaders out. Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David. Trump is the one who facilitated the entire takeover of Afghanistan after the withdrawal. Biden saved over 100,000 lives with the Afghanistan withdrawal, making it one of the most successful withdrawals in history. Trump couldn't save five lives if he tried. Rethuglicans focus on "oh Biden cost the lives of 13 soldiers" rather than "Biden saved over 100,000 lives in the withdrawal" because of some racist, misguided and outdated America First policy.

I guarantee you that Joe Biden is far better at everything in this presidency than the general right wing propaganda would have everyone believe.

The problem is that now CNN has a right wing bigot at the helm of its news station and that drives the narrative. So we have Twitter with a right wing bigot billionaire who owns and incompetently runs it, CNN with a right winger in charge, leaving only MSNBC and smaller random local affiliate news as the real news station of choice that spread actual fact. So the facts get largely lost in the overall narrative web of lies.

We need another competing media ecosystem that tells the truth, the entire truth, and nothing but the truth, rather than the manufactured spin on it that the rethuglicans push from their hilltops.

ireactions wrote:

The Benevolence of Ziggy

I liked how, despite my catastrophizing about Ziggy having become Evil, the closing episodes of Season 1 reveal that Ziggy's supposed treachery was inadvertent. Ziggy is a computer documenting Ben's leaps and Ziggy's records were being reviewed by Leaper X's handlers in the future. I don't know if that connects to Ziggy's malfunctions throughout Season 1 of QL2.0. It's possible that Ziggy's stalls were to render some of their data unusable for the Leaper X team to give Ben an edge; it's possible Ziggy's difficulties were due to glitches in the rushed upload of new code that Ben installed before his hasty leap.

It was a good finale and a good lead into Season 2. I liked how Season 1 feels complete, and Season 2 can be a new chapter of the same great formula.

Ian as Al 2.0

I'm concerned that Ian won't be Ben's hologram very often. While I haven't seen much of QL1.0, I listened to all of the Rewatch Podcast covering it and I can see why Temporal Flux prefers Ian to Addison. As a pair, Ben and Ian replicate the original tone of the signature QL1.0 chemistry which had an unassuming and wholesome character in Sam and an irreverent, hedonistic, bizarre, peculiar, fundamentally decent and loving human being in Al.

Ben and Ian feel like a second generation of the original double act: Ben is a mild-mannered scientist who can think on his feet; Ian is a flamboyantly clad figure of unusual life experience and their sardonic wit and loud fashion sense mask a somewhat shaky sense of self-esteem. Ian is both familiar to Al's fans but also an inversion because Al was supremely confident but bolstering heartbreak over his wife having given him up for dead when Al was thought lost to war.

I don't know how much Ian will be Ben's hologram. From what I can tell, QL2.0 brought in other holograms because Caitlin Bassett was, like Addison, experiencing exhaustion. Just as SLIDERS had to let Quinn Mallory hide from a dinosaur or be in a coma from time to time, QL2.0 had to bring in Ian so that Addison's actress could get some sleep. The Ben/Ian teamup seems to be more of a production strategy than a storytelling choice. I hope that could change.

Mirror Image and Mirror's Edge

Regarding the original QUANTUM LEAP: if QuinnSlidr and Tom of Rewatch Podcast really want me to see it, I will of course order the blu-ray. However, I have a request for QuinnSlidr.

The first time I ever heard of QUANTUM LEAP was through Temporal Flux back on the old Sci-Fi Bboard. I suppose it makes sense as QL was TF's show before SLIDERS. Temporal Flux posted about how the "Mirror Image" finale of QUANTUM LEAP had seen a mixed reception among fans. However, there was some news: the QUANTUM LEAP novels published after the show's cancellation (published at a rate of 2 - 4) a year were coming to an end, but their 17th and final original installment would come in February 2000 with a novel called "Mirror's Edge":

Mirror's Edge, by Carol Davis with Esther D. Reese
The last leap... ?

It's 1999 -- five years after the Leap that started it all. It's 1999 -- for Sam Beckett who has leaped into Joe Powell, one of the richest men in America, a potential presidential candidate, and a man who is used to getting his way.

It's 1999 for Al Calavicci, for Donna Alessi-Beckett, for all the people at Project Quantum Leap who know that Sam is in their present, home but yet not home. But the holes in Sam's Swiss cheese memory are starting to fill, the man in the Waiting Room is strangely, disturbingly calm, and Ziggy is dispensing information that can hardly be believed. Something is about to happen. Something that will change Sam's life and the lives of those who love him—forever.

"Mirror's Edge": the conclusion to the thrilling adventures based on the hit TV series.

The novel hit the shops shortly after SLIDERS had aired its series non-finale. Some Slideheads who were also Leapers thought "Mirror's Edge" might take the sting off with a post-"Mirror Image" story.

In the many, many, many years since then, I have always remembered this posting about a media tie-in novel that I never read regarding a TV show that I never watched.

The reason I've always remembered it: "Mirror's Edge" was the first time I had ever seen an unresolved live action story being addressed in another format. That fascinated me, and I later discovered STAR TREK novels that resurrected Captain Kirk, DOCTOR WHO novels that resumed the TV show storyline during the DW hiatus from 1987 to 2005, and wrote my own tie-in stories for SLIDERS. "Mirror's Edge" remains a beacon of media tie-ins in my personal, anecdotal experience.

However, I later did learn: some QL fans expressed frustration with "Mirror's Edge" for what they called false advertising. Despite being billed as a "conclusion", that turned out to just be referring to how this 17th book was to be the last. "Mirror's Edge", like every QUANTUM LEAP novel before it, takes place before the series finale of QL1.0. It is not a sequel to "Mirror Image".

However. While "Mirror's Edge" is set before "Mirror Image"; it is set at the very edge of "Mirror Image"; it is in fact a prequel seeking to offer context to the series finale that is either new or retconned.

Some fans were furious with the publisher and the authors. Primary author Carol Davis spoke with fans on fan forums and explained: due to diminished sales, the publisher had elected to end the QL book series and commissioned a final story. However, the licensing agreement with Universal had a stipulation: the publishers were not allowed to produce any novels set after the QL series finale. The studio didn't want a novel to potentially step on any territory to be left open for a potential TV movie or series revival.

Davis and the publisher were caught between the need to produce a concluding novel and the studio declaring that Davis' typewriter wasn't to produce a single page set after "Mirror Image". Davis came up with a solution. Her solution is either tactical brilliance that would make a lawyer weep with joy or a weak gesture that is grossly inadequate.

I've always wondered what a QL fan unhappy with "Mirror Image" would think of "Mirror's Edge". would think of it if they read the book. "Mirror's Edge" is out of print, but here is a PDF and an ePub from Archive.org:

PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zTRVtW … sp=sharing
EPUB: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t32dIK … sp=sharing

Will you read it and tell me what you think of it?

I would have asked Tom of Rewatch Podcast, but Tom actually likes the finale story that is "Mirror Image". "I like it, it made me feel good with the series ending where it did," he told me. "I know a lot of people don't like it, but I do. I will die on that hill!" I didn't think him the right person to read "Mirror's Edge" and tell me if it resolves his dis-satisfactions with "Mirror Image" because he wasn't dis-satisfied.

Very interesting, ireactions. I never heard of it, and didn't even know there was something like this happening at the time.

I will definitely check it out this weekend when I have a bit of time.

Thank you for sharing this!

ireactions wrote:

I haven't seen the original QL, but I'll assume that's a fair question. :-)

Yep. This happened in the episodes in season 5 - Deliver Us From Evil, Return of the Evil Leaper, and Revenge of the Evil Leaper. All available on Peacock.

(without spoilers): We actually see the evil leaper going back to a previous leap in an attempt to undo the changes Sam did previously. They were done very very well, with two of the three being written by Deborah Pratt.

As much as I thoroughly enjoy the new series, I still highly recommend watching the original series at least once. Podcasts are all well and good for keeping updated, but the charm of the original series really shines through when you actually watch it. Get past the first season, and it should get much better. It really gets strong and hits its stride in seasons 3, 4, and 5. I was really let down with the last and final episode of the series, Mirror Image, however.

ireactions wrote:

I feel so crushed, heartbroken, grief-stricken and betrayed by recent events. I honestly do not know how to process that Ziggy has turned against us and is no longer a friend.

Yes, I have been super-behind on QUANTUM LEAP, but I finally caught up with the public defender episode and the mental asylum episode. Whoa. I don't even know the original QL that well and I was deeply shaken to learn that Ziggy is the traitor on Project Quantum Leap.

Has this always been the case? Has Ziggy always been against Sam and now Ben? Will this throw our entire understanding of Ziggy and The Project into a state of upheaval? Has Ziggy's treachery been hiding in plain sight all along every time my mother's Google Nest Hub froze up, every time her smartlights didn't come on, every time Google Assistant sent me down a dead end in Google Maps? Every time Bing AI gave me incomprehensible explanations of inverse telecine or anything else pneumatic talks about?

Is Ziggy behind all these DeepFake phone calls that have been scamming people out of thousands of dollars by impersonating loved ones in need of emergency funds? Did Ziggy come up with the moral abomination that is DeepFake porn?

Was Ziggy behind the creation of the death robots of "State of the ART"? Was Ziggy steering the automatic little toy cars with laser cannons in "Please Press One"? Is Ziggy preventing me from mounting a solid AI upscale of Season 1 of SLIDERS? Did Ziggy get SLIDERS cancelled?

It's time Ziggy answered for all of the above.


Was that really Lothos or Ziggy posing as Lothos in the Evil Leaper episodes in the original series?


(89 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

There's something that's haunted me for years, something that I have wondered about but been afraid to ask. A quiet query of terror lodged in my mind, a splinter in my psyche that casts flickers of uncertainty that makes me question everything we are and everything we do.

There is a question that I have been afraid to contemplate or even ask... but I feel we have arrived at the moment where it not only can be asked, it must be asked.

Temporal Flux, do you think the three spider-wasps that made it to the 60s Earth in "Summer of Love" reproduced, spread and destroyed human civilization? Did the sliders leave hippies on this Earth with a guardedly hopeful enlightenment only for them to all be mutilated or killed by the spider-wasps?

I've been very worried about this for awhile.

My own answer here is not meant in any way to take away from Temporal Flux's answer which I know will be outstanding, but there is a chance that the only Spider Wasps to arrive through the portal with the Sliders are the males, thereby removing any possibility of reproduction.

Then again, there's also the nightmare scenario where an enterprising scientist on that world gets the idea to bioengineer a female version of the giant species to help propagate its reproduction...

ireactions wrote:

I don't believe that the events of Season 2 are an alternate timeline. Picard recalls that his ancestors were mystified by the strange damage to Chateau Picard; the damage is caused by Picard and his friends in a firefight with the Borg. Guinan tells Picard she always remembered meeting him in 2024 (just as she remembered meeting him during that run in with Mark Twain) but withheld it until now. The time travel events were always a part of the original timeline.. although I admit, Season 2 of PICARD is very narratively shaky.

In the Season 2 finale, the Cooperative asks to be granted provisional entry into the Federation. Therefore, the Cooperative, in the context of the Season 2 finale, is representing itself as all Borg. Except... given that history hasn't been altered, doesn't that mean that the Cooperative must exist alongside the Collective Borg that's out there invading and assimilating? Wouldn't the Collective still be out there? How can the Cooperative also engage in diplomatic relations on behalf of the Collective?

But the story presents itself as the start of peace between the Federation and the Borg, so the implication would be that Cooperative has replaced the Collective at this point in time; that in the decades between FIRST CONTACT and PICARD, the Collective has either died out or given way to becoming the Cooperative.

Season 3 discards this implication and sticks flatly to what was onscreen: the only Borg who are our friends are the individual Cooperative Borg we saw onscreen in Season 2. Those are the only ones to be trusted; all other Borg are our enemies. It's kind of rude, but given how muddled and confused Season 2 was, I can't blame the Season 3 writers for being dismissive of it.

What do you think of this, presented by Den Of Geek?

https://www.tiktok.com/@denofgeektv/vid … 5969375530

ireactions wrote:

It's interesting: many have fairly complained that Season 2 made the Borg non-malicious allies yet Season 3 has the Borg villains again with no mention of Dr. Jurati and the Cooperative.

The Cooperative are actually mentioned in one line in Episode 4: "Forget about the weird shit on the Stargazer. The real Borg are still out there," says Captain Shaw, declaring that the Borg of Season 2 were just a few anomalous individual Borg and that the Federation being on good terms with Jurati had no impact whatsoever on the Federation-Borg conflict.

I have to say, it is a shockingly dismissive attitude that grudgingly acknowledges Season 2 of PICARD and then hurriedly asks you to forget it.

But, to be fair, I can barely remember anything that happened in the very haphazard Season 2 of PICARD, so Season 3 was asking me to forget what I had mostly forgotten anyway.

The problem with Dr. Jurati and the cooperative that everyone who is complaining about that particular plot hole misses is that that was an alternate timeline Borg, so it is not relevant to mention in the prime timeline.

ireactions wrote:

Awhile ago, QuinnSlidr posted:

Dr. Soong on Star Trek...Dr. Seong on Quantum Leap...they just don't even try to be creative anymore do they? I can imagine the writer's meeting: "Just replace one o with an 'e'. Nobody will know the difference."

I accused QuinnSlidr of racism for claiming that it was stealing from Gene Roddenberry to have South Korean actors (like Raymond Lee) playing South Korean characters (like Ben) with South Korean names (like Seong). QuinnSlidr apologized and said it was a mistake; he hadn't been aware of Seong being a South Korean surname.

Since this same person started a thread talking about how much he loved EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE, a film about parallel universes headlined by Asian actors, we have to conclude that QuinnSlidr is not racist.

On a side note, NBCUniversal executives clearly read this thread and asked the QL2.0 producers to change Ben's name from "Seong" to "Song".

Still. What would Marc Scott Zicree have said to QuinnSlidr? How would he reboot my remarks and do better?

The name "Seong" actually appears in Korean history as early as 1418. The role of Ben Seong is played by South Korean actor Raymond Lee, so this is an Asian name for an Asian character played by an Asian actor.

Noonian Soong's great. One most memorable characters ever created, along with Khan Noonian Singh, another unforgettable creation from Gene Roddenberry. Both were named after a friend Roddenberry made during World War II, a (supposedly) Chinese pilot (supposedly) named Kim Noonien Wang (supposedly as no record of any pilot by anything resembling that name has ever been located).

The name Khan Noonien Singh for the 1967-debuting character is a mix of Muslim (Khan) and Sikh (Singh) names. The name Soong for Data's creator, who first appeared in 1988, is an unusual English transliteration of the Chinese name Sung.

I'm reasonably sure that a name that first appears in 15th century South Korean history isn't stolen from Gene Roddenberry. I'm sure that there's no slight against Roddenberry when Asian characters played by Asian actors have Asian names.

I also don't think Roddenberry stole his names either; he was honoring a friend he missed and wanted to see again (and whose name he may have had some trouble remembering).

We should remember: when something seems reminiscent of STAR TREK, it's not necessarily ripping off STAR TREK as much as it's drawing from the same cultures and influences that Gene Roddenberry drew upon as well.

You really do have one heck of a talent for analysis, ireactions. As far as I'm concerned, it's all water under the bridge.

You also present a good argument for how Tracy's response to Universal executives could have been taken, vs. something from Marc Scott Zicree and how it may be more palatable to such executives when shopping around a potential reboot.

If only we had a better publicist and/or PR person acting on Tracy's behalf. I have to hope that a Sliders reboot is not entirely out of the question and it will eventually happen.

ireactions - I love your writing. You write amazingly and your analyses are always so detailed.

Also some good points made. I also don't think Tracy meant what he was talking about 100 percent and I think it might have been an unfortunate slip in the moment. I think the word he might have been looking for was "sanitized" and "unoffensive."

So far, everything's fine now on the forums. Maybe it was just a temporary glitch.

ireactions - something weird is going on when I post. It keeps saying "error in nxdomain..." until I reload and it brings it back.


Your analysis is spot-in, as usual, ireactions. For me, I would have thought that Universal would want to capitalize on all the multiverse stuff being released right now, and that they would want to do so based on how popular that line of movies actually is.

Don't get me wrong: I'm overjoyed that Quantum Leap has been renewed for season 2.

But, with all the erroneous comparisons that it had to Sliders back in the day, I'm still surprised that Universal hasn't thought that it would still be fit for a reboot at the same time.

I also think that Sliders deserves Tracy Torme`'s vision for it and that it deserves being tied into the original series. I think he has been kind of screwed by the studio execs every step of the way in this regard. I really wish they would let him do his thing. He has, after all, worked on Star Trek and has a brilliant mind. I don't understand why they just won't let him run with his project.

I'm feeling defeated. I really thought we might get Sliders back, especially with Tracy talking up Sliders in 2021/2022 and the win for a multiverse film at The Oscars (Everything Everywhere All At Once). I can't believe Universal is missing the forest for the trees on this one. They aren't very bright.

RussianCabbie_Lotteryfan wrote:

@quinnslider  it seems like artemis, artemis dehalo (is that the same thing?) and gaia may be the top algorithms.... ib used a lot of artemsis bouncing between different quality settings depending on the season, i believe.  his process is written up on page 1 of this thread....

(also gaia is slower but you may have enough processing power to use it -- it may be more ideal for later seasons).

On a general note, picking up on some of what ib was saying on limitations with topaz, I was thinking the next great future technology might not focus on existing film grain, but rather re-build the image altogether.  taking the input of what you have given it, comparing to what a house in HD should look like, or a grey coat, or a piece of furnature, and rebuilding each element in the frame, trying to closely match its form and lighting but also recognizing what in HD it should look like.    as ib has explained, currently a solution like topaz is grabbing on the grain in the image to understand it better and building out from there, but when you have sources that lack grain (which Sliders s1 is limited on outside of the pilot) it's hard for topaz to get much more out of the image in terms of filling in missing lines  of resolution.    i will say it was much surprior to what an avisynth script was able to do with my brother's old documentary footage, so I think it is indeed quite an accomplishment.   but in the future of any of the technology for this use case may be more similar to the AI image generators we have now, only 1000x better and better able to accurately reconstruct what a 4k scene should reasonably look like based on a low quality source.

Thank you RCLF, pneumatic, and ireactions.

I've been experimenting with the Artemis filter over the weekend along with the above settings for upconverting to 4K and the results are fantastic on the Pilot.

However, I have not been able to find the 6 hours required to stick with my computer to process this, so I will probably be doing a full process this upcoming weekend.

Thank you all for your feedback!!

Question for Ireactions and pneumatic: What are your favorite settings on Topaz? I'm planning on getting into the Sliders episode 4K conversion game this weekend. Using my Mac Studio M1 as the video conversion machine, along with Topaz AI to work on converting seasons 1-4.

ireactions wrote:

I really liked this movie. Thank you to QuinnSlidr for recommending it. I really enjoyed a female Asian senior citizen citizen as the lead character of a fantasy epic with dialogue alternating between English, Mandarin and Cantonese. The movie is clearly on a low budget and staged across two main indoor locations (the laundromat and the IRS office), but it uses those two spaces for a wide range of psychological states for Evelyn's character.

Michelle Yeoh's Evelyn is highly compelling. The wonky, silly, goofy, threatening, dangerous tone of the film as Evelyn learns about her situation is hypnotic. Ke Huy Quan is incredible in shifting between different versions of the Waymond character.

As a multiverse story, this film doesn't have too much bearing on SLIDERS. It's not about alternate histories leading to a bizarre inversion of the present day like "The Weaker Sex" or "Eggheads". The alternate realities are defined in how they have different circumstances for Evelyn: she's a ninja, an actress, a businesswoman, a doctor, a janitor and Waymond has a beautiful line about how Evelyn's failed at so many things that she has created tremendous potential across all her realities for anything.

Evelyn has a hilariously petty moment where, when she first learns about the multiverse, her immediate desire is to tell her husband how in every parallel world, she's better off without him.

That said, two hours is a bit much to spend in the laundromat and the IRS office. This would probably have benefitted from being episodes in their separate parts watched on successive nights.

Anytime, ireactions. Anytime. smile

Yes. I thought so as well. It truly is a fun piece of cinema.

I just found out about this. This is fantastic news that the new Quantum Leap has been renewed for season 2!!

https://deadline.com/2022/12/quantum-le … 235197219/

I love Raymond Lee as Dr. Ben Song. The entire cast is just fantastic.

Now if we can just get Ziggy speaking again...

pilight wrote:

Ke Huy Quan wasn't in Raiders, he was in Temple of Doom as Indy's sidekick

Thank you for the correction, pilight. I couldn't remember exactly which one.

Excited? Because of how it, a parallel universe movie, won the Oscars. Plus, a fantastic cast. Also, it should be giving Universal an indication just how popular multiverse stuff is right now. I was so excited when I saw it the other day that I just had to share.

This movie centers on a middle age Chinese immigrant woman who is facing a multitude of challenges: business, family, and at home. Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh) must balance a relationship with her increasingly difficult daughter Joy (Stephanie Hsu) with the demands of every day life as a laundry shop owner. Her husband, Waymond (Ke Huy Quan) is contemplating divorce but she doesn't know it yet.

Out of the blue, her alpha universe husband Waymond shows up within her current-universe Waymond's body to tell her an astonishing revelation: she is the only variation of Evelyns throughout the entire multiverse who can save the multiverse-world from the dreaded big bad multiverse villain: Jobu Tupaki. Who just so happens to be an alternate version of Evelyn's daughter, Joy. The only way that Evelyn can bring balance to the universe is because of herself: her good-natured, never-able-to-finish-anything self to go up against the alternate universe version of her daughter: Jobu Tupaki.

It is revealed that Evelyn in alpha universe is the one who came up with the technology that helps humans access other universes in the multiverse by way of a Matrix-like downloadable device worn on the ear that helps them do things, such as learn skills downloaded from other minds - themselves - throughout the multiverse. This is how they download skills like fighting, intelligence, and other bits and pieces of information that can help them against the big-bad villain they are facing at that moment.

There is one catch: in order to navigate these universes, they have to use something their ear piece calculates called "jump points". Statistically improbable actions within each universe that helps them make the jump from one self to another. But, jump points cannot be used more than once per person, so everyone needing to jump from a universe to another can only use that jump point once, leading to insane actions and events that have to happen for them to jump to another universe.

Through an insane journey through many different universes (and escalating weirdness), Evelyn must counter and fight Jobu Tupaki (Joy) as Jobu also jumps through a variety of different villains (including Evelyn's tax preparer - Deirdre Beaubeirdre (Jamie Lee Curtis) to prevent her bagel (a black hole she engineered) from sucking the life and everything out of existence throughout the known multiverse.

I found this movie a lot of fun, because I am a sucker for multiverse movies. The cast is also amazing. For those who don't know, who didn't see the Oscars on Sunday, cast member Ke Huy Quan was in the original Indiana Jones, the boy who hugs Indy. Ke and Harrison Ford hugged on Sunday after he won the Oscar for an emotional and amazing reunion by both actors. If you haven't seen Ke Huy Quan's acceptance speech, I highly recommend watching it on YouTube. It was an amazing Oscar moment.

I'm hoping this gives Universal at least some pause to REALLY consider rebooting Sliders, because of how popular it is to have won the Oscars that it did. From a multiverse movie, no less!

Lego_Sliders wrote:

Such hate and vitriol. Never would have expected ireactions to call for forced education. That is a a tactic out of Stalin's playbook. Ask yourself why you always hear the name 'Hitler' and never hear the names of Stalin (13 million dead), and Mao Zedong(11 million dead).

The words of a Trumper: always calling the other side "hatred" for not tolerating their own transphobic, racist, and anti-semitic views. What about your intolerance of other groups of people based on their sexual orientation? Explain to us why that's not hatred. We'll wait.

You'll excuse me for hating Trumpism (aka Naziism). It's a cancer of society and should be hated and eliminated. Nazi ideals should never be given the chance to rise again.

It SHOULD NEVER be tolerated. That's why we had World War II.

ireactions wrote:

I really enjoyed the nuclear explosion + timeloop episode of QUANTUM LEAP 2.0 (1.11). "Leap. Die. Repeat" was a fun puzzle and it kept me guessing as to what set off the disaster. And I was just thrilled to see Robert Picardo. QUANTUM LEAP 2.0 has such great guest stars: the soulfully earnest Justin Hartley, the wonderfully strong Carly Pope, the joyfully charismatic Deborah Ann Woll.

Then we come to 1.12, "Let Them Play", the transphobia episode and... I liked it and hated it in so many ways. The 1.12 script is possibly the most 90s style of QL2.0 made to date. It is written in a densely didactic manner with nearly every line of dialogue being a transgender community talking point about transgender inclusivity and alienation and statistics and transphobia. It is a lecturing episode of television.

Let's be blunt: this world is in dire need of lectures. This world is shockingly transphobic whether it's JK Rowling or that alt-right Nazi who used to post here. This world is shockingly hostile towards any identity that isn't straight, white and male: there were some weird bursts of outrage when QL2.0's star was a South Korean actor playing a South Korean character with a South Korean name (that got altered from Seong to Song). If didactism is the brick needed to hammer some respect for people's identities into a few brains, so be it.

That said, the resulting episode has the writing style of a 90s episode of television: everything is severely overstated with every point of argument or information laid out slowly and piece by piece with the (lack of) speed and (slow) pacing of the SLIDERS pilot episode.

In the 90s, character and sociological information came slowly because television was a small, blurry, fuzzy image and interrupted by commercials and the viewer was expected to be distracted real life without any simple way to pause. 90s viewers needed their hands held. In 2023, this style implies the creators don't trust the audience to follow the emotional arc and statistics and details to convey that transphobia is bad.

I'm not sure that the didactism is unneeded; people don't seem to be widely aware that transphobia is bad.

And yet, there is a certain craft to screenwriting to at least disguise the lectures into something resembling human conversation. TV conversations are in not realistic, of course; no one in real life talks like the characters on COMMUNITY. However, TV can create the illusion of naturalism by tricking the viewer's brain into accepting that what's being said out loud is being spontaneously voiced and conceived on the spot by the characters (if not the actors and writers).

QL2.0 has generally been able to maintain some illusion of spontaneity, but for "Let Them Play", it doesn't, not because it can't, but because it chooses not to. "Let Them Play" overstates nearly every point it has to make because it doesn't trust its audience to reject cruelty, hatred, bigotry and harassment.

I am not sure if that mistrust is unwarranted.

Yes, I agree. This world needs to stop the rallying cry of the white male base to attack something that doesn't need to be attacked. Everyone's identity should be respected without fear of reprisal or anything else that goes along with that. Sadly, the Rupert Murdoch media empire thrives on the hatred of white males, and uses it as a galvanizing tactic to further its agenda. And sadly, republicans have made white supremacists their base, for better or worse in this country. Sadly, it's worse.

And sadly, the election of the worst President in U.S. History, Donald J. Trump (Hitler), reinforced to these Nazis that it is okay for them to be bigots, a**holes, and terrible people. Where would we be if Hillary Clinton had been elected like we deserved instead of the electoral college cheating us out of her? She won the popular vote. Sigh.

One can only hope that his re-election does not happen in a similar vein to when Hitler was re-elected. Hopefully, his 20-30 years in prison for masterminding a violent insurrection will come sooner rather than later. Sometimes I wish I was in Hillary Clinton universe. Perhaps that universe never got covid and never had to experience falling victim to Q-Anon and the right wing extremists. Perhaps that universe never heard of Donald Trump (Hitler). Perhaps that universe is thriving and far more progressive. Sigh.

But, back to the Quantum Leap discussion:

Episode 1.11 was fantastic. And introduced a new type of time loop that we haven't seen before in Quantum Leap. It's nice to see the show take a "leap" into the unknown with a new thing and execute it beautifully. I also truly enjoyed this episode.

I enjoyed and hated episode 1.12 for many of the same reasons you talk about. And yes, I'm left wondering if that mistrust is unwarranted as well. On the one hand, I love that there's an inclusive episode of Quantum Leap talking about modern problems that people should never have to face. But, hated it with the style being overly-90s and overstated arguments. Everyone who cares is already going to know about these arguments. And, I suspect those who are not open to anything in this regard are still going to remain their close-minded bigoted selves and skip the episode once they find out what it's all about.

Great analysis, ireactions and spot-on. The latest episode of Quantum Leap is always a highlight of my week.

I wish Deborah Pratt would reprise the voice of Ziggy. That would totally complete the experience for me. I hope she will at least consider doing so for one episode. And maybe a glitch occurs in the project that takes away Ziggy's voice again.

One can dream...


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

You know what the absolute best purchase of all throughout the entire pandemic for me was? In terms of pandemic-related items?

These: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093S1H68B?re … =mask+tape

They are a godsend for those (like me) who wear glasses. Absolutely no fog when applied correctly while wearing your mask, and very little fogging up if you get it slightly off. No fuss, no muss!


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions - Yeah, it can be hit or miss regarding masks. But, we settled on these from Costco for the past 3 years. They fit both of us well, and have gotten us through the pandemic with no covid.

https://www.costco.com/flex-fold-kn95-r … 07177.html


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I won't be taking off my mask (or gloves) anytime soon until at least 6 months after covid cases hit much closer to zero. Even then, I prefer not getting sick with either the cold or the flu as well. So wearing KN95 masks and gloves while going out may continue to be my standard.

There are still around 475 new cases per day where I live in the O.C. While extraordinarily low in a 3.1 million-populated city, the threat of sudden surges is still there. Maybe after the end of March after Covid cases continue in the downward trend I will be more comfortable about where things are going.

Either way, I'll still be getting the latest booster once it's out of the trial phase and ready for production. I'm 5 times vaccinated and we have never had covid, and I prefer to keep it that way until the pandemic is really over.

Quantum Leap has been back for two weeks and nobody told me! Come on now. TemporalFlux, where are your Quantum Leap reviews???

RussianCabbie_Lotteryfan wrote:

Quantum Leap is doing well in +7 ratings

https://tvline.com/lists/new-tv-show-ra … y-percent/

That is great news!! Could bode well for a new Sliders reboot too.

Quantum Leap episode 7 was really good. Again. This series really is hitting its stride with its new showrunner. I don't think I've ever been disappointed with a Quantum Leap Halloween episode.

It certainly does appear that Martin Gero is really doing a tremendous job.

The twist with Janice was interesting, and it was very nice seeing the old hand link back in action. Now I don't think that Janice is an evil leaper at all, as foreshadowed in the first few episodes.

Does she know what's going on with that other leaper who warned Ben to stop following them? It sounds like it.

ireactions wrote:

It's possible that TF's theory is correct, but NBC didn't just have the episode reshot and moved back; they proceeded to fire the original showrunners and had Martin Gero take over and rework the original series premiere, so it's very possible that any stylistic flourishes you've enjoyed in later episodes and in this reworked version come from the new showrunner and not his predecessors. Note that you haven't enjoyed the earliest episodes that he had little influence over but your enjoyment has risen with newer episodes and with Gero taking charge.

Some very astute observations, ireactions. I've enjoyed these later episodes very very much.


TemporalFlux wrote:

After watching episode six (the re-worked original pilot), I am really wondering what was so bad about it.  I would wager that most of the Ben scenes were from the original, and most of the present scenes were reshot; but the Ben portion was strong stuff.  That was what I expected from a Quantum Leap series; and if it had aired first, I think viewers would have stayed around.

I am now extremely curious what it was like in its original state.

And as for the present day team, they’ve continued their development of personality, and it’s getting better.  With each new episode, the production is showing how this can really work. But why did they go with that new, weaker pilot?  Looking at the episode structure (and how the timing could have been set), did they feel maybe that the original pilot didn’t explain the premise well enough?  Is this another example of a network thinking their audience is too stupid to follow along?  This is very curious.

After watching episode 6 myself, I am wondering the same thing. What was so terrible about it that it had to be re-worked? It looks to me like it would have been an excellent intro to the series and a good episode for both fans and non-fans alike.

TemporalFlux wrote:
pilight wrote:

I don't think it's Sam.  Why would he be telling them not to chase him?  Plus Sam is still limited to his own lifetime.  He couldn't be in the 1870's.  So are the Evil Leapers, IIRC.  It has to be Janis.

Sam did leap into the 1860’s in the original series, but the explanation given was that a “glitch” sent Sam into someone along his genetic line of ancestors.  Also, the rules seemed to no longer be relevant for Sam in the original series finale.  Sam was even choosing where he wanted to go at the end.

If it’s not Sam, another explanation could be a kind of pre-destination.  QL never really dealt with this before, but what if the mystery person is someone who Ben hasn’t met yet but will meet?  Ben may be chasing this person somewhere in Ben’s future.  Kind of like how River Song and The Doctor were almost never in sync.

Yeah it's not Sam. It's not in Sam's character to threaten someone else's life. And I highly doubt he would threaten Dr. Song. He would probably be surprised/scared/or delighted that someone from home is finally catching up to him.

Anyway I am finally catching up on everything after having a couple busy weeks. Quantum Leap really is getting much better.

The major clue that is still hanging is the time pre-destination calculator hologram that was revealed earlier in the season. Why is Ben going after this leaper? Could it be one of the evil leapers from the Lothos project?

I loved the exchange:

Ian: "We are calling them Leaper X."
Magic: "No, we are not."
Ian: "It was worth a try."

Anyone know if they are going to restore Deborah Pratt's voice as Ziggy this time around yet?

RussianCabbie_Lotteryfan wrote:

has anyone seen this box set PAL dvd release before?

https://www.ebay.com/itm/154689324351?h … Sw6dlhiBTH


From "Collection Vintage" -- a french release it seems.

Why does it say seasons 1-6????? neutral

pilight wrote:
RussianCabbie_Lotteryfan wrote:

So quantum leap has done meh in the live ratings and well in streaming (on-demand)

That seems to be a pattern for 10:00 shows.  Big Sky on ABC isn't doing great live but when +3 streaming is added it's doing very well.

Well yeah. Most people I know are in bed at 10:00 p.m. for work the next day. Unless they're partiers. Then they're out partying. And outliers who have strange hours for some reason or another.

It's not going to do as well unless it's done earlier, but they're not going to preempt Monday night football for Quantum Leap.

RussianCabbie_Lotteryfan wrote:

NBC ordered six more episodes of its “Quantum Leap” reboot, for a season total of 18. In addition to being the season’s number one new show in the A18-49 demo, “Quantum Leap” is the top current NBC series on Peacock

This is very good news for it and for sliders

Very much so!!

TemporalFlux wrote:

This has been simmering for awhile:

https://tvnewscheck.com/journalism/arti … -p-m-news/

Quantum Leap’s time slot will be eliminated.  They could, of course, just put it in another slot; but this move by the network will be eliminating 7 hours of programming each week.  There’s a significant cut coming.  Will only the Dick Wolf umbrella survive on the scripted side?

Ugh. sad


(1 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Maybe. I'm a sucker for time travel movies and TV shows. But I am thoroughly enjoying every episode of La Brea.

Spoilers for La Brea - if you haven't seen this week's episode. While some things aren't making sense now...eventually they become clear in the timeline journey.


Rebecca might be Gavin's mother. Why re: Rebecca? She knows a lot...like the "beginning" without ever having supposedly met Gavin.

My prediction: Silas could be old Gavin. He keeps his right hand suspiciously covered up (exactly the same hand that Gavin has a cut on).

And there seems to be familiar ties with the cave leader. I'm thinking perhaps they are brothers?

Another prediction: The tower in 10,000 BC could be a sink hole machine. And the ore they are mining is somehow related to powering up the sink hole machine. Or, it could be some sort of time travel device that creates sink holes as a side effect.

All we know is: Scott came back bewildered. But Rebecca did not. At least not yet.

Other clues: we also know that Gavin's parents are actually alive, a fact that Silas knows and is only telling Gavin as he wants more of the truth.

TemporalFlux wrote:
QuinnSlidr wrote:

Episode 3 of the new Quantum Leap was good.

I agree, and it goes along with my comments on Amazing Stories. Episode 3 of the new Quantum Leap had heart.  Vast improvement over the first two episodes

Totally. Definitely looking forward to the next few episodes over here.

Is your old Sliders website still out there somewhere, TF? That really was the go-to back in the day... smile

Episode 3 of the new Quantum Leap was good. It raises a few questions:

What is Janice Calavicci's goal here? Is she re-building her own version of the hologram chamber to go after Ben? Or Sam?

She is very different now compared to the supposed Janice that she was originally described as by her mom Beth: super smart, super talented, able to re-build the entire project seemingly on her own, and able to interface the original handlink with the new project, almost seamlessly combining old data with new data. I highly doubt Janice Calavicci could have done to her mom what she just did unless she was an evil leaper.

Is she really Janice Calavicci? Could she be the evil leaper Alia (or Alia's hologram Zoe) in league with Lothos? For those who didn't see the original series Lothos is the evil supercomputer opposite Ziggy who was working with the evil leaper Alia.

It could explain how Janice could jerry-rig her own version of the project and the complex code that appeared seemingly out of nowhere providing a time map nobody had ever heard of.

Very interesting developments that I can't wait to see play out throughout the rest of this season.


(3,380 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

New Omicron subvariants are coming. They may be immune to antiviral drugs. Immunity from previous infections may offer no aid at all.

It looks like the bivalent booster will likely prevent hospitalization and death, but not infection, as was the case when the Delta and initial Omicron variants hit just as the original vaccines were rolling out. However, for optimal protection, we may need a second dose of the bivalent booster within a few months of the first bivalent dose.


There is a very simple countermeasure against Omicron, against any subvariant, against any future variant. It's cheap. It's effective against all viruses and bacteria. It's an electrostatic mask with a good seal. N95, KF94, ASTM or something comparable. Boat shaped or bifold. Or 2D surgicals with cordlocks.

If mask mandates were reinstated and enforced on public transit, in offices, in shopping centres, in grocery stores, in movie theatres, in performance venues, we wouldn't be seeing all these mutations and variants; the virus would have far fewer roads on which to spread.

It really is that simple.

Sadly, it appears as if our CDC has given up. They are proceeding with further loosening of guidelines against the direction of expert epidemiologists who are speaking out on Twitter.

This is not going to be over with for a while.

Because of this, I am still wearing my mask and getting my boosters. I've been through this entire pandemic without catching covid-19 and I plan on staying that way.


(28 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

As you "didn't mind" "The Breeder," I have no choice: you are hereby banned from the SLIDERS community; you, your children and your children's children. For three minutes.

I would say that the most scathing indictment of "The Breeder": the Season 3 showrunners wanted to make a softcore porn movie and yet, even by those standards, they completely failed; "The Breeder" is not sexy.

It is nobody's sexual fantasy to have their neck snapped by a parasite.

I couldn't help but chuckle at your Simpsons reference there in the first line. smile

I tried watching it. Once. It was God-awful. And all it did was reinforce why I hated Peckinpah's takeover of Sliders and everything that happened thereafter.


(31 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I was a fan of the show since the beginning and was part of the original message boards. I watched the pilot and every episode their first time around on FOX. Since VHS was the medium at the time, I had all episodes up to the end of season 3 stored in pristine condition on VHS tape. Every single decision Torme` made for Sliders was just gold.

Then the changes to the show happened in season 3. Torme` was gone. Then JRD. You couldn't force me to watch Kari Wuhrst even if you tried. To me, JRD carried the show and was one of my favorite characters and his character's death just sucked. Once he was gone, it was no longer Sliders. Although I tolerated it, it just wasn't the same. I hated the network for their decisions and bastardizing the show for the 18-45 hyper-sexualized market, but, there we were. I stuck around for Jerry and Cleavant, though, so long as they remained part of the show.

Sliders (and JRD) did not deserve that. Sliders deserved the full treatment that Stargate SG-1 got. I always wonder and wish what would have happened had Sliders and Tracy Torme` been given the full budget and awesomeness that Stargate SG-1 got from the beginning?

If I ever had my way, Kari and any mention of Kari would be wiped from Sliders existence permanently and JRD restored. She would be a tiny little blip in one episode mentioning her character's untimely death a few episodes back, or an occurrence in a nightmare or something.

pilight wrote:

Watched the second episode, and it continues the tone of the first episode.  No real mystery - just problem solving.

My recollection of the beginning of the original QL was that it was much the same.  The X-2 flight and the baseball thing were the first two leaps.

Really? You weren't blown away by the time map in the second episode? I was.

And who or what is the dot, and who might that be? And that's not mysterious or a real mystery?

This sets up an entire mysterious story arc for the show, in my opinion. The immediate questions are: who created this time map? Why does Janis Calavicci have it?

My immediate thought was: Somehow, somewhere, somebody devised a way to track people through time. But who is the dot? Could that be Sam Beckett? Or Ben himself?

I may be in the minority here, but I'm loving the new Quantum Leap thus far.

And: the same actress replaying Beth Calavicci, Al's funeral being mentioned...sigh!! The heart strings...

I think it's a big programming mistake to have the new Quantum Leap happening on Monday night football, though. This should be changed to a non-football night. Perhaps it would get more ratings!

ireactions wrote:

I'm sorry to hear this. I haven't gotten to QUANTUM LEAP just yet. Currently catching up on SUPERMAN & LOIS and then, hopefully, STAR TREK DISCOVERY. Is it possible the sportsball game threw off the ratings?

There were other things including the Queen's funeral that could have impacted ratings in this fashion.

I remember thinking at the time that I wish they didn't choose today of all days to launch Quantum Leap because of everything else going on.