He was more involved behind the scenes in season 4. It would make sense he’d remember the technical stuff from that year.
1 2025-02-02 00:44:47
Re: Sliders DVD Releases (Universal, Mill Creek, SD blu-ray, Restoration) (930 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
2 2024-05-19 13:56:08
Re: Kari Wuhrer Q&A Interview (5 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Maybe it's too on the nose, but probably, the signature style for Maggie should have reflected her military background in some way: a camouflage pattern in pants or jacket, or always some hint of militaristic green.
I see why they didn’t. People really didn’t buy the military aspects of Maggie. On top of that, no one was that interested in the added military background from Rembrandt. I’m also going to go out on limb and say the season 4 writers didn’t see much action.
MSZ said in some interview (perhaps the one with Torme?) that Kari wasn’t the best actor, but he did study her earlier work and realized that she did have strengths they could lean into. He thought the best bet at turning the character around was to follow that bliss. I’m sure they also asked for her input as well with this revamp and it’s why she ended up having carte blanche on her own hair. I was never bothered by it. Hair/location/budgetary changes are what define the different eras of “Sliders” for me anyways.
Kari mentioned that she was going through a period of self-discovery during seasons 4 and 5. I would’ve loved if they used that as some jump off point for character development. Sliding from place to place and seeing all sorts of other versions of yourself could definitely make one question their own identity/sanity. What if season 4 opened with Quinn having to deal with sliding with an unstable partner in Maggie? What if her mental instability was some kind of a shield that block the Kromagg mind interference.
Now I’m just re-writing season 4 27 (jesus, 27?) years after the fact. Carry on.
3 2024-05-13 21:17:45
Re: Reboots: The Return of Sliders (?), Quantum Leap, and Other Properties (704 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
One show that doesn't get much respect but which I enjoyed a lot: RIVERDALE
I too have experienced the epic highs and lows of high school football.
It was an incredibly fun show to watch. It swung for the fences, often losing. I loved it.
4 2024-05-12 18:23:07
Re: Sliders DVD Releases (Universal, Mill Creek, SD blu-ray, Restoration) (930 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Yeah, I think it could happen. There's no way this whole AI craze is overblown and overhyped and building to a massive anticlimax not seen since Season 5 of SLIDERS. We will be enjoying "Last Days" in 4K by next Easter.
(If this turns out to be true, I was prescient; if I turn out to be wrong, I was being sarcastic.)
Yeah, me too lol
5 2024-04-26 15:16:54
Re: How did you become a fan of Sliders? (31 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
I was 10 with no computer and four television channels.
6 2024-04-26 15:14:20
Re: Sliders DVD Releases (Universal, Mill Creek, SD blu-ray, Restoration) (930 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Maybe the next generation of algorithms will handle poorer source content better. Then again maybe not. We can only hope.
There will for sure be a solution to this by this time next year if not sooner.
7 2023-02-27 14:21:23
Re: Reboots: The Return of Sliders (?), Quantum Leap, and Other Properties (704 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
The season premiere of the hypothetical sixth season would have to be a collage of multiple versions of Quinn, Wade, Rembrandt, Arturo, Maggie, Colin, Diana and Mallory. They all exist in separate worlds and they all feel something from each other. Something ain't right. Their minds confuse the logic of each world and upends it accordingly. They understand that they shouldn't exist. This is something they all have to grapple with.
Quinn figures it out the fix, naturally. The reason for this is Mallory and Colin. The unstuckness of it all has thrown a rock into an already cracked glass pane of multi-verse existence.
End of the episode is Quinn literally rebooting the events of the previous 5 seasons using some kind of new device he's created to make it right. End of episode: A new existence is created... but the fragments of these deleted pasts still linger in the minds of a group of new Sliders.
Something like that feels like the right approach in 2023.
8 2021-01-27 11:13:28
Topic: JoBlo's Sliders Video Retrospective (0 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
9 2020-09-27 15:55:06
Re: Sliders Custom Steelbook DVDs (2 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
I know man. No respect.
But I think it will be fun. Commissioning artists on reddit is surprisingly very cheap, as is the guy putting together the steelbook.
I gotta think about how I want it to look and what iconic images from each season to include. Maybe put in some of the original promotional materials as at least the back cover. It'd be a fun project and I'd share the images if anyone wants to get it made for themselves.
EDIT: I'm thinking of commissioning the image of Wade screaming with blood on her hands at the end of season 1 for the back cover. I know its a spoiler, but if youre getting a steelbook made, Im pretty sure you know the show. Maybe the interior is the iconic shot of them running in silhouette from the pilot. And the main cover is that promo photo of all of them looking at us with the timer with the multicolored background. BOOM.
10 2020-09-24 18:24:51
Topic: Sliders Custom Steelbook DVDs (2 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
I'm currently working on making a custom steelbook for a film I worked on and realized it isn't too expensive.
Then I thought it would be cool to make custom steels for the Sliders DVDs. Something minimalist. Like season one could just be of the timer with a zero readout. And the back would have the wormhole effect they used for that year.
What do you guys think the other objects should be for the covers that best represent the essence of the seasons?
If anyone else has any better ideas I'm open to it. Thats just the first idea that popped into my head.
And is it a cool idea to you guys?
EDIT: This Mad Men DVD cover is a good example of what I'm talking about: https://www.amazon.com/Mad-Men-Season-J … B002LITH76
11 2020-09-21 23:10:10
Re: Help with finding DVD set (5 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Wow. Didnt realize that complete 22 disc boxset was so rare. Glad I grabbed one when I could. That said, the individual slip cases appear to be the same and are still available.
12 2019-09-03 15:26:43
Re: Marc Scott Zicree Commentaries coming (15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Haha! I didn't think your thoughts were distracting at all. I thought it was funny actually.
13 2019-08-09 20:58:28
Re: Marc Scott Zicree Commentaries coming (15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Anyways... Marc Scott Zicree is going to be doing commentaries.
14 2019-08-01 15:16:45
Topic: Marc Scott Zicree Commentaries coming (15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Marc Scott Zicree just said on a livestream that he's going to release commentary tracks for all of the Sliders episodes he's credited for on his Youtube channel very soon.
If you're interested, you can sub to his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkKt7g … nreBdPhwmQ
I, for one, will be very interested to hear his thoughts on that year.
15 2019-04-04 17:06:00
Topic: Was reading a 1998 Starlog interview... (5 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
...with O'Connell. (http://sliders.net/articles/starlog252.html)
Interesting tidbit at the end:
"Likewise, two Sliders alumni may slide again. According to O'Connell, Rhys-Davies has tentatively agreed to return for a few episodes. And Lloyd hasn't ruled out the possibility of re-appearing this season either. "That's the neat thing about Sliders. Nothing is definite or for sure. Just because something happened in one universe does not mean it's that way elsewhere. Anything is possible in this show, and for me that's really neat," O'Connell explains."
Can anyone shed light into what happened here? Was the interviewer just embellishing? Did it all come down to lack of money and/or certain people involved? Probably.
But seeing as this interview took place half-way into season 4, I'd assume Sabrina and John understood what the situation was.
Maybe it was just O'Connell saying things to get fans hopes up at the time for bigger numbers.
16 2017-03-03 13:39:04
Re: Sliders Doc (15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
I don't have his current contact information - someone else would need to set that up for you.
Alright thanks.
Anyone have any idea where we could get the hookup for Torme's current contact? They could ask for me if they are uncomfortable giving it out to me. Even if he declines, it would at least give me peace of mind that I tried.
17 2017-03-02 20:25:23
Re: Sliders Doc (15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
I'm tethered to the east coast until march 17th. After that I'm hitting the road.
I plan on staying with some friends in West Hollywood in the beginning of April and could possibly be there for that entire month.
So... basically... I could be available for torme interview any time in April if he's willing to have one.
Please let me know if this could actually happen!
18 2017-03-02 15:54:16
Re: Sliders Doc (15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Obviously that would be super cool to have a sit down with Torme. I used to chat with him on AIM every now and then, but those days are long gone.
And it would be a great jump off point from there.
I'll just ask him for all of the cast members phone numbers afterwards, hah!
No, but seriously, I'm assuming he lives in LA and I'll be there in the beginning of April.
And hey, even if its just an hour of Torme on camera talking about Sliders, that'd be good enough for me. He seems like a super cool/honest guy that wouldn't hold back on his opinions on where the show went.
EDIT: And I was unaware of his health. Been a little out of the loop as of late. What's going on?
19 2017-03-01 22:00:10
Re: Sliders Doc (15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this thread.
But yeah. I'm not setting my sights on making a doc for money. Honestly, there wouldn't be any money to get really. I'm just a Sliders fan with a lot of video equipment and the knowhow to get the job done.
I'm also going to be traveling around America (aimlessly) in the next month. My job doesn't need me in one location, so why not?
I will have all my equipment, so why not stop somewhere and interview someone involved in the series if they would be willing to talk? I know many of you have a lot of connections to various sources throughout the years.... so hey... look.... I'm willing to do this for free. I just need help.
I just thought it would be nice if someone (and I'm nominating myself) would be willing to sit down with as many people as possible involved with Sliders to talk about Sliders. We've heard/read a lot of in depth stuff here and there throughout the years, but I personally would like it all to be in one place. An "oral history" as Transmodiar said previously.
If anyone thinks this could be remotely possible, please email me at floopydoops@yahoo.com. Yes, thats my email. floopydoops@yahoo.com. Or just respond here.
20 2017-02-23 15:17:12
Topic: Sliders Doc (15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
As much as I loved the 14 minute Sliders doc on the first/second season DVD, I've always wanted to see a more in depth documentary that would dive more into the behind the scenes workings of the show. It was drama after drama from what I remembered and maybe -- now that everyone has been distanced from the show for 17 years -- the people involved could possibly be open for in depth sit down interviews.
I've become a filmmaker and know my way around interview based video projects. I would love to get the ball rolling.
The only way I can think of is simply contacting those who still have a social media presence and go from there. Maybe hitting up some of the actors at a convention or something.
What are your thoughts? What are some questions we've been dying to know the answers to after all these years?
21 2016-09-12 11:12:41
Re: I might be meeting Cleavant Derricks this weekend (32 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Okay, so I didn't get to meet him afterwards, which was to be expected. The rest of the cast/crew said he usually doesn't come out after a performance and that he does the Irish Goodbye all the time. He actually would've come out because it was the final performance, but he had to take a flight immediately afterwards for something.
That said, Cleavant was fantastic in Jelly's Last Jam. Never heard of this musical before, but he played "Chimney Man" -- kind of like an aggressive version of Clarence from It's a Wonderful Life. The other performers were great too. It was a Jazz musical with lots of impressive dance numbers a tap dance breaks. Really cool. Glad I got a chance to see it and to see Cleavant perform again. He hasn't lost his touch and his voice is as good as ever.
- SliderNum5
22 2016-09-11 15:41:08
Re: I might be meeting Cleavant Derricks this weekend (32 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
Play starts in an hour or so. I'll let ya know if I get a chance to meet him!
- SliderNum5
23 2016-09-09 15:02:18
Topic: I might be meeting Cleavant Derricks this weekend (32 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
He's in the musical "Jelly" and I have a friend that works there. He'll probably be able to set something up so I can meet him. It'll probably just be a "hello, I'm a fan" but if it's more, what questions should I ask?
- SliderNum5
24 2015-09-21 22:27:07
Topic: Talked to Netflix about the missing episodes (15 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)
So as most of you know (at least the ones that are re-watching Sliders on Netflix), "Last Days" and "The Weaker Sex" are missing. I decided to talk to someone in customer service. This is what she said:
"Yep you are totally right, those episodes are missing from the Season 1! I have checked the official list and they are not in the catalog, I really appreciate you have reached us about this, I will report this to my team right away so they can look it up and add the missing ones as soon as possible"
Hopefully she's not just blowing smoke and we can finally get the complete series on there.