(5 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Okay, I'll bite: where's a good resource for professional editors, and what's a fair rate for them to charge for their services? Did your novel recoup your expenses?


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Just wait until Ib and I have our own podcast where we talk about Sliders: Reborn!


(18 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Gilette - the best a man can get!

Here are some snippets of an update that will be coming down the pike. I think people have been wondering what this scene was like for a long time...

"Young and Relentless" - 2nd Blue Draft
"Young and Relentless" - 3rd White Draft


(3 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Thanks for pointing out they were broken. smile


(3 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

What happens when you click on this link?



(19 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Between Ib researching for the Rewatch Podcast and my upcoming book, when does he have time for his real job? smile

pilight wrote:

WHo does have the rights to Sliders these days?



(7 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

dimnexus wrote:

How does one even go about talking to Earth Prime? There is zero ways to contact administrators on the site,...just ways to share the page.

No wonder my spam has gone down. smile

It's my site, you can hit me (or Ib) up here through PM, or email me at matt dot hutaff at gmail dot com.

Slide Override wrote:

Tracy Tormé recently called me and said, “We’re thinking about rebooting Sliders,” and I was like, “I’m in, buddy, make it happen.” So who knows what will happen.

Woah, Tracy called him? That bodes well that this was some serious thinking about rebooting the show.

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but this kind of conversation is extremely cyclical - Torme's been calling people for 16 years about reboots and movies. When I spoke to him in 2009, he admitted he doesn't have a say because he doesn't own the intellectual property. He reiterated that when I met him at the MUFON event a few years ago.

Now, in this climate of rebootquels, who's to say? But a phone doesn't necessitate serious thinking.


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

How do you suggest people watch L&C if they plan to follow you into the next series? I'm not seeing it on any streaming service I subscribe to (except for the Pilot, which is free to watch on Amazon).


(2,626 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

pilight wrote:

Jimmy Carter ran the White House the same way he ran his peanut farm.  It didn't work out well.

He's history's greatest monster!


(2 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I see this and forget just how out of wack the original broadcast order was in comparison to the production order.

Did you attempt to edit out the commercials or are all the sweet, sweet 1996 ads/promos still on that VHS?


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Not gonna lie - it is weird to hear you two reference me on your podcast. Especially when you're commenting on notes I gave to Ib so long ago I can't possibly remember saying them. smile

Nicely done, the both of you. I've greatly enjoyed your deconstruction of seasons four and five!


(7 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

If you like, I'm sure ireactions would be happy to chronicle your materials on Earth Prime. Or, if you're comfortable adding it yourself, we could probably extend an invitation to post it directly yourself.


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Make sure that it is WELL noted in the first L&C rewatch that it basically led to Sliders being made! Otherwise we might all be over at "doorways.tv" complaining about how the accent on the fourth person to play Cat isn't as authentic as the second actress'. smile


(14 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Grizzlor is a man on the go!  You should check out his vlog series where he noodles around Monaco and other European hot spots on 100 euro a week; it's fantastic.

ireactions wrote:

HENRIETTA: "This is the gentleman from Pasedena? How much did that cost to ship?"

Gentleman? wink


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I like how you edit out my amazing use of the word "gobsmacked" in our private conversation but manage to keep in my numerous "fucks" and casual mention of "tard-level dumb." smile


(1 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

If you like that, try this on for size:



(406 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Ib, how'd you manage to fit all that into one tweet?!


(3 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

pilight wrote:

What did happen after The Seer?

The show was cancelled. sad

First of all, I don't want my participation in this exercise to signal that I condone what is happening. smile That said, since Ib is taking some elements I flung at the wall while breaking the REBORN story and presenting them as a reboot, I want to at least adjust the concept to fit this new idea.

A lot of the confusion/plot density is coming from having a situation where everything is in place from the original series EXCEPT the part where they slide. Easy way to simplify this? None of that stuff is there: Quinn is living a regular if unremarkable life and has to come home to help make sense of his house after his mother dies. He cleans out the basement, but finds a tape marked video diary. He scavenges an old VCR, puts it in. It's the same footage we're familiar with, but he has no idea what he's looking at. Why is his younger self talking about Wade and Arturo and why is there a wormhole in the background? Where did this come from?

Now there's the mystery of the origin of the tape - are we watching events on a parallel universe or is this a twist on our own home earth. Why doesn't Quinn know about sliding? And then Quinn decides to try and recreate what he's seeing on the tape - going so far as to enlist Arturo's help. And how does he get the equipment? Wade's career gives him that connection.

So you're actually witnessing the birth of sliding. The three of them have some level of agency in its creation. And when they slide, there's mystery surrounding it all. They don't even have to become lost. They just have to make sense of the fragments left behind in the basement as to where this all began.

Gives you a recurring set (the house), gives you danger (surviving until the timer brings them back), and offers a way to incorporate a Rembrandt if they find a clue that he was a part of all this in the first place.


And that is the last you will hear from me on this subject. smile


(58 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

RussianCabbie_Lotteryfan wrote:

Thanks for everything you do with the site.

While I have you, can I ask, at one point I believe the comics were all available for download. 

https://web.archive.org/web/20110903064 … omics.html

On the current site, it lists each of the comics available for download in CBR format, but only some of them are actually linked.  Was that intentional on your part, or were you not aware?

Okay, it looks like it's back up. Feel free to stress test it and let me know if you find anything wrong.

No, it was not intentional to selectively remove issues of the comics, but I don't have time to re-scan and re-compile them for upload. If someone wants to do that, I'll gladly host them and thank them for their time. smile


(58 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

To be more specific, the site was "switched off" by my host because it was getting an erratic amount of resource usage. I cannot even access the folder containing all the themes/media to download it.

Once I do, I will transfer the site to the new host and cut the cord on the old one. Scrambling to migrate your entire digital presence from one place to the next is a GOOD way to ring in the new year! sad


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

ME: "I think it'll be done by -- "
ME: " ............................................................. yeah, you're right."

In fairness, if I did say this (and there's no reason to assume I didn't - we talk a lot and my memory is terrible), it was probably sandwiched between Ib getting moody over some Canadian Robocop TV show or wondering why a waitress he sees regularly in a diner he frequents would give him a Christmas gift even though they don't say more than 5 words to each other on Friday mornings. smile


(58 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Only because you pointed it out here - thanks! smile

How can you be 9-10 posts deep on this thread and not mention Nonchalant Sliders?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhdGCwr … 2E0FCB6E0F



(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Well, let me ask you this: what's a bigger priority for a Dynasty that can't have children? Solve that problem, build a series of breeding camps to create half Kromagg, half human children (ensuring the Dynasty's extinction in 2-4 generations), or master the cloning of human beings?


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

It doesn't even have to be a clone, just a real Colin brainwashed like Rembrandt and/or Rembrandt's dad. This allows for doubles while keeping the arc intact. It also removes the incredulous idea that the Kromaggs can clone humans but can't seem to do the same for Kromaggs!


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

They really should break it down into a two-parter: one discussing the episode and one discussing Ib's descent into MADNESS over its execution. wink

Cyrokin wrote:

^^^ Those are some pretty nice ideas. big_smile The last one reminds me of the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Caretaker".

They should all remind you of Star Trek because they are all ST plots. smile

Wade "experimented" when she attended a junior college in 1993-94? Really? Is that why she broke up with the boyfriend and latched on to Quinn like a lovesick puppy dog?


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

How would Quinn have time to develop and nurture sliding technology when they were constantly on the run? With the exception of The Weaker Sex, the timer gave them at most a week before moving on to the next port of call.

You think Universal would take the time and energy to actually remaster the series? They couldn't even be bothered to remove all of the act stingers and flat out clipped the opening credits from one season two episode. tongue


(18 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Remember about a year ago when I shared a few of the casting outlines for season three? Well, now they're all up at Earth Prime:


Along with some other stuff we've been doling out over the past few months. smile


(3 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

It's interesting that you single out "Eggheads" as Wade at her meanest, considering how snarky and shrill she got during her self-imposed "makeover" during season two. The lines you cite are, to me, some of the funniest in the series (Rembrandt is an idiot to bet on a game he knows nothing about), and Wade is far more caustic in episodes like "Time Again and World."


(747 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

(That agonized wail in the distance is the voice of the EP.COM webmaster who is terrified at the notion of having to talk through another installment of this series over Google Hangouts instead of doing actual work.)

You couldn't be more right.


(747 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

ireactions wrote:

I mean, next you'll be writing SLIDERS novels to explain why FOX episodes took place in the wrong order.

Says the guy who earnestly asked me if it mattered that his fanfic started the day the pilot aired instead of the day Quinn slid as established in the pilot. wink

ireactions wrote:

And now, the recent episode of DOCTOR WHO has presented an in-universe explanation for why the Twelfth Doctor looks just like a previously-seen guest-star who was played by the same actor.

Hey - spoilers!


(18 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

So now we know who to blame. wink


(8 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

The original BBoard is gone. So are its replacements. So are some of the versions of this BBoard. All that stuff was lost. The only difference is I made the choice to post to those. I should have the option to opt out of keeping dead posts alive.

Thanks for removing them - I appreciate it.

It's not a browser, it's the malware/antivirus software on my computer - Sophos. It's stating the entirety of Slidersweb is infected by something called Mal/HTMLGen-A:


It could be nothing, it could be something. If nothing's changed in 3+ years, you're probably fine - but my work PC blocks it as either malicious or compromised. Not gonna chance it.

And, since I've got you on the blower, can you take a look at my request here?


After 15 years, I'm ready to shed my participation in the BBoard Hall of Fame. Doubly so if it's harming computers.

In case you were thinking about revisiting the Story Cave or looking at Blinker's hundreds of screen grabs of Jerry O'Connell looking baked out of his gourd, beware: Gate Haven is infected with malware and/or virii.

That means if you go here:


You have a chance of seeing a warning from your antivirus software that Mal/HTML-Gen-A has infected a number of the pictures on the site. I hope it gets cleared up, although with Blinker having fled permanently to the warm, sunny climes of Canada, that may not be a possibility.


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Ib pointed me in the direction of the "Exodus" podcast that references "Exodus Excised." Just want to thank everyone who said such kind words about my fanedit; one of these days I hope to follow it up with my "Genesis" edit, too. (Certainly won't happen before the podcast is produced, though!)


(18 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Just spent the past month overhauling the ol' girl. New look, new interface, even some new content. smile After Ib launches the next phase of Sliders: Reborn, expect even more new stuff rolling out every couple weeks!


Ian's the genius - I just host the wonders he creates. smile


(3 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Are those both from the pilot?


(3 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Can anyone recommend or suggest episodes/scenes of the show where the timer prop (preferably the original) is visible? I'd like a screen cap for Earth Prime but the scenes coming to mind for me aren't working out.



(11 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Yes - it was at a real Giants game back in 1994? Someone provided a first hand account ages ago; from what I remember he did got really into it. tongue


(11 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Yeah, they'll send a second unit to do stuff like that. A smaller crew with just Cleavant Derricks that can bang out all of the driving stuff in a day or two. Not unheard of given the production cost of the pilot.

They carted Rembrandt's car up and down the west coast and even kept it all the way through the fifth season. Getting some establishing shots is nothing compared to that. wink

"Random Quest" was, in brief, a Very British Show. Amazing they made an hour-long mini-movie that is completely devoid of forward momentum, energy, and humor/drama. I'd skip it.


(354 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

He was referencing a show that's almost twenty years old in which the character he mentions literally arrives on scene because of her slutty behavior. There's nothing wrong with this for two reasons: 1) the dictionary definition is an accurate descriptor (even if it requires a trigger warning) and 2) that's how the show described and explained Jen. That's the whole point - she carries that stigma and spends a ton of the series owning and overcoming it.

We now return to your regularly scheduled discussion on Sliders podcasts.

You can add "I'll Follow You Down" to the list as well. Very good low budget time-travel movie featuring Haley Joel Osmont and Rufus Sewell. You can watch for free with Amazon Prime.


(7 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Thanks for suggesting this - really enjoyed it! And, even knowing JRD made an appearance, he is virtually unrecognizable in his brief cameo. Wonder how they got him to do it?


(3 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I've worked in higher education for the past decade and this is old news in those circles. Ramped up in the past 2-3, certainly, but the gender neutral terms are positively quaint in comparison to all the gender dynamics stuff. "Cisgendered" popped up overnight.


(10 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Expert had ratings as part of his episode capsules; you can see them on an episode-by-episode basis here:


Looks like it was blocked by NBCUniversal:


If anyone's still got it, can they re-upload and set to private? As long as a file isn't public, it can be shared with the community.


(31 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I've met a handful of BBoard regulars in my time, but I don't think any of them are members of this current incarnation:

  • darkslider

  • RMScream

  • mrbrown1602

The old BBoard is actually responsible for at least three children being born! Tony (mrbrown1602) met his wife through Ryan (RMScream). Ryan and I were in his wedding a few years back; they've got a little girl with twins on the way. smile


(8 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I know who used to maintain it and have emailed the address I have for them several times in the past couple years. Never heard back, hence this public request. smile


(8 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

I'm glad people still get a chuckle out of the old posts from time to time (or that they stand by their comments), but I don't - and I never really gave permission to have my stuff hosted there.

As thrilling as it is to see a post I wrote to Buffyboy so old it has a driver's license is still online, I'm not interested in revisiting the past to that extent. Blinker took my old BBoard stories off his website back in the day, and I'm hoping the owner of the BBoard HOF is here and can honor a similar request.


(8 replies, posted in Sliders Bboard)

Over the past few years I've tried to contact the email addresses associated with the Hall of Fame and haven't heard back. So I'll pose the question here because I'm legitimately curious for personal reasons.

So, more than fifteen years ago I started running at the mouth on a BBoard that's been replaced or abandoned more than a handful of times. Yet old posts of me behaving like a loon (or a 21 year old, which is basically the same) are still online, available for anyone to read.

I'm not particularly interested in keeping an archive of my rants online and am hoping the owner is here and can read this and will finally let my posts die. Is this possible? Can this BBoard make my dreams come true at last? cool
