Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slate: You’re Probably Still Saying Kamala Harris’ Name Wrong … ndian.html

For years, Harris has been telling people her name is pronounced “comma-la, like the punctuation mark.”

Kamala, among Indians, is a pretty common name for girls. It means “lotus” and is often used with some interchangeability for Lakshmi, one of the chief goddesses in Hinduism. But although pronunciations vary to some degree across the many, many languages and tongues of India, it’s not typically pronounced exactly like “comma-la,” the way Americans would say it; instead, it’s more subtle, closer to “com’la.”


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Well at least he's given up babbling about Hannibal Lector.  He also called her a "low I.Q. individual," which is either some sort of racist dog whistle or just Trump once again projecting his own insecurities (low I.Q. himself).  He also derided Kamala for laughing too much, something he's incapable of doing, even a little. 

ABC/Ipsos poll results.

Overall, do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of:

July 19-20:

Harris: 35%-46%, Trump: 40%-51%, Vance: 25%-31%.

July 26-27:

Harris: 43%-42%, Trump: 36%-52%, Vance: 24%-39%.

just one poll, but that's a big shift.  clearly Democrat and Biden-leaning respondents are far more pleased.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

My aunt is pretty active in Democratic politics (not important but active big_smile ) and she was on the big Harris call that broke Zoom.  I think there's a lot of enthusiasm among women which is huge.  I also think there are voters that are going to look at Trump the way they looked at Biden.  Particularly if he has any slip-ups himself.


Trump's "you're never going to have to vote again" comments went viral over the weekend.  Scary stuff.  All of Trump's buddies came on the Sunday shows to say that Trump was "obviously kidding" or whatever.  What I legitimately don't understand about non-MAGA Republicans is this.

- Let's say that he comes out and says that he's kidding.  What percent chance are people willing to take that he's going to overthrow democracy?  5%?  1%?  0.1%?  1 out of a thousand seems like a low chance, but are people really willing to take a 1 out of 1000 chance to vote to end democracy?  And don't get me wrong - I think it's a much higher chance, but non-MAGA Republicans are so confident that the chance is 0% (obviously MAGA Republicans would be happy if Trump was a dictator).  If he says stuff like this and then people vote for it, Trump would have a legitimate case to say "this is what the people wanted."

- I understand that guys like Graham and Cotton and Sununu are defending Trump because they think it benefits them.  But what is Trump going to need the Senate for in a dictatorship?  When has Trump ever repaid any of these guys for putting their neck out for him?  These guys are spineless but they're intelligent.  Trump would absolutely have any of them executed just for Trump's amusement.  They know that, right?

- Let's pretend for a moment that Trump is a legitimate guy who actually loves America and doesn't want to ruin democracy for his own game.  Why in the heck would he *ever* joke about it so many times when people already think he's a tyrant?  At some point, even his supporters are going to start to believe him.  Why would he intentionally keep veering into this image that is hideously unpopular even among Republicans?


I would like to see Harris on TV more.  There's so much free press that she could be getting, but I haven't really seen anything outside of the ads on YouTube.  Is she doing enough press?

2,884 (edited by QuinnSlidr 2024-07-29 10:06:10)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

My aunt is pretty active in Democratic politics (not important but active big_smile ) and she was on the big Harris call that broke Zoom.  I think there's a lot of enthusiasm among women which is huge.  I also think there are voters that are going to look at Trump the way they looked at Biden.  Particularly if he has any slip-ups himself.


Trump's "you're never going to have to vote again" comments went viral over the weekend.  Scary stuff.  All of Trump's buddies came on the Sunday shows to say that Trump was "obviously kidding" or whatever.  What I legitimately don't understand about non-MAGA Republicans is this.

- Let's say that he comes out and says that he's kidding.  What percent chance are people willing to take that he's going to overthrow democracy?  5%?  1%?  0.1%?  1 out of a thousand seems like a low chance, but are people really willing to take a 1 out of 1000 chance to vote to end democracy?  And don't get me wrong - I think it's a much higher chance, but non-MAGA Republicans are so confident that the chance is 0% (obviously MAGA Republicans would be happy if Trump was a dictator).  If he says stuff like this and then people vote for it, Trump would have a legitimate case to say "this is what the people wanted."

- I understand that guys like Graham and Cotton and Sununu are defending Trump because they think it benefits them.  But what is Trump going to need the Senate for in a dictatorship?  When has Trump ever repaid any of these guys for putting their neck out for him?  These guys are spineless but they're intelligent.  Trump would absolutely have any of them executed just for Trump's amusement.  They know that, right?

- Let's pretend for a moment that Trump is a legitimate guy who actually loves America and doesn't want to ruin democracy for his own game.  Why in the heck would he *ever* joke about it so many times when people already think he's a tyrant?  At some point, even his supporters are going to start to believe him.  Why would he intentionally keep veering into this image that is hideously unpopular even among Republicans?


I would like to see Harris on TV more.  There's so much free press that she could be getting, but I haven't really seen anything outside of the ads on YouTube.  Is she doing enough press?

She is all over CNN, ABC News, the evening news, etc. There was a CNN documentary on her last night that was done really well.

Pete Buttigieg was on FOX News yesterday annihilating their interviewer, and clips of these interviews went viral on Twitter. (I refuse to update my naming convention to X).

Kamala's digital team (which was actually Biden's digital team) is kicking butt.

MSNBC, though, is doing their coverage of everything that's in Project 2025 all week. Which is important for voters to know about.

2,885 (edited by Slider_Quinn21 2024-07-29 11:07:59)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Okay good to know.  I'm obviously sold but there are a lot of undecided voters still that she can reach.  She's the younger, saner, pro-democracy candidate and people need to know that as much as possible in as many different avenues as possible

She should try and get on the Olympic broadcast.  Now that MAGA is anti-Olympics, Trump would have to decline and she'd get the broadcast to herself.

Edit - apparently she appeared at a Simpsons panel for ComicCon which is exactly the type of place she needs to show up.  Great work by her team.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

Okay good to know.  I'm obviously sold but there are a lot of undecided voters still that she can reach.  She's the younger, saner, pro-democracy candidate and people need to know that as much as possible in as many different avenues as possible

She should try and get on the Olympic broadcast.  Now that MAGA is anti-Olympics, Trump would have to decline and she'd get the broadcast to herself.

Edit - apparently she appeared at a Simpsons panel for ComicCon which is exactly the type of place she needs to show up.  Great work by her team.

Here are all the details: … -comic-con

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Been seeing a bunch of articles that are talking about a Democratic pivot from calling MAGA "dangerous" to calling it "weird" and how that's a great idea.  I do think there's a segment of MAGA that actually likes the idea that Democrats are scared of them.

But to be weird?  That could be effective.  I maintain that Democrats need to talk more about Trump's weirdness - how he's constantly bringing up Hannibal Lector.  His bizarre rant about sharks and electric boats.  When I linked that "You Should Go to a Trump Rally" article, it talked about how even some of Trump's biggest fans walk out of his rallies when he rambles on.  I think the Harris campaign should be taking huge clips of these things and just playing them unedited as TV ads.  People need to know that even if they don't think Trump is dangerous, he's certainly crazy.

Also, Trump hates being made fun of.  I think he likes the idea that he's going to be this scary tyrant, but I don't think he wants to be thought of as old, weird, or crazy.  That's what they need to do, and they can probably bait him into more weird or crazy behavior.

2,888 (edited by QuinnSlidr 2024-07-30 15:04:03)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

Been seeing a bunch of articles that are talking about a Democratic pivot from calling MAGA "dangerous" to calling it "weird" and how that's a great idea.  I do think there's a segment of MAGA that actually likes the idea that Democrats are scared of them.

But to be weird?  That could be effective.  I maintain that Democrats need to talk more about Trump's weirdness - how he's constantly bringing up Hannibal Lector.  His bizarre rant about sharks and electric boats.  When I linked that "You Should Go to a Trump Rally" article, it talked about how even some of Trump's biggest fans walk out of his rallies when he rambles on.  I think the Harris campaign should be taking huge clips of these things and just playing them unedited as TV ads.  People need to know that even if they don't think Trump is dangerous, he's certainly crazy.

Also, Trump hates being made fun of.  I think he likes the idea that he's going to be this scary tyrant, but I don't think he wants to be thought of as old, weird, or crazy.  That's what they need to do, and they can probably bait him into more weird or crazy behavior.

The baiting part would be fun. I think he's just going to do it himself and continue to sink him and his wrecking ball of a party even further as we continue to November.

This is not a fun time to be a Trump-loving rethuglican.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I am so glad Jerry didn't turn out to be a Trumper. Thank you Jerry for always being a champion of Democracy!!!

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

lol lol lol lol lol lol

Harris is now leading or close to Trump in every battleground state


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate … n-chicago/

“I’ve known her a long time indirectly — not directly very much — and she was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was black — until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black,” Trump said of Harris.

“And now she wants to be known as black, so I don’t know is she Indian or is she black … but you know what, I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t,” he added.

“She became a black person and I think somebody should look into that.”

Oh My Heavens.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

QuinnSlidr wrote:

I am so glad Jerry didn't turn out to be a Trumper. Thank you Jerry for always being a champion of Democracy!!!

In 2016, after Trump won, Jerry tweeted, "America just elected Voldemort."

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

ireactions wrote:
QuinnSlidr wrote:

I am so glad Jerry didn't turn out to be a Trumper. Thank you Jerry for always being a champion of Democracy!!!

In 2016, after Trump won, Jerry tweeted, "America just elected Voldemort."

100% agreed.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

QuinnSlidr wrote:

lol lol lol lol lol lol

Harris is now leading or close to Trump in every battleground state

The Michigan number looks like a real outlier.  There's no question, no matter what poll you're looking at, that the race has tightened.  But it's still a 50/50 deal at best for Harris.  We're going to need across-the-board polling to show that the race is competitive (where Harris is winning as many polls as she's losing) in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and hopefully North Carolina before we start getting too excited.  As it stands now, we'd need a Dem+3 polling error for her to comfortably win.

Now to be fair, Trump's already gotten a bump from the convention and the assassination attempt.  He's had a few gaffes recently that could cost him votes, including all the Vance stuff.  And Harris still could get a bump from her VP pick and the convention.


The black journalist thing seems really bad.  This could possibly cost him votes, but my understanding is that a lot of people in the black community actually don't consider her to be black.  I saw some commentary from black people that noted that her Atlanta rally was "too ghetto" - I don't know if Trump insulting her "blackness" is as cut and dry as we think.  I think there's some complications, and I think Trump's comments might actually strengthen him with some parts of the black community that don't consider her to be black either.

Now I think she needs to go to the same event (not on Zoom) and handle tough questions comfortably and confidently.  She could really show the difference and score major points.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate … d=abcpromo

FiveThirtyEight launched their polling average for Harris-Trump specifically, and Harris is up 1.2% nationally.  They don't have enough polling data to launch in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Nevada, or Wisconsin but she's leading by 1.6% in Michigan.

I think the momentum and the "honeymoon period" will end, but she's still got a potential bump from her VP pick and the convention.  It's crazy how much things have turned around.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Okay the polling keeps getting better for Harris.  Some of it has to be Trump misstep after misstep (why in the world would he reignite his rivalry with Kemp in Georgia when people in Georgia already don't love him that much and love Kemp???), but I think people are ready to change the page from Clinton/Biden/Obama/Trump.  I think as long as she doesn't have any missteps, she might have an absolutely rock solid shot.

I'm torn on what she should do for VP.  Shapiro actually has a decent amount of baggage, but if he can get you Pennsylvania, the road to the White House is so much easier.  If Harris gets PA and we consider NV/AZ/GA/NC/WI/MI as toss-ups, then it's 245-219.  Obviously WI and MI gets the win (again, assuming NE-2).  But you could lose MI and get AZ.  You could lose MI and get GA or NC.  You don't have to only get 2 of the 6 (because obviously NV and WI aren't enough on their own), but a lot of combinations become wins.

I still think 270 isn't enough votes to be happy, but I'm willing to take 270-268 from where we were a few weeks ago.

Harris is winning enough pre-VP polls in Pennsylvania that maybe they'll risk it and go with Kelly.  Kelly might have broader support and helps Harris with border stuff since he's a bit of a hawk on the border and obviously comes from a border state.  If they think they can get Pennsylvania without Shapiro, or if they think they can get GA/AZ/NC/NV/WI/MI (not all but enough to get to 270) then maybe Kelly makes more sense.

My questions:

- Does Shapiro lock up Pennsylvania?  Do enough Pennsylvanians trust/like him to either override a vote for Trump or convince enough undecideds to go with her?
- Does Shapiro's potential baggage (sexual assault stuff, being Jewish, views on Israel, etc) lose him any votes outside of Pennsylvania?  For example, do you get PA but lose MI?
- Does Kelly's baggage on unions (which he's tried to shore up) hurt him in the rust belt?  Or would they like him as much as they'd like Shapiro?
- Does Kelly help with the border enough to essentially neutralize that issue?
- Does any of this actually matter?  I know it doesn't matter on a macro scale but all it would need to do is matter a few places by a small amount of votes.  This whole thing could be decided by a few thousand votes.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

This whole thing could be decided by a few thousand votes.

Honestly, that is what scares me most.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Kamala has moved ahead on Nate Silver's board, which is something.

VP pick is mehhh to me, whatever, get over with it, and move on. 

David Axelrod, James Carville, etc., telling Democrats not to get too in love with this honeymoon surge.  Work needs to be done.  I know what they are thinking, that when push comes to shove, the Trump vote will turn out, and the Harris vote won't, at least, to what the polls are.  David Plouffe from Team O has joined her team btw. 

I think it's a mistake NOT to have her debate Trump.  Let him wallow in his own cowardice a little longer, but she HAS to debate this guy.  Pointing to what those guys have been saying, Harris needs to prove she is up for the job, with more than just endorsements and commercials and short stump speeches.  Remove the doubts.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

I think it's a mistake NOT to have her debate Trump.  Let him wallow in his own cowardice a little longer, but she HAS to debate this guy.  Pointing to what those guys have been saying, Harris needs to prove she is up for the job, with more than just endorsements and commercials and short stump speeches.  Remove the doubts.

Yes, I think you're right.

2,901 (edited by QuinnSlidr 2024-08-05 03:52:38)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I prefer Buttigieg. Never heard of any of these other people until they were in the running for VP. And Buttigieg has the name recognition.

2,902 (edited by Slider_Quinn21 2024-08-05 07:12:15)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

QuinnSlidr wrote:

I prefer Buttigieg. Never heard of any of these other people until they were in the running for VP. And Buttigieg has the name recognition.

I absolutely love Buttigieg.  I think he'd be great, and I think he can absolutely be president some day.  But in an election where evangelicals are already going to extra motivated, I think running a ticket of a black woman and a gay man is going to cause extra issues.  As much as I love Shapiro, I'm a little bit nervous about not having a Christian man on the ticket.

I know it's not the way it should be, but I think Pete needs to wait until some of the Trump anti-LGBT firestorm dies down.  Add him to the Harris cabinet (Secretary of State?) and keep building up his resume.

Grizzlor wrote:

David Axelrod, James Carville, etc., telling Democrats not to get too in love with this honeymoon surge.  Work needs to be done.  I know what they are thinking, that when push comes to shove, the Trump vote will turn out, and the Harris vote won't, at least, to what the polls are.

I agree about the honeymoon period, but could it last a couple more months?  People seem to be energized by a non-Trump/Biden candidate, and honeymoon.  Harris' own VP approval rating honeymoon lasted almost eight months.  My hope is that Harris wins before people even really know if they like her or not.

As far as turnout goes, I think you're forgetting that the true power the Democrats have is anti-Trump, not pro-Harris.  The anti-Trump people will turn out whether it's Biden, Harris, or me on the ballot.  They'd show up if they had to write Harris in.  A ton of people in this country love Trump, but a ton of people hate him.  Both are equally excited to show up.  Also, since the shift in the electorate, Democrats do better with people who are more likely to vote.  I'll let 538 explain from this article: … =112494481

Another reason our averages are better for Harris is that 538 adjusts polls that were conducted among registered voters (marked as "RV" on our polls page) or all adults ("A") toward the results of likely voter ("LV") polls. We make this adjustment because we know for a fact that not all adults or even all registered voters will vote in the election, and the types of people who vote differ from nonvoters in predictable ways.

Specifically, there is evidence that likely voters are now a bit more Democratic than the general population; for example, likely voter polls of Trump versus Biden tended to look better for Democrats than polls of that matchup among registered voters or all adults. Our average makes this adjustment by looking for systematic differences between likely voter and registered voter/all adult polls after controlling for other factors, such as the pollster who conducted the poll, the mode it was conducted with, the time it was conducted, etc.

Basically, Trump has a really rabid group of people who almost never vote in anything else.  They're also less likely to vote in ways that are more convenient (by mail, voting early, etc) so something like weather in rural Pennsylvania on election day can actually make a difference.

Grizzlor wrote:

I think it's a mistake NOT to have her debate Trump.  Let him wallow in his own cowardice a little longer, but she HAS to debate this guy.  Pointing to what those guys have been saying, Harris needs to prove she is up for the job, with more than just endorsements and commercials and short stump speeches.  Remove the doubts.

I think you're right, and I think she will.  But I think she's doing the right thing and hammering him on being weak and cowardly.  MAGA will eat up whatever excuse he has, but undecideds won't.  She needs to make that point instead of quickly accepting any offer Trump makes so that the news can report day after day that she's sticking to the original agreement and Trump wants a friendly crowd on a friendly network.  Then she can hammer him on it during the debate too.

I'm also a little nervous about Trump's legal stuff popping up.  I wonder if that will break up some of the momentum that Harris has now.  Trump campaigned better and raised money better during his trials, and as much as I'd love the population to learn more about his election interference case, I wonder if it's better to just let it lie until after the election.

2,903 (edited by Grizzlor 2024-08-05 07:31:30)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

The only thing remaining is the NY sentencing hearing in September, where Trump is likely to be slapped on the wrist.  Nothing else of substance will occur, as those federal cases will be stuck in motions and hearings for a long time.

One joke, quip, rumor is that since serious legal jeopardy has been avoided by Trump, that he's not longer "out to win to stay out of jail." I presume the theory is that he now doesn't really need to win anymore, and will just go off the deep end here.  Not sure I buy that, but it's largely true.  Given the legal wrangling to come in the federal cases, if he loses, and does not engage in Insurrection the Sequel, why would a Pres elect Harris wish to soil her own presidency by "punishing" the guy she just beat?  The Supreme Court has provided multiple off ramps. 

I expect Shapiro to be the pick.  To sure up PA, which may or may not happen.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

The only thing remaining is the NY sentencing hearing in September, where Trump is likely to be slapped on the wrist.  Nothing else of substance will occur, as those federal cases will be stuck in motions and hearings for a long time.

That's not my understanding.  The DC case hasn't been dismissed, and there's a hearing in a couple of weeks on how to proceed.  What could happen, based on my limited understanding of these matters, is that the Supreme Court required them to have hearings on whether the acts that are under the indictment were official acts or not.  What that could mean is that the government has to lay all its cards on the table, including calling witnesses, to present their evidence.  It would mean giving the defense a ton of insight into what they're planning on doing, but it would also get a ton of evidence out into the public consciousness.

It was basically what democrats were clinging to when the immunity decision was announced.  It feels like a huge risk/reward proposition - they could obviously get voters huge details on what Trump was trying to do in 2020.  It could also a) give the defense a huge advantage if the case ever proceeds and b) backfire and actually help Trump.

For me, I'm sorta hoping to just take it off the table unless there's something about Pence's testimony or some other evidence that would change enough minds to keep him out of the White House.  At this point, all I really care about is beating him in November.  If he never pays for any of his crimes, whatever.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Both the DC hearings (on immunity), and the appeal of the FL case's dismissal by Cannon, will take months and months, well past the election.  It's extremely unlikely Trump would re-enter a Federal courthouse in 2024.  Evidence to be released in hearings is not going to sway people's votes.  They're just not paying enough, or any, attention to those trials.  People get woken up by convictions, although the one in NY court had little to no affect on polling, at the time. 

Meanwhile, stock market is plunging, which isn't good news for Biden (Harris), in part thanks to a lousier July jobs number, and due to the awful mismanagement by Fed chairman Jerome Powell.  They're not even scheduled to meet on interest rate changes until next month.  This represents as big a concern for the "incumbent" ticket than anything else going on right now. 

The Fed are having an emergency meeting TODAY, after which it's expected rates to be cut, by some measure.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

One joke, quip, rumor is that since serious legal jeopardy has been avoided by Trump, that he's not longer "out to win to stay out of jail." I presume the theory is that he now doesn't really need to win anymore

This was something Simon Rosenberg said, speculatively, on Twitter. I can't find his tweet now, but his view was that Trump has gained much of what he sought from re-winning: immunity and funding for his legal battles.

It wouldn't be up to President Kamala Harris to prosecute Trump; it's entirely on an independent Department of Justice. That said, I would expect that if Harris is elected, she'll fire Merrick Garland for incompetence and seek to appoint someone more driven.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Simon Rosenberg wrote:

Trump’s general election narrative was very simple:

I am leading in the polls and I am strong and my opponent is weak.

I may be a rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon but I am leading in the polls and I am strong and my opponent is weak.

I may have the most extreme and dangerous agenda in American history but I am leading in the polls and I am strong and my opponent is weak.

I may be profoundly unfit and deeply unwell but I am leading in the polls and and I am strong and my opponent is weak.

I may be a racist, bigot, misogynist and a xenophobe but I am leading in the polls and I am strong and my opponent is weak.

I may have led an armed attack on the Capitol, tried to overturn American democracy for all time and stripped the rights and freedoms away from the women of America but I am leading in the polls and I am strong and my opponent is weak.

I may lie about the economy, the border, crime, gas prices, Russia - everything - but I am leading in the polls and I am strong and my opponent is weak.

Which is why Harris leading in the polls is so important now.

For now she is leading in the polls and she is strong and Trump is weak and he is also a rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon, extremist, unfit and unwell, a racist, bigot, misogynist and a xenophobe, who led an armed attack on the Capitol, tried to overturn American democracy for all time, stripped the rights and freedoms away from the women of America and lies about everything all the time.

All Trump ever really had in this election was his lead in the polls and now that is gone. … st-polling

2,908 (edited by Slider_Quinn21 2024-08-05 12:42:06)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

Meanwhile, stock market is plunging, which isn't good news for Biden (Harris), in part thanks to a lousier July jobs number, and due to the awful mismanagement by Fed chairman Jerome Powell.  They're not even scheduled to meet on interest rate changes until next month.  This represents as big a concern for the "incumbent" ticket than anything else going on right now.

My question is...has Harris already lost the voters who think the economy is bad?  In other words, does the performance of the economy matter?

I saw an opinion article on USA Today that was from a conservative columnist who said "I have been attacking Biden but we should really be afraid of Harris."  The point of her article was that she'd attacked Biden as being far-left and a radical socialist for four years, but he's pretty moderate and it's actually Harris who's the far-left socialist.

If I had any interest in getting in a dialogue with someone like that, I would ask "So you admit you lied about Biden, but you want people to believe you now?"

The problem with MAGA and the GOP is that everything is a hyperbole.  Trump is the greatest president ever.  He had the greatest economy ever.  This is the greatest persecution ever.  Biden is the worst president ever.  It's the worst economy ever.  The border is the worst ever.

And the problem with that is that you've already played your card.  There's nowhere to go but up from the worst ever.  People get tired of hyperbole, and if you want to shift your attack, you have to admit you lied the first time.  Biden can't be the worst if Harris was the worst.  And, again, they've been saying this for years.  So anyone who's going to listen to Trump or Mike Johnson or Ted Cruz has already been convinced.

The stock market goes up and down, and it's already really up under Biden.  Maybe there are people who liked Trump but switched to Biden because the economy was doing better than Trump was saying, but I don't know how many of those there are.  Maybe the economy will be the tiebreaker for undecideds - it's a very important metric, but hopefully those people know that Trump doesn't have any sort of magic ability to improve the economy.  And if he did, he probably wouldn't have gone bankrupt so many times.

Grizzlor wrote:

Kamala has moved ahead on Nate Silver's board, which is something.

Forgot to comment on this.  This is something.  Nate has been really cold on Biden, and his model has been way more pessimistic on Biden than most places.  If he has her with a greater chance to win than Trump, that's pretty big.  Now the difference is minor, and it's basically a coin flip race in Nate's model, but it's pretty big.

And everyone is right, she's winning in a lot of polls now.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I am not qualified to review how the new economic developments are going to impact the election and am waiting on more news.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I know enough to know that many are pissed off with the Fed chairman Powell, and that they cannot wait until the planned September meetings, and should do something this week about the rate points.  I believe a rate cut will correct the market.  The tech-heavy NASDAQ got walloped today, partly due to bad job numbers in the information sector. 

You have a Presidential candidate literally CHEERING on economic bad news.  Another candidate admitted he dumped a dead bear carcass in Central Park 10 years ago.  Trump is in hot water with Georgia women voters, after disgracefully badmouthing the Governor's wife on Saturday, repeatedly.  They are pissed down there.  Again, is this Trump trying to lose, or Trump simply so unhinged all guard rails are off?

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

I know enough to know that many are pissed off with the Fed chairman Powell, and that they cannot wait until the planned September meetings, and should do something this week about the rate points.  I believe a rate cut will correct the market.  The tech-heavy NASDAQ got walloped today, partly due to bad job numbers in the information sector.

I never got my economics degree, so I need to defer to you on this unless told otherwise.

Grizzlor wrote:

You have a Presidential candidate literally CHEERING on economic bad news.  Another candidate admitted he dumped a dead bear carcass in Central Park 10 years ago.  Trump is in hot water with Georgia women voters, after disgracefully badmouthing the Governor's wife on Saturday, repeatedly.  They are pissed down there.  Again, is this Trump trying to lose, or Trump simply so unhinged all guard rails are off?

Well, I think your comment was onto something: his running for election alone got him the legal cover he wanted from his criminal charges. He's less invested now in reacquiring the presidency, although he still wants it.

2,912 (edited by QuinnSlidr 2024-08-06 03:08:37)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Stay the course, ladies and gentlemen...ignore the propaganda.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

All they are trying to do is cause mass panic and cause Black Monday itself. Stay the course...and don't panic.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

All propaganda and right wing lies. Nothing to worry about here.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

All this is is a market correction, folks. We are still in a far better economy than we ever were under the convicted felon Trump (Hitler).

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Well the funny thing is that Republicans are blaming Harris.  She isn't president.  Even if the president was directly responsible for the performance of the stock market (spoiler: he isn't), that would be on Biden, not Harris.  The only thing that they can do is say that Biden isn't in charge, Harris is.  Which, again, means they have to admit that they lied about Biden this whole time.


Sounds like it's Walz based on the security outside his and Shapiro's houses.  I think it would be a mistake, but that's not entirely a surprise.  Democrats seriously never do anything the easy way.

Maybe the polling is strong enough in Pennsylvania not to matter.  Maybe Walz appeals to those same Pennsylvania voters and also people in other swing state.  They know more than me, but bypassing the popular governor of a must-win state because a small segment of the population is threatening to vote against their own interests seems really silly to me.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Market already recovering.  Japan was up 10% overnight. 

Tim Walz was selected.  Kamala seemed to embrace him the best in the last part of the selection, and that's all that really matters.  He has a DWI arrest 30 years ago, after which he quit drinking.  I really knew nothing of Tim Walz, but he has done very well with rural voters, and my gosh he is just small town friendly on social media.  I've said before, the running mate is not going to prop you up, but Walz is a tremendous surrogate to have.  I would have been fine with Shapiro, but there needs to be chemistry.  Also, his selection would not have simply "won Pennsylvania," as that stuff rarely helps, even with a popular Governor in state.  He's not at the top of the ticket, which is what drives preferences.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

Also, his selection would not have simply "won Pennsylvania," as that stuff rarely helps, even with a popular Governor in state.  He's not at the top of the ticket, which is what drives preferences.

Sure, but Harris polls worse than Biden in Pennsylvania.  The switch from Biden to Harris is the worst in Pennsylvania.  And Pennsylvania is a must-win state.  Even if Shapiro was second on the ticket, it's basically a super-endorsement of her as a candidate.  If 60% of people like Shapiro then there's gotta be a portion of the population of the state that would have Shapiro as the tiebreaker.  Biden won Pennsylvania by 80,555 votes.  It might be closer than that this year.  If Shapiro convinces 0.1% of Pennsylvania voters, that's 6,836 voters.  That could be the election.

But I'll support Walz the same way I would've supported anyone else.  Maybe he can have the same effect as Shapiro in Pennsylvania.  Maybe he won't have the same issues Shapiro would've had with his views on Israel and his religion.  Maybe it's better to have a white Christian male on the ticket to balance out a black woman.

But if they lose Pennsylvania, they lost it today.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

Market already recovering.  Japan was up 10% overnight.

This is an area where I don't really know enough to comment, so I am grateful for your observations.

2,920 (edited by Grizzlor 2024-08-06 09:22:07)

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

Sure, but Harris polls worse than Biden in Pennsylvania.  The switch from Biden to Harris is the worst in Pennsylvania.  And Pennsylvania is a must-win state.  Even if Shapiro was second on the ticket, it's basically a super-endorsement of her as a candidate.  If 60% of people like Shapiro then there's gotta be a portion of the population of the state that would have Shapiro as the tiebreaker.  Biden won Pennsylvania by 80,555 votes.  It might be closer than that this year.  If Shapiro convinces 0.1% of Pennsylvania voters, that's 6,836 voters.  That could be the election.

But I'll support Walz the same way I would've supported anyone else.  Maybe he can have the same effect as Shapiro in Pennsylvania.  Maybe he won't have the same issues Shapiro would've had with his views on Israel and his religion.  Maybe it's better to have a white Christian male on the ticket to balance out a black woman.

But if they lose Pennsylvania, they lost it today.

First of all, Biden was polling baddd in PA prior to dropping out.  He was down 5-6 points, and she's even or ahead.  Second, Shapiro is not by himself winning her the state.  He was gifted an abject idiot of an opponent in 2022, and glided to the win there.  Let's not forget that Paul Ryan failed to deliver Mitt Romney his own congressional district!

My fear with him was he's too green, and perhaps overrated.  I also remain skeptical that Shapiro could have been a deal breaker in Michigan, where hundreds of thousands of Arab-Americans are still threatening to sit the election out.  Walz is an Amry veteran, teacher, football coach, Congressman, and just seems like he generates good vibes.  He has a significant social media presence, and has proven over the last month to know full well out to get yourself noticed on there.  He immediately entered the picture by blasting the phony Appalachian JD Vance to great effect.  I'm not sure which of these hopefuls would have helped Kamala "win" but Walz and Secretary Pete were the two best surrogates to govern.

In other news, the NY Times Sienna poll, which was not kind to Joe Biden, has Kamala comfortably up over Trump in the state of NY.  That state is obviously not up for grabs, but Harris has but Democrats back in the driver's seat around the host of suburban districts on Long Island and around the Hudson Valley region north of NYC.

ireactions wrote:
Grizzlor wrote:

Market already recovering.  Japan was up 10% overnight.

This is an area where I don't really know enough to comment, so I am grateful for your observations.

The most foolish thing anyone can do is to watch the stock market on any kind of regular basis.  You will go mad.  My view is the conservative approach, be in it for the long haul.  Second thing, there is a rule in politics.  NEVER tie yourself to gains in the stock market OR oil prices.  You have little control of either, and when they drop, you will be strangled by it.  Trump continues to flaunt the abject stupidity in this.  The #KamalaCrash nonsense is dead after less than 24 hours.  That said, the FED needs to cut rates and do it by the end of the week.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I appreciate the crash course in economics. It's not an area where I'm well-versed.

Regarding the debate over Trump's legal cases... while I certainly hope that the New York case and sentencing will proceed and bring justice to that area of Trump's criminality, I am forced to concede that every time Grizzlor predicted that Trump would wriggle out of seemingly insurmountable consequences, he has been correct.

Yes, Trump was convicted on 34 counts of fraud, but he managed to pay the bond in order to mount an appeal.

Yes, the allegations of impropriety in Fani Willis' office were petty and nonsensical, but due to Willis' unforced errors, she is unable to be an effective prosecutor against Trump's election interference and the case has become hopelessly tangled in fighting over Willis' potential removal. Despite my quibbles with Grizzlor's comments about Fani Willis' finances, the fact of the matter is: Fani Willis dating and hiring a colleague effectively torpedoed her own case. That is indisputable.

Yes, Jack Smith can now reappeal the stolen documents case, but Judge Aileen Cannon's stalling and the Supreme Court granting presidential immunity has impaired the prosecution. 

There are serious problems in all three cases despite Donald Trump clearly being as guilty as hell.

Grizzlor's predictions when it comes to Trump's cases have been on point and accurate and it's pretty clear that it's up to the voters to take Trump down.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I've said this before but if Trump came to me (as AG or as Jack Smith or whatever) and offered to disappear in exchange for dropping the cases, I'd take it.  I don't even care at this point if he never faces justice.  I want him to just go away and let American democracy heal.  Because outside of Trump, most of the MAGA nonsense doesn't work.  Kari Lake tried all the same tricks in Arizona that Trump tried, but there was no January 6th.  There were no protests.  There were barely any election deniers.

It only works with Trump.  And if he exiled himself to Mar-A-Lago and hosted dinner parties the rest of his life, I think we might be able to get some semblance of sanity back.

With that in mind, I hope whatever trial stuff happens before the election, it doesn't help Trump.  I don't want to give him a chance to look like a victim or whatever.  Harris has all the momentum, and I don't want that to change.


And Grizzlor, I'm willing to give Walz a chance.  I know VP doesn't make huge waves, but it just feels like Shapiro was going to hand Harris Pennsylvania.  In polling as a candidate himself, he was up 10 points on Trump there.  Even if a fraction of those people voted for Harris/Shapiro, she easily gets the most important state and the election gets so much easier.  And if it meant getting PA but losing MI, I'm cool with that.  She's polling pretty great in Wisconsin and then it would just be getting Georgia, North Carolina, or Arizona.  1/3 shot.

But maybe Shapiro as a surrogate is enough.  Maybe Walz gets the same number of votes that Shapiro would have gotten.  Maybe it doesn't matter.

Like I said, I'll be annoyed today and then get over it.  I hope he has Sun Belt appeal because I still think she needs the Blue Wall plus another state or two.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Josh Shapiro really nailed it on his speech at Kamala's rally this afternoon. Amazingly well done.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Tim Walz came out swinging against Trump (Hitler). I am really liking him.

I'm disappointed it wasn't Buttigieg, but I'm still putting my big boy pants on, voting, and not changing my vote.

Tim Walz is literally America's Dad. And Trump Team has the couch humper for VP. LOL


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

ireactions wrote:

Grizzlor's predictions when it comes to Trump's cases have been on point and accurate and it's pretty clear that it's up to the voters to take Trump down.

I take no pleasure in it.  When you grow up in the Northeast, you see a lot of corruption.  You throw enough lawyers and money at something, it's going to crack holes in the system.  The problem with these Trump cases is that even though most people know he's culpable, to prove it is not that simple.  Sometimes it is, but you have to get to that point.  The Republican Party has made it clear, our team is more important than the country, so they're going to protect Trump at all costs. 

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

And Grizzlor, I'm willing to give Walz a chance.  I know VP doesn't make huge waves, but it just feels like Shapiro was going to hand Harris Pennsylvania.  In polling as a candidate himself, he was up 10 points on Trump there.  Even if a fraction of those people voted for Harris/Shapiro, she easily gets the most important state and the election gets so much easier.  And if it meant getting PA but losing MI, I'm cool with that.  She's polling pretty great in Wisconsin and then it would just be getting Georgia, North Carolina, or Arizona.  1/3 shot.

But maybe Shapiro as a surrogate is enough.  Maybe Walz gets the same number of votes that Shapiro would have gotten.  Maybe it doesn't matter. 

Like I said, I'll be annoyed today and then get over it.  I hope he has Sun Belt appeal because I still think she needs the Blue Wall plus another state or two.

Harris selected Walz because she felt he was the best partner.  I think Shapiro, being another former AG, was probably too close to the background of Harris.  She wanted something different, where she was lacking.  Walz has a strong progressive record in Minnesota.  Some of it is potentially problematic on the social issue front.  But he has a long resume, much longer than Shapiro, and of course it's comical to compare to Vance LOL.  Also, let's not ignore that Kamala learned a LOT from Joe Biden.  Biden and she are very close, and she wants that kind of partnership.  There is a report now that Shapiro called the Harris team at some point over the weekend, and was "struggling" with leaving his post in Pennsylvania. 

QuinnSlidr wrote:

Josh Shapiro really nailed it on his speech at Kamala's rally this afternoon. Amazingly well done.

That was a great slate of speeches.  Harris is a better story teller than stump speaker, I will say.  She's displayed authenticity.  Walz was as advertised.  What a great crowd.  The difference is so stark.  The crowd is energized the whole time, and Shapiro, Harris, Walz are all fired up.  Plus, they were SMILING, and really enjoying themselves.  This is such a stark contrast with the dour, doom and gloom, low energy, grievance-filled, anger session that Trump and Vance participate in.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

Harris selected Walz because she felt he was the best partner.  I think Shapiro, being another former AG, was probably too close to the background of Harris.  She wanted something different, where she was lacking.  Walz has a strong progressive record in Minnesota.  Some of it is potentially problematic on the social issue front.  But he has a long resume, much longer than Shapiro, and of course it's comical to compare to Vance LOL.  Also, let's not ignore that Kamala learned a LOT from Joe Biden.  Biden and she are very close, and she wants that kind of partnership.  There is a report now that Shapiro called the Harris team at some point over the weekend, and was "struggling" with leaving his post in Pennsylvania.

Nate Silver wrote an article about it today.  I agreed with him in general, and he basically said Walz was the safe pick.  That it was a fairly traditional pick because it added to her.  And I know Shapiro had warts, and I'd certainly worry if he *only* added to Pennsylvania. 

My worries with Walz are:

- Does he give you anything?  I know he doesn't take away from the Gaza vote like Shapiro or from the union vote like Kelly.  But does he give you anything?  Is there anyone who would vote for Harris today who wasn't going to vote for her yesterday?  That's the question.  Maybe he's great.  I just hope he isn't Tim Kaine, who gave Clinton nothing.  I know he's better than Vance, but the bar certainly can't be that low.

- Republicans are celebrating their butts off.  Not the attacks - those have been generic and overblown as usual.  But Republicans thought she'd pick Shapiro and "the race would be over" - They basically saw it as a chance to go for the knockout, but instead they're still in the race.  That worries and bothers me.  It never feels good when you do something and the other side celebrates.

I guess we'll see.  The polls look good and she can still get a bump from the convention.  Maybe she'll get a bump from this.  The Harris campaign is much better than the Biden campaign was so maybe they'll make me eat my words in three months.  I would love nothing more than to be wrong about this.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Tim Walz:

These are weird people on the other side. They want to take books away, they want to be in your exam room. That’s what it comes down to, and don’t be sugarcoating this: these are weird ideas.

My God, they went after cat people. Good luck with that. Turn on the internet. See what cat people do when you go after them.

Tim Walz:

Some of us are old enough to remember when it was Republicans who were talking about freedom. It turns out now what they meant was the government should be free to invade your doctor's office.

In Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and their personal choices that they make. Even if we wouldn't make the same choice for ourselves. There's a golden rule: mind your own damn business!

When Vice President Harris and I talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make your own health care decisions. And for our children to be free to go to school without worrying they'll be shot dead in their classrooms. By the way, as you heard, I was one of the best shots in Congress. In Minnesota, we believe in the Second Amendment. But we also believe in common sense gun violence laws.

Donald Trump would damn sure take us backwards. Let's be clear about that. And don't believe him when he plays dumb. He knows exactly what Project 2025 will do to restrict our freedom. JD Vance literally literally wrote the forward for the architect of the Project 2025 agenda.

You know it, you feel it -- these guys are creepy and yes, just weird as hell.

We got 91 days. My God, that's easy. We'll sleep when we're dead!

This guy is funny. I like his use of plain language and his unforced stage presence of straight talk.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

One of my favorite facts about Tim Walz:

During his career as a high school teacher, in the same year, he coached the football team to a state title. AND served as the faculty advisor for the school's first gay-straight alliance club.

The more I learn about Tim Walz, the more I like.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

I really liked his dig about Vance getting off the couch - it was funnier than any line Trump has ever issued.  I listened to most of his speech and he came across really well.  I think he's going to appeal to people - maybe even some Trump people who have tired him but likes someone willing to "fight/attack" the other side. 

The polls continue to look pretty good.  It'll be interesting to see if this announcement and/or the battleground state tour moves the polls any.  I think if the election ended today, according to the 538 polling averages, Harris would win by the dreaded 270-268.  But she's pretty close in Georgia and Arizona, within striking distance in North Carolina, and it looks about tied in Nevada.  It doesn't appear that there are any states that Harris might be able to flip even if she increases her popularity a decent amount.  There's been no polling in South Carolina, but any even remotely pink state (Texas, Iowa, Florida, Ohio) seem pretty much in Trump's camp.  319 looks like Harris' ceiling (and would be amazing).

I still wish they'd been more pragmatic about the electoral math.  I don't know if Walz appeals much to independents or moderates, but I think he'd be a great VP if she can find a way to win.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Harris has taken a clear lead in polls like Marquette, Harris (no relation), and Marist.  Battleground's are still tied.  Cook Political Report has put all BG states back to toss up.

Walz is currently being "Swift boated" by Trump campaign chief Chris LaCivita, who did the same to Kerry.  The claims are audacious and stupid.  Walz needs to hit back.

Massive crowds this week at every HW stop.  JD Vance has been trailing them, with little to no following.  Where is Trump?  All he does is call in to talk shows and doesn't leave the golf clubs.  Advertising (TV and web) has trickled to a crawl.  They are clearly not going to open BG state offices like Biden (now Harris).  What the hell are they spending money on?

That brings us to Plan B.  Trump and friends have either replaced civil servants/officials or rules/laws in multiple states, with the purpose being an all out electoral count/certification battle following November 5.  Be prepared for a war.  They intend on selectively challenging precinct, county, and state vote counting and certification wherever they choose.  The "mistake" of 2020 was to try to stop it in Washington.  This time Trump intends on throwing out thousands of votes in a completely "out in public" attempt at stealing the election.  This is not hyperbole from me.  They have spent tens of millions on this effort.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Grizzlor wrote:

That brings us to Plan B.  Trump and friends have either replaced civil servants/officials or rules/laws in multiple states, with the purpose being an all out electoral count/certification battle following November 5.  Be prepared for a war.  They intend on selectively challenging precinct, county, and state vote counting and certification wherever they choose.  The "mistake" of 2020 was to try to stop it in Washington.  This time Trump intends on throwing out thousands of votes in a completely "out in public" attempt at stealing the election.  This is not hyperbole from me.  They have spent tens of millions on this effort.

Oh absolutely.  This doesn't end on election day.  That's just the beginning.  That's why this can't be 270-268.  She needs to win a couple of buffer states that can be overturned and she can still win.  I think Trump has the infrastructure to muck up at least one state, but I think it would be hard to overturn more than that.  If she can win the blue wall plus Georgia and Arizona, for example, then that should be enough.  And we're trending in that direction, at least.

If Trump has the infrastructure to overturn more than that, the election literally doesn't matter.


I'm blown away that there were Gaza protesters at Harris' rally.  I seriously don't understand what these people are doing.  Trump has literally promised to jail them, and they're helping him win.

But I thought she handled it magnificently.  I think she also handled the "Lock Him Up" chants well.  As I've said, now that the trials aren't going to accomplish anything before November, we need to stop focusing on that.  Beat him in November.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

I'm blown away that there were Gaza protesters at Harris' rally.  I seriously don't understand what these people are doing.  Trump has literally promised to jail them, and they're helping him win.

But I thought she handled it magnificently.  I think she also handled the "Lock Him Up" chants well.  As I've said, now that the trials aren't going to accomplish anything before November, we need to stop focusing on that.  Beat him in November.

They'll be all over Chicago next week as well.  VP Harris actually MET with the leaders of the Michigan "non-committed" movement before the Detroit airport event.  Some then proceeded to repeatedly interrupt her, until she finally told them off as one should.  These people would have been completely barred from a Trump event.  Unfortunately these people are completely incorrigible, and they have literally no home in major American politics.  Another squad member got dumped, being Cori Bush in St. Louis, by a great candidate in DA Wesley Bell.  She proceeded to have an on-stage meltdown.  Sadly the cannot be said of Europe, where pro-Hamas factions are rampant.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Its just frustrating because it was one of the primary reasons she went with Walz over Shapiro.  Maybe not the only reason but one of the primary ones.  They barely gave her 48 hours of good will over it.


Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

Its just frustrating because it was one of the primary reasons she went with Walz over Shapiro.  Maybe not the only reason but one of the primary ones.  They barely gave her 48 hours of good will over it.

I do NOT believe that at all.  By the way, Gretchen Whitmer lost the Arab-American vote last time, won the state of MI by 11 points.  If Harris can continue to prove she has a spine, that's going to go along way.  She and Biden are sick of Netanyahu, he's looking to start an Iranian war.  These are not serious people, this protesters.  They march around with Gays for Palestine signs.  Try being a gay person in Gaza.  Unserious.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Trump's press conference yesterday was a bit of a disaster, but I don't know if it will matter much.  I wonder if the race has hit a new equilibrium that will take a Biden debate - level event to shake it up.  If that's the case, this race might come down to what undecideds / current RFK voters decide to do on the day.

If we go by 538's polling averages, she's winning the blue wall and she's within 0.5% in Arizona and Georgia.  Surprisingly, there isn't enough polling in Nevada to have an average, and NE-2 hasn't done a poll since Biden dropped out.  I think North Carolina is a pipe dream at this point.  If she wins that, I think she would've swept all the races and it'll just be icing on the cake.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

Trump's press conference yesterday was a bit of a disaster

And the Hindenburg was a bit of a mishap.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

See, maybe I'm desensitized to Trump, but I didn't think it was Hindenburg level.  I'm with Lawrence O'Donnell - the media needs to be better at fact checking Trump live if they're going to air his stuff.  There need to be follow-up questions and there needs to accountability, or his stuff shouldn't be aired.  If Trump wants to completely control these events, then they can air exclusively on Ben Shapiro's podcast.  If he wants free airtime, then he needs to agree to face difficult questions (to be fair, like he did in the Black Journalists event).

A lot of far-right people are talking about what a disaster Trump's campaign has been.  I don't know if it's true or not, but it sounds like he has no ground game and hasn't been advertising at all.  I haven't watched much of the Olympics but I heard Harris ads are being shown constantly.  I know every time I open YouTube, I get a Harris ad.  She campaigned in Arizona, and he campaigned in Montana.

I wonder if he is shifting towards post-election nonsense.  If that's the case, Harris needs to stay the course.  If she can win all six battleground states (and even North Carolina), I don't know if Trump's going to be able to cause enough chaos.  I worry about election day chaos so I hope Harris voters vote early.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Another round of good polling for Harris.  It was just one poll, but she's tied in North Carolina.  Its not an exact science, but if she wins North Carolina, she's going to win the election (maybe as big as possible).  Just like a month ago when they were talking about Trump winning Minnesota, that would've been best case for him.

Still a long way to go and Harris will have to defend herself on the debate stage and in interviews, but it's amazing how much things have flipped in such a short amount of time.  She's on the inside track now.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

Slider_Quinn21 wrote:

Another round of good polling for Harris.  It was just one poll, but she's tied in North Carolina.  Its not an exact science, but if she wins North Carolina, she's going to win the election (maybe as big as possible).  Just like a month ago when they were talking about Trump winning Minnesota, that would've been best case for him.

Still a long way to go and Harris will have to defend herself on the debate stage and in interviews, but it's amazing how much things have flipped in such a short amount of time.  She's on the inside track now.

She's 4 points ahead in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. That gets her to 270 electoral votes automatically.

I'm cautiously optimistic but I am pretty sure Trump is done.

Re: American Politics: Discuss and Debate

QuinnSlidr wrote:

She's 4 points ahead in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. That gets her to 270 electoral votes automatically.

I'm cautiously optimistic but I am pretty sure Trump is done.

She's right below the margin of error in those states in the latest polling.  The polling averages are also a little lower than that, but the trends are going in the right direction.  You're right about that, of course (assuming NE-2 which must not be taken for granted - it would be the most important district in the country if she keeps the blue wall.

But I would be absolutely terrified at 270-268.  I know that we have things in place to protect an electoral win, but Trump has been working on this for four years.  He's going to give this thing his best shot...not before Election Day but *after* it.  I think he wants to overturn the election, maybe even more than winning it outright.  He feels like he was cheated, and he wants to cheat someone else.

So even if the blue wall moved to comfortably in her column, even with polling errors baked in, we need to get at least two of Nevada/Georgia/Arizona/North Carolina.  I think Trump is capable of flipping a state (and if she only gets Arizona and Nevada on top of the blue wall, Trump could simply flip Pennsylvania and win) so Harris needs to not only get to 270 but get high enough above 270 that Trump can't screw us all out of it.

I think she's on pace for that, but we'll see.