QuinnSlidr wrote:I prefer Buttigieg. Never heard of any of these other people until they were in the running for VP. And Buttigieg has the name recognition.
I absolutely love Buttigieg. I think he'd be great, and I think he can absolutely be president some day. But in an election where evangelicals are already going to extra motivated, I think running a ticket of a black woman and a gay man is going to cause extra issues. As much as I love Shapiro, I'm a little bit nervous about not having a Christian man on the ticket.
I know it's not the way it should be, but I think Pete needs to wait until some of the Trump anti-LGBT firestorm dies down. Add him to the Harris cabinet (Secretary of State?) and keep building up his resume.
Grizzlor wrote:David Axelrod, James Carville, etc., telling Democrats not to get too in love with this honeymoon surge. Work needs to be done. I know what they are thinking, that when push comes to shove, the Trump vote will turn out, and the Harris vote won't, at least, to what the polls are.
I agree about the honeymoon period, but could it last a couple more months? People seem to be energized by a non-Trump/Biden candidate, and honeymoon. Harris' own VP approval rating honeymoon lasted almost eight months. My hope is that Harris wins before people even really know if they like her or not.
As far as turnout goes, I think you're forgetting that the true power the Democrats have is anti-Trump, not pro-Harris. The anti-Trump people will turn out whether it's Biden, Harris, or me on the ballot. They'd show up if they had to write Harris in. A ton of people in this country love Trump, but a ton of people hate him. Both are equally excited to show up. Also, since the shift in the electorate, Democrats do better with people who are more likely to vote. I'll let 538 explain from this article: https://abcnews.go.com/538/harris-trump … =112494481
Another reason our averages are better for Harris is that 538 adjusts polls that were conducted among registered voters (marked as "RV" on our polls page) or all adults ("A") toward the results of likely voter ("LV") polls. We make this adjustment because we know for a fact that not all adults or even all registered voters will vote in the election, and the types of people who vote differ from nonvoters in predictable ways.
Specifically, there is evidence that likely voters are now a bit more Democratic than the general population; for example, likely voter polls of Trump versus Biden tended to look better for Democrats than polls of that matchup among registered voters or all adults. Our average makes this adjustment by looking for systematic differences between likely voter and registered voter/all adult polls after controlling for other factors, such as the pollster who conducted the poll, the mode it was conducted with, the time it was conducted, etc.
Basically, Trump has a really rabid group of people who almost never vote in anything else. They're also less likely to vote in ways that are more convenient (by mail, voting early, etc) so something like weather in rural Pennsylvania on election day can actually make a difference.
Grizzlor wrote:I think it's a mistake NOT to have her debate Trump. Let him wallow in his own cowardice a little longer, but she HAS to debate this guy. Pointing to what those guys have been saying, Harris needs to prove she is up for the job, with more than just endorsements and commercials and short stump speeches. Remove the doubts.
I think you're right, and I think she will. But I think she's doing the right thing and hammering him on being weak and cowardly. MAGA will eat up whatever excuse he has, but undecideds won't. She needs to make that point instead of quickly accepting any offer Trump makes so that the news can report day after day that she's sticking to the original agreement and Trump wants a friendly crowd on a friendly network. Then she can hammer him on it during the debate too.
I'm also a little nervous about Trump's legal stuff popping up. I wonder if that will break up some of the momentum that Harris has now. Trump campaigned better and raised money better during his trials, and as much as I'd love the population to learn more about his election interference case, I wonder if it's better to just let it lie until after the election.