MODERATOR WARNING: This post contains misrepresentations of mRNA vaccines and false claims regarding electrostatic masks. The next time this poster makes false claims regarding public health and safety, they will be banned for a week. The next incident will lead to a one month ban. An incident after that will lead to a permanent ban.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize this forum about a television show was in reality a graduate level discussion board at Johns Hopkins. But I'll play along because you are putting words in my mouth.
1. I know how flu vaccines work, they are developed based on data from each hemisphere, because it's winter in one, and summer in the other. The vaccine companies then use this data to HEDGE repeat HEDGE on which flu strains they expect to be most prevalent. I've gotten plenty of flu shots, and I know that sometimes they guess wrong and you aren't very protected. Oh well, it is what it is.
MODERATOR NOTE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This poster is dismissing the value of flu shots as formulated by guesswork. Flu shots are formulated based on extensive surveillance and forecasting data across 114 countries in the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System. It is not completely accurate forecasting, but it is not random guesswork. Due to numerous strains of influenza, the annual flu shot cannot offer complete protection, and strains not within the annual shot may arise. Statistically, a flu shot still reduces the risk of illness among the overall population by 40 to 60 percent and is worthwhile protection.
2. I never said anything about flu vaccines previoiusly, and those are NOT mRNA vaccines anyway. Now, when it comes to COVID vaccines, after the first vaccines were passed by FDA, subsequent iterations are tested only in a lab, that's called a PRECLINICAL trial. They are NOT tested on humans. Furthermore, they are tested on the "currently circulating" virus, and as we have seen with COVID, it mutates quickly, like any coronovirus does, and so the vaccine being administered are, ironically, like flu vaccines, just targeting what the researchers decide is their best guess. Again, this is fine, and anyone who wishes to take it is fine by me. In terms of efficacy of those vaccines, the only clinical trials were conducted on people and released back in December 2020, as I said before. At the time, the vaccines had tremendous performance against the pre-Delta/Omicron COVID strands. Once it mutated to those, the vaccines at the time had large drops in effectiveness, so out came the "boosters." Which by the way, is not my term, that is the term the media and even pharma uses on Covid vaccines! What you are currently being sold, by pharmaceuticals, is NOT clinically tested, and neither you nor I can actually claim efficacy because there has not been actual human research. Lab research IMO is not sufficient, because most things that work in a petri dish do not work in human trial. Any researcher would admit to this. … comparison
MODERATOR FACT CHECK: This poster has falsely characterized new mRNA vaccines as not responsive to current versions of COVID-19. This is false.
New mRNA vaccines are reformulated to target the lineage of recent COVID-19 variants, a lineage from which currently circulating variants of COVID-19 would have emerged. The original mRNA vaccine mechanism of spike protein generation for immune system response against the original COVID-19 virus has proven effective over the course of mass distribution beginning in 2021.
The reformulated vaccines, while not a perfect match to currently circulating variants, have sufficient efficiency from lineage targeting to recognize the new variants and create an immune system response.
While the immune response is imperfect, it is sufficient to ward off severe illness, hospitalization, and death. … inter-2023
This poster's protest that the specific reformulated vaccine has not received full human trials is unreasonable for a vaccine that must be reformulated every 6 - 12 months and can practically receive only abbreviated clinical trials. The underlying mRNA vaccine technology has been tested since 2013, the underlying COVID-19 vaccine technology has been further reviewed during the urgent roll-out of 2021 and continues to this day.
3. You technically agreed with what I said about masks. If you're not wearing an N95, you are likely unprotected.
Secondly, you completely passed right over what I said about the other mitigating factors in regards to disease prevention and spread. People who are healthy, mask, vaccine, or not, have been proven to have an extremely lower level of risk from infectious disease. It's simple biology. Those who are not, probably should consider things like vaccines and/or masks. I could just as easily argue that COVID's "decrease" is due to "herd immunity," and the wearing of masks is now unnecessary. Given that mandates have stopped pretty much everywhere, I'd not be wrong, no?
But to be "scientific," here is the NIH study of other studies on the subject of mask efficacy, in terms of wearing, types, and the mandates. They found that most of the studies were problematic, because they were observational rather than experimental. Now I HATED reading these kinds of materials in grad school, but the Results section you will find that the studies were flawed and the results were all across the board. So before you "moderate" me for saying the science is not settled on these things, perhaps you can admit the science is NOT settled? Which was my point. Do masks work? Obviously YES they work to some degree, I'm not an idiot. The science however, is simply not conclusively proven, because there are again, a multitude of environmental factors. It's called everyday life, and while anyone is free to wear a mask, I am also free to continue to doubt that choice. Same as those who shout about the undeniable health benefits of being a vegan, which again, not conclusive that fully eliminating meat products is the way to go.
MODERATOR FACT CHECK: This poster claims that only N95 masks offer protection. This is false.
Masks with electrostatic filtering and a good seal are effective in filtering viral particles from inhalation. Electrostatic filtration is a technology that has existed since 1907 and is used in surgical masks, KN95 masks, N95 masks and KF94 masks. Electrostatic filtration is not limited to N95 masks. … espirators
This poster cites "mitigating factors". These factors have no bearing on the proven filtration efficacy of well-sealed electrostatic masks in blocking particles, droplets and aerosols from being inhaled by a mask wearer.
4. We come to Mr. Wheaton, and you know what, yes, you are absolutely correct, I was LAZY, and didn't research his multitude of claims. I have in fact heard them all, because I heard him on Rosenbaum's podcast recount them all. Again, it was laziness. However, I would never discount child abuse and its lasting effects intentionally. I do apologize if that's how it came across, and that is the ONLY thing I'm apologizing for writing here.
In conclusion, you can "moderate" all you like, but in my opinion, pointing to an article which itself is merely a collection of best recommendations, as if that is scientific law, is acceptable? How is my questioning the lack of high level scientific consensus "misinformation?" When as I showed, the scientists themselves can't agree on most any of this. I really DON'T feel like discussing viruses and masks here regardless, but I also defend the first amendment, there is no more important human right.
QuinnSlidr wrote:Sorry Grizzlor, but most of what you're spouting is right wing anti-vaxx propaganda. You might not be a crazy Trumper, but what you're saying is rooted in that propaganda. They aren't facts.
Dr. Fauci is a hero for everything he has done for us.
He was once a "hero" during the AIDS era. Since that point, he's been a bureaucrat, which is fine. He was in a no-win situation given the President was a complete moron. He DID preface most of what he advised as simply that, best-guesses. He tried to be optimistic.
Where Fauci was dead wrong was in directed massive funds to gain of function research, which was going on in Wuhan because you couldn't get that kind of madness passed a regulator in the USA or most of Europe. Was that the origin of COVID? Very possibly. He and even Trump tried to dispel that notion, when in reality there should have been immediate and loud criticism of China. They couldn't do that, because their hands were "dirty." Let me say this, I don't know when, but there will come a reckoning to which the "work" of Fauci's NIH gain of function research is placed right alongside garbage like MK Ultra. No one will ever be brought to justice over that, of course, that's the American way.
IMO, he failed in his role as chief bureaucrat of NIH. His ethical compass was compromised, at some point. He has been dismissive of actual medical criticism over the years, alleged by scores of reputable and unbiased researchers in his own field. You can call that conspiratorial if you like, but it's based on well-known public information. He's no hero. Not a fan of being labeled a propagandist when again, the science is not settled. Being anti-vaxx would be these people who scream about autism or that microchips are being implanted. Those have zero basis in fact.